Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 14, 2008, Page 8, Image 8

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Mango - The King of Fruit
P a irin g m a n g o s w ith y o u r
fa v o rite e n tre e , sid e d ish , o r
d e s se rt is e a sie r th a n e v e r.
O u r fe a tu re d re c ip e s are sure
to p le a se any p a la te , m ix in g the
sa v o ry w ith th e sw eet.
M a n g o s a re a n a tu ra l c o m ­
fo rt food. M a n g o s re a lly can
m ak e y o u feel b etter! B e y o n d
b ein g d e lic io u s an d rich in v ita ­
m in s, m in erals and a n tio x id a n ts,
m a n g o s c o n ta in an e n z y m e w ith
The Magnificent Mango
• The m ango is known as the king o f fruit'
throughout the world.
• M angos originated in East India, Burma and
the A ndam an Islands bordering the Bay of
Bengal. A round the 5th century B.C.,
sto m a c h s o o th in g p r o p e r tie s
sim ila r to th e p e p sin e n s y m e
fo u n d in p ap a y as.
T h e se c o m fo rtin g e n z y m e s
ac, as d ig e s tiv e a id s a n d ca n be
h eld p a rtia lly re s p o n s ib le fo r
th at fe e lin g o f c o n te n tm e n t w e
e x p e rie n c e d u rin g an d a fte r o u r
• M angos are bursting with protective nutri­
ents. The vitam in content depends upon the
variety and m aturity o f the fruit, when the
mango is green the am ount o f vitamin C is
higher, as it ripens the am ount o f beta carotene
(vitam in A) increases.
• There are over 20 million metric tons of
Mango a Day Keeps Docs Away
May 14, 2008
d a ily m a n g o ritu a l. Y es, it is
q u ite n a tu ra l to c ra v e th o s e
m a n g o s!
T h e m a n g o , b o th in its g ree n
a n d rip e fo rm , is a v ery g o o d
te n d e riz in g a g e n t d u e to th e se
sa m e e n z y m e s, th e re fo re ideal
to in c lu d e in an y m arin ad e.
m angos grow n throughout the tropical and
sub-tropical world each year.
• The mango is a member of the Anachardiaceae
fam ily. O ther distant relatives include the
cashew , pistachio, Jam aica plum, poison ivy
and poison oak.
• The m ango fruit skin is not considered edible.
Research has show n that that dietary fiber has a protective effect
against degenerative diseases, especially with regards to the heart; it
may help prevent certain types o f cancer, as well as low ering blood
cholesterol levels. An average sized m ango can contain up to 40 percent
o f your daily fiber requirem ent. M angos are also a great way to replenish
potassium. C urrently ongoing studies suggest m angos may protect
against diabetes, too. Deliciously rich in antioxidants, potassium , vita­
mins and fiber - the m ango is the perfect fruit! Truly the king o f fruit.’
Get more
out of your
In g r e d ie n ts f o r life.®
Stimulus Check
Pork Fajitas
with Mango
Rancher’s Reserve®
Boneless Beef London Broil
SAVE up to $2 ,2 5 lb.
“ E n jo y th e s e w ith lim e
w e d g e s a n d M e x ic a n b e e r. ”
In g re d ie n ts
• 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice
• I teaspoon ground cumin
• I (l-p o u n d ) pork ten d erlo in ,
trimm ed, cut into 1/2-inch strips
• Cooking spray
• 2 cups julienne-cut red bell pep­
per, (about 1 m edium )
• 2 cups julienne-cut green bell
pepper, (about I m edium )
• 1 cup thinly sliced onion
F ood
• 3 garlic cloves, m inced
• 1 tablespoon low -sodium soy
• 1 teaspoon sugar
• 8 (8-inch) low-fat flour tortillas
• I 1/2 cups diced m ango (about 1)
• I /4 cup fat-free sour cream
D ire c tio n s
1. C om binejuice, cum in and pork in a medium bowl, tossing well tocoat.
Let stand 5 minutes.
2. Heat a large nonstick skillet over m edium -high heat. Coat pan with
cooking spray. Add pork to pan; saute 4 m inutes or until done. Remove
from pan.
3. Recoat pan with cooking spray. Add peppers and onion; cook 6
m inutes or until tender. Add garlic and pork; cook for 5 minute. Add I
tablespoon soy sauce and sugar; cook I minute. Remove from heat.
4 . Serve pork mixture with warm tortillas, m ango and sour cream.
These Family Favorites
•arm s
Here’s How:
Rancher’s Reserve®
Boneless Beef Top Sirloin Steak
Extreme Value Pack.
Boneless Pork Sirloin Chops
Extreme Value Pack.
SAVE up to $1.75 lb.
Foster Farms Split Chicken
Breasts, Thighs or Drumsticks
Fresh. Bone-in. Locally grown. SAVE up to $1.50 lb.
Stimulus Check
here for J REE
SAVE up to $ 3 .4 0 lb.
Mango Papaya Salsa
" T h is d e lic io u s s a ls a ta s te
Cash your
Get a 10%
Savings Award
Redeem it the
same day or the
next to get 10%
off your grocery
g r e a t s e r v e d w it h c h ic k e n
o r f is h . ”
In a medium bowl, mix mango, pa­
paya, red bell pepper, avocado, sweet
onion, cilantro and balsamic vinegar;
season with salt and pepper. Cover,
and chill in the refrigerator at least 30
minutes before serving.
