May 14. 2008 il!‘' 3’J tfrth tu b (.Ohscruer PageA2 Ask ö Ö5 □ 3 3 Real People, Real Advice An advice colum n known f o r its fea rless approach Io reality based subjects! Dear Deanna! I'm in love with a m arried man I’ve known for several years. I know that he and I would be together, but he got som eone pregnant and had to marry her. He stays in his m ar­ riage because ot the child, but it s getting hard for him to not com m it adultery with me. W e’ve had dates here and there, but we haven't crossed the line. I'm at the point of no return and if we becom e inti­ mate, he’II leave his marriage. Should I feel bad if this happens? Legal Mistress; Raleigh. N.C. Dear Mistress: Did you enjoy the trip when you fell and hit your head? He is with the woman he wanted, and it isn't you. He is a real man and did the right thing by giving his child a family and a home that doesn’t include hom ew reckers like yourself. H e’s ju st as wrong as you, but if you really care about him, stop being a tem ptation trying to claim forbid­ den fruit. H e's not leaving his wife, and you need to stop the m adness before som eone gets hurt and keep it moving. an issue w ith either one o f them and I think th e y 're being unfair. How do I choose w ho I w ant to be friends with because I c a n ’t be f r ie n d s w ith b o th o f th e m ? —Nicki: Buffalo, N. T. Critical Moment for Voters con tin u ed y ear ago, Barack sp eak s to the survival m ode o f us all as we stru g g le in this e c o n o m y ," Hall Dear Nicki: Do yourself a favor and lose some w eight by dropping b othofthem . If they d o n 't value your friendship enough to shield you from their dram a and gam es, then they d o n 't deserve your friendship. Y ou’re not part o f the problem now, but if you choose one over the other, you becom e a target from the other one. Before you m ake a decision, see if you can help your friends resolve their issues and if not, call it a three- way split and keep it moving. said. L ast w eek, O b am a did not rule out selecting C lin to n as a vice presidential ru n n in g m ate if he ultim ately w ins the race ag ain st her. A c c o rd in g to a C B S /N e w Y o rk T im e s p o ll, a m a jo rity o f b o th O b a m a an d C lin to n v o te rs fa v o r th is s o - c a lle d “ d re a m tic k e t" m a k in g a fo r­ m id a b le te am a g a in st R e p u b ­ lic a n J o h n M c C a in in th e Dear Deanna! I walked away from a long marriage, a new hom e and a family because I w asn't happy. My husband and kids took me for granted and walked over me. I did all I thought was necessary such as counseling, hir­ ing babysitters for the kids and losing weight. No one in the family has noticed o rcared about my pain, or cries for help or attention. Now that I’m gone, ignoring everybody, they d o n ' I know what to do and are begging me to com e home. What u do? — Tom Wife: St. hniis, Mo. N o v e m b e r e le c tio n . C lin to n c a m p a ig n e rs h av e v o w e d to c o n tin u e fig h tin g fo r th e n o m in a tio n to the en d if n e c e s sa ry . A se n se o f u r­ g e n c y d rew d o z e n s o f v o lu n ­ te e rs to w o rk p h o n e b a n k s at h er sta te c a m p a ig n h e a d q u a r­ te rs in d o w n to w n P o rtla n d th is w eek. “ W e know O reg o n is a little bit o f a lo n g -sh o t fo r us, but every single vote is im portant, every single state is part o f this p ro c e ss and s h o u ld b e co u n ted ," says Ju lie E dw ards, state C lin to n cam p aig n co m ­ m u n icatio n s director. Dear Torn Wife: Dear Deanna! You need to have a m ajor discus­ sion with your husband who ap­ pears to be part o f the problem. Your children d o n ’t have a choice but to fall in line because they d o n ’t pay any bills. Provide a list o f your needs and wants and present them to your husband so you can get on the same page. If h e 's willing to accom m odate the important things on your list then you have a chance o f restoring your marriage and re­ gaining personal balance and foot­ ing in the household. I have two best friends that are always talking about each other. I listen to what they say, but I never repeat anything that I hear. T h ey 're going back and forth right now harder than ever and I'm being forced to choose sides. I don’t have Ask Deanna is written by Deanna M. Write Ask Deanna! Email: askdeanna I ( or 264 S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite ¡283 Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Website: fro m Front photo by R aymond C lin to n d ie h ard s h ope that a m eeting o f D em o cratic N ational C o n v e n tio n at th e en d o f th e m onth will v alid ate the c a lc u la ­ tion o f d eleg a tes that inclu d es F lo rid a an d M ic h ig a n , w h ic h w ere e x c lu d e d from the co u n t w hen the states m oved prim aries to dates that w ere to o early for party rules. O th ers, in c lu d in g m any s u ­ p e r - d e le g a t e s w h o s u p p o r t O b a m a , a rg u e th a t O b a m a ’s m o m en tu m has pro d u ced an in­ su rm o u n tab le lead. “ It’s not ju st political th eatre," says Hall, w h o ’s tak in g 10 hours a w eek am id his already fu lltim e sch ed u le to cam p aig n for O bam a. "T h is guy is b rin g in g ev ery o n e to g e th e r.” Mental Health Services Continue