Page A5 May 14. 2008 C ascade C onnection Finding Opportunity during Economic Slump It’s no secret - we are living in hard economic times. Unem­ ployment is on the rise, eco­ nomic growth has all but ground to a halt. Even in Portland, hous­ ing prices - for so long a major repository of American wealth - a r e losing value. And the long departure of good blue-collar jobs to foreign shores contin­ ues. What is a hard-working per­ son todo in such circumstances? It is easy to feel defeated, to look for some subsistence job (or more than one) and ride out the storm. It is easy to think that you don’t have any power over the situation. in good times or bad, than com ­ munity college. It is a much less expensive option than at­ tending a four-year college or university, and a far more flex­ ible one in terms of scheduling and location. And even more importantly, comm unity col­ lege allows you to choose from a broad array o f fields for which demand for skilled pro­ fessionals will only grow in the years to come. Take health care, for ex­ ample. The elderly are the fast­ est-growing age group in the nation, and we are entering the leading edge of the Baby Boom ers’ retirement. All of Police officer, medical labora­ tory tech n ician , fo ren sics, opthalmic laboratory technician - all these careers are as close as two years away, maybe even closer if you' ve already got some college studies under your belt. And it doesn’t stop there. Growing fields such as multi- media, video production and website design are also repre­ sented at Cascade Cam pus, as are skilled trades such as facilities m aintenance and fi­ ber optics technology. Many of our graduates with two- year degrees in these fields - and a range of other types of degrees - earn good salaries with excellent benefits. If you ’ re looking for a more advanced degree, Cascade Cam pus is a wonderful place to start. Lots of our graduates go on to earn baccalau­ reate and graduate de­ grees from prestigious four-year institutions. Yes, times are lean, and the expense of furthering your edu­ cation can seem like something that has to be put off. I think that’s a mistaken attitude. Fur­ thering your education is some­ thing that cannot be put off, especially in tough economic times. So open that door. Take con­ trol. Register for the Summer Term at Cascade Campus, and put yourself in a position to suc­ ceed - not only now, but for the rest of your life. Algie C. Gatewood, Ed.D., is president o f Portland Com­ m unity C o lle g e ’s C ascade Campus. roots What better time to take control o f your situation, to begin a change o f career. But like my daddy used to tel I me back in North Carolina, when one door closes, another opens. Instead of a time of des­ peration, an economic slumpcan be a time of opportunity. What better time to take control of your situation, to begin achange of career, to place yourself in a position where you can more easily make it through the next round of lean times? And what better place to do it than community college? Going back to school in times 1 ike these is like buying insurance for the next economic downturn. One of the best educational resources for working people, these people will need increas­ ing levels of care as they age, and the people who provide that care will find their ser­ vices increasingly in demand. Law enforcement is another good e x a m p le. T he sam e wave of Baby Boomer retire­ ments is hitting the Portland Police Bureau and a new gen­ eration of officers is needed. How does community col­ lege fit into this picture? Well, two-year degree programs for many careers in the fields I just mentioned - health care and law enforcement - are avail­ able at Portland Community C ollege’s Cascade Campus. Celebrate "Diversity in Politics & Activism" with art, food, and dance from all across the globe! Featuring live music from Cubaneo, Copacrescent, Lifesavas and more! For more inform ation check out TP bank CIEAN C O P f lû jn it u s Q3 {JortUnfe (Chur»» 3 zipcar’ U U J ASOD bring on OUR NEWEST PICK? A NATURE-INSPIRED PRINT. AMBER SUN floral cotton tunic, xs xl; 98.00. Linen Bermuda shorts, 4 18; 62.00 Narrative. Discover more, Clackamas Town Center 503.652.1810. Downtown Portland 503.224.6666. Lloyd Center 503.287.2444 Salem Center 503 371 7710. Vancouver 160.256 8666 Washington Square 503.620 0555. Shipping charges may apply I