• I m ango - peeled, seeded and
• 1 papaya - peeled, seeded and
• I large red bell pepper, seeded
and diced
• I avocado - peeled, pitted and
• 1/2 sweet onion, peeled and diced
• 2 ta b lesp o o n s ch o p p e d fresh
• 2 tablespoons balsam ic vinegar
• Salt and pepper to taste
Alaskan Sockeye
Salmon Fillets
D ire c tio n s
Dulcinea P ureh earf “
Seedless W atermelon
SAVE up to $ 3 9 9 ea.
j SAVE up to $3 .0 0 8).
Savings Award
On the Vine
Cluster Tomatoes
Or Campan T o m a t e
v \
16-oz 2 lor $6.00.
Get more
out of your
SAVE up to $2.71 ft
Present this Savings
Award w ith your d u b Card
at checkout and receive
10% oft your shopping
trip today.*
Northwest Grown
Green Asparagus
Standard or Large size
SAVE up to $2.01 lb.
Thai Green
Mango Salad
Lucerne* M ilk
Skim Supreme or Fat Free.
At checkstand. first item
will scan at regular price,
“ H e a lt h y a n d d e lic io u s ! ”
Club Price: $ 2 .5 0 ea.
64-o z S eled ed varieties.
second item will reflect
Club Price: $ 3 0 0 ea
SAVE up to $2 .7 8 on 2
In g re d ie n ts
S a la d
• 3 cups baby salad greens, washed
and dried
• 1 mango, green, (slightly under­
ripe), thinly sliced
• 1/2 cup cherry tom atoes
• I l/2cupscoriander, mostly leaves
D ressing
• I ta b le s p o o n le m o n g r a s s ,
19.7-oz. Cereal.
M inute M aid or
Florida's Natural
Orange Juice
Froot Loops
Gallon. Whole. 2% , 1%,
• 1/2 cup lim e juice
• 1/4 cup fish sauce
• 1/4 cup palm sugar
• 2 red chilies, remove seeds and
chop finely
• 1 clovegarlic.peelandchopfinely
J 2 t o f
Stimulus Checks must be
cashed at lhe Costomer
Service desk.
Offer effective dates:
5/14/08 lo 7/19/08
M ix N’ M atch
9 to 18-oz.
Selected varieties.
Safeway Buffer
Top Breads
Arrowhead W ater
22-oz. W hite or Wheal,
24-pack, 16.9-oz
Club Price: $1.50 ea.
SAVE up to $ 1 3 8 on 2
SAVE uptoS2.OO
SAVE up to $4 4 9 on 2
one day from issue d
Restrictions apply.
See Manager or
Savings Award lor de
D ire c tio n s
1. Mix salad greens with all the rem aining ingredients.
2. Com bine dressing ingredients and gently toss through all the
ingredients. A rrange on salad platter to serve.
Notes: Palm sugar can be found at Asian grocers but if unavailable
substitute brown sugar. Use the inner part of the lemon grass to chop
for the dressing as it is tenderer. And remember to wash hands well after
chopping the chili (or wear gloves).
18-Pack Bud,
M iller or Coors
12-oz. bottles
S eled ed varieties.
Mango Pudding
Plus deposit in Oregon
■ Northern Bath or
[ Brawny Towel
Potato Chips
11.5to 12.5-oz.
9 Mega or 12 Roll Bath
or 6 Big or 8 Roll Towel.
S eled ed varieties
SAVE up to $ 3 5 0
SAVE up to $ 3 7 9
SAVE up lo $ 4 00
• */j cup m acadam ia nuts, soaked
until soft
• 2 ounces water
• 3 cups peeled, fresh mango
• '4 cup guava nectar
• 'A teaspoon sea salt
“ T h is v e r y r ic h a n d
c r e a m y t r e a t is d e lic io u s ! ’’
Blend m acadam ia nuts and water
until smrxith. W hile blender is run­
ning. add mango, guava nectar and
sea salt. Process until cream y; re­
frigerate for an hour to set.
J 5
*reat g ifts
m ade sim ple
Shop all y o u r fa v o rite r e t a il« « h are
Products may not be available In all
Get groceries
delivered to
your home.
S a fe w a y .c o m
«ores See g ilt card, for derails, term,
and r oodrtiom, whir h may vary
Prices in this ad g o o d th ro u g h M a y 2 0 th
Prices In this ad are etter.hve 6 AM Wednesday May 14 thru Tuesday. May 20. 2008 in all Safeway stores in Oregon (except Milton Freewater) and S W Washington stores serving Wahkiakum, Cowlitz, Clark, Skamania and
Klickitat Counties Items ottered tor sale are not available to other dealers or wholesalers Sales o l products containing ephedrine oseudnephedrlne or phenylpropanolamine lim ited by law OurffitNy rights reserved SOME
ADVERTISING ITEMS MAY NOT BE AVAilABI E IN ALL STORES Some advertised prices may be even lower in some stores On Buy One, Get One Free CBOGO") otters, customer must purchase the hrst item to receive the
second item tree BOGO otters are not 1/7 price sales II only a single item purchased the regular price applies M anufacturers' coupons may be used on purchased items only — not on tree items Lim il one coupon pet
purchased item Customer win be responsible tor tax and deposits as required by law on the purchased and free items No liquor sales m excess ol 5? gallons No liquor sales lor resate t iquor sales at licensed Safeway
p Q stores only. © 2 00 8 Saleway Inc. Availability ot items may vary by store