In a m ove to sta b ilize ser­ v ices to clien ts o f C ascad ia B e h a v io r a l H e a lth c a r e , M u ltnom ah C o u n ty B oard o f C o u n ty C o m m issio n e rs and state o ffic ia ls last w eek an ­ n o u n ced a plan that that will allow the m ental h ealth system to o p era te through June w hile tran sitio n p lan s are fin alized . “Our top people are working with the state, local service providers and C ascadia to develop a plan that ensures vulnerable people are not harmed and that serv ices continue," says M ultnom ah County C hairT ed W heeler. U nder the term s o f an intergov- Advertise in 'rin ^InrHawh (Ohscriicr 5O3-288-OO33 • i 1 - I ernm ental agreem ent, the state is providing M ultnom ah County $1 million tow ards a $2.5 million loan the County will issue to Cascadia. C ascadia operates in Clackam as, L ane, M arion and W ashington C ounties, as well as M ultnomah. The D epartm ent o f County H u­ man S ervices’ Mental Health and Addiction Services has activated contingency transition plans, and has d ep lo y ed th eir to p m ental health m anagem ent team to ensure continuity o f care. Clients who have questions or concerns may call the co u n ty ’s 24- hour M ental Health Call C enter at 503-988-4X88. Mayor Returns to Jefferson Students bring up proposed cuts u Communication broke down... _ f _ _ - - J_____ I “If someone’s gambling is hurting you, make the call." M ayor Tom Potter stopped at em ployees. Many students say the devel­ Jefferson H ighSchool M onday fol­ low ing up on a w eek long visit by opm ents d o n ’t am ount to enough city officials last January, finding to tu rn a ro u n d th e tr o u b le s proposed cuts in staffing and lead­ Jefferson faces in dropouts and ership adjustm ents have students test scores. A group o f students w ondering if the learning environ­ callin g th em selv es “C o n cern ed D em os” posted thousands o f fliers m ent will ever stabilize. around the neighborhood with a Because of even smaller enroll­ laundry' list o f com plaints. ment figures, the Portland Public P rincipal C y n th ia H arris re ­ Schools arc planning on cutting four sponded by correcting certain as­ staff positions at Jefferson next year. sertions and pointing to w ays that The city has set more than 10 the adm inistration and staff have projects into m otion to help the been w orking to improve the qual­ north Portland school, including u n ifo rm s an d in stru m e n ts fo r ity o f education at Jefferson. Potter and Harris hope to co n ­ Jefferso n 's band, financial incen­ tives for school volunteers, free tinue brainstorm ing program s that Tri Met passes for students and will make som e difference under job-shadow opportunities with city tight budgets. G ra d P a rty l ïi r n s U g ly “It was so refreshing to be around people who were experiencing the same thing I was." (API — Police arrested seven people after a graduation party turned rowdy in northeast Port­ land. Sgt. Brian Schm autz, the police spokesm an, says officers arrived early Sunday to find people fight­ ing inside and outside the building. W hen police tried to stop the event, some partygoers becam e hostile and threw bottles and beer cans at officers. S chm autz says officers used pepper spray before arresting seven “ There is h elp" “It made me feel really good and positive." Problem Gambling Helpline R endleman /T he P ortland O bserver Northeast Portland residents William Miller and Anna Freidhoff volunteer at Hillary Clinton's Oregon campaign headquarters in downtown Portland, 32 N. W. 5th. 1 877 MY LIMIT Treatment is free, confidential and it works. Friends and family of gamblers can help themselves and the ones they love by going to treatment. Professional counselors are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Log on to for more information or to chat with a counselor on line. people betw een the ages o f 17 and 22. They were charged with riot, attem pted assault, interfering with a police officer, resisting arrest and disorderly conduct. O rganizers told police the party was for new graduates o f W arner Pacific College. They tried to pro­ vide security at the rented space, but becam e overw helm ed when people crash ed it through side doors. Schm autz says there were no serious injuries. Cl,r ^Jortlattb (Observer Established 1970 USPS 959680 _________________________________ 4747 NE Martin Luther King. Jr. Blvd., Portland. OR 97211 EonoK-in t Hiit. P ori . ishkr : Charles H. Washington E o iio r . M ic h a e l L eig h to n D is t k ih i tion M a n a io r : M ark W ash in g to n C ri . a tiv k m»i i k i d : P aul N e u fe ld t A d v ir t is ih o : K a th y L in d e r O rn a M a nai . tr : S h a ro n S p erry K ip o r h r : R a ym o n d R en d lem a n The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions Manuscripts and phtMographs should be clearly labeled and w ill be returned if accompanied by a sell addressed envelope A ll created design display ads become the sole properly o f the newspaper and cannot he used in other publications or personal usage without the written consent o f the general manager, unless the client has purchased the c o m p o s itio n o f such ad 2008 IH I P O R TLA N D OBSERVER A l l RIGHTS RESERVED. 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