“g * 2008______________ «* P»rtli>nï> ©bsm,et A ¡ÌÌI(MIM paSe “ BIG THRÖILIL8 AT T H ! @BBG@N ZO O Dino exhibit’s lifelike ferocity footprints signal the proximity of the most fearsome prehistoric Chilling prehistoric roars re­ Saturday and runs through Labor predator of all: Tyrannosaurus verberate over lush rain-forest Day. rex. The path also features activ­ canopies as the Oregon Zoo takes Zoo visitors follow a trail ity stations with fossil digs, photo­ visitors back millions of years through an ancient rain forest, opportunity spots and identifica­ with its summer blockbuster ex­ su rro u n d ed by life -siz e tion posts geared to all ages. hibit, “Dinosaurs!” presented by animatronic dinosaurs that roar, Among the 25 animatronic crea­ Wells Fargo. snarl and move with realistic fe­ tures on display, visitors discover The outdoor experience opens rocity. Along the way, massive a total of 14 species — from the impressive brachiosaurus and the fierce T. rex, to the 2-foot-tall compsognathus and the flying pteranodon. Young visitors may prefer the slow-moving herbivore sp ecies, along w ith several animatronic baby dinosaurs and dinosaur egg nests. Each of the dinosaurs is built on a steel frame and covered with intricately painted foam-rubber skin. State-of-the-art electronics and air pistons power the dino­ saurs' grasping hands, menacing claws and gnashing teeth. Strategically placed alternative paths lead parents with younger visitors to activity stations, where they learn what these giants ate, how they cared for their young, what their relationships to other animals were like, possible rea­ sons they became extinct and more. Admission is $4 plus regular zoo admission of $9.75 for adults, $8.25 for seniors and $6.75 for children. Infants 2 and under are tree. Chendra, the Asian elephant, welcomes 45-foot-long Tyrannosaurus rex to the Oregon Zoo 's elephant yard. Opening May 17 Extinct again a fte r Labor Day! Presented by Dinosaur Keeper Forrest Jonson bravely unloads a dangerous megalosaurus at the Oregon Zoo. Megalosaurus and many other dinosaurs will stalk zoo visitors when the summer long exhibit openingSaturday. Come by MAX light rail and receive SI off too admission $4 plus zoo admission. 5 minutes from dow ntow n Portland o ff Hwy 26 west otegonzoo.org