May 14. 2008 11,1’ ^Jnrtkxnb (D bacrin'r EDUCATION < \K I I K' Page B8 p or ulani 1 Ok s e rv e r 2 0 0 8 Toyota Land Cruiser King of the Road K athleen C ark T o y o ta 's iconic L and C ru ise r e n ters its seventh g en e ratio n for 2 008. p o sitio n ed o n ce again to be the sta n d a rd -b e a re r am ong the ran k s o f tru e o ff-ro p d -c a p a b le sp o rt u tilitie s . T o y o ta 's L an d C ru ise r is fam o u s fo r its g lo b e ­ tro ttin g o ff-ro a d prow ess. It's unusual to find S U V s in to d a y 's m a rk e tp la ce that are still e n g in ee re d for m ore than o rd i­ nary use. The all-new 2(X)8 T oyota L and C ru ise r is o n e o f tho se few rem aining that are capable in m ore than one venue. T he L and C ru ise r is d esig n ed to tran sp o rt peo p le and g ea r o v er any k in d o f ro a d o r p rim itiv e trail, in any kind o f w e a th e r, w ith speed, co m fo rt and secu rity . It can tow up to 8500 p o unds w ith the right eq u ip m en t. It o ffe rs in ­ te g r a te d c o m fo r t an d c o n v e ­ nience features to rival luxury cars in th is price range. T he 2008 L and C ru ise r looks p retty m uch the sam e as the p re ­ vious L and C ru ise r, but m ake no m istake: it has been com p letely re-en g in eered from the fram e up. R efinem ents include a suite o f safety featu res, sta te -o f-th e-art electro n ics, m ore pow er w ith b et­ ter m ileage, and innovative e n g i­ neering adv an cem en ts that p e r­ m it ou tstan d in g perfo rm an ce in co n trastin g circu m stan ces. Because o f its iconic exterior design. Land Cruisers never seem to look dated o r go out o f style. The by 2008 T oyota Land Cruiser, with its upright bodyw ork and w ide, fiat hood, is unm istakable. The slightly reduced, m ore sophisticated front headlam ps are the m ost obvious differences, as is the lower, more fluid beltline as view ed from the side. LED tail lights are another contem porary touch. W hile the in te rio r is not o p u ­ lent in design , th ere is n o thing cheap o r garish ab o u t it. A tte n ­ tion to detail can he seen in the stitch in g on the leath er and the tight seam s betw een the c o m p o ­ nents o f the dash an d co n so le. T h ere is no b lin g fac to r in the Land C ru ise r d esig n , w hich is so lid , sta b le and g ro u n d e d in every sense o f the w ord. It is d esig n ed to be im p ressiv e m ore for w hat it is, than how it looks. T o drive a L and C ru ise r is to feel secure and in com m and. Press the start button and the g auges light up, n eed les b o u n ce once, the steerin g w heel and m irrors return to p rev io u sly set p o sitio n s, and the V8 q u ietly hum s to life. F ind R everse, and the b ack -u p cam era d isp lay s w h at's behind you on the n av ig atio n screen. C i v i l i z e d r id e q u a l i t y is a c h ie v e d by use o f c o il- o v e r sp rin g -an d -sh o ck co m b in atio n s in the front, and a fo u r-lin k /co il spring setup in the rear. Throttle response is im proved due to the use o f the 5.7-liter V8, a 381 -hpengine shared with the T un­ dra full-size pickup. T oyota has in­ corporated the latest variable valve tim ing technology, cam lobe de- i : \ lito R e v ie w News and reviews on new motor vehicles ness varied. A n o th e r s ig n ifi­ cant advancem ent is a new, very clever sus­ pension control tech­ nology. T he suspen­ sion is built around a robust stabilizer bar that en h a n ce s h an ­ d lin g on sm o o th , paved surfaces. The system is not e le c ­ tronic, but hydro/m e- chanical, and requires no pow er source. Safety features in­ clu d e m u lti-te rra in ABS with Electronic Brake Force distribu- tio n (E B D )an d Brake A ssist; V S C e le c ­ tronic stability control w ith c u to ff sw itch; A ctive T raction C on­ trol (A-TR AC); dual­ sta g e advanced a irb a g s , s e a t- m ounted side-im pact airbags and front knee Specifications: 5.7-Liter 32-Valve Dual WT-i cam 381-hp @ 401 Ib-ft. torque V8 engine: 4WD: 6-SpeeO uuai airbags for driver and 0 /D w/sequential shift mode automatic transmission: 13-City 18-Highway MPG: $71,385. MSRP front passenger; sec­ s e a t- m o u n te d sid e A new T oyota system , Crawl o n d -ro w sign, and intake m anifold tuning to cluding a super overdrive top gear airbags; three-row roll-sensing side optim ize the engine for pow er out­ that accounts for the sm ooth, effi­ Control, acts like ABS on steep curtain airbags with roll-sensing put, fuel econom y and reduced cient highw ay cruise mode. The downhills. It keeps the vehicle from cutoff sw itch; tire-pressure m oni­ em issions. Like any good truck autom atic is com puter controlled, rolling too fast, allow ing the driver toring system. engine, the 5.7-liter m akes more constantly cross-checking with the to select from three speed settings, T he Land Cruiser's brick out­ torque (4 0 1 pound-feet) than horse­ engine's com puter, to determ ine a depending on the surface co n d i­ house reputation for durability and tion and steepness o f the hill. No power, allowing the Land Cruiser to shift pattern based on driving co n ­ long-term value is still intact. Used braking is needed; the driver sim ­ loaf around at low rpm and sti II offer ditions. Land C ruisers are scarce and co m ­ ply steers the vehicle. W ith prac­ A nd for those m om ents w hen ready throttle response. mand high prices. But for those tice, we found we could select from A good part o f the drivability push d o es co m e to sh o v e, the who aspire to the best and can pay the three Craw l C ontrol settings on im provem ents are due to use ol a L and C ru ise r lives up to the c a p a ­ the price at the pump, the Land the fly, using the system to m ain­ slick six-speed autom atic transm is­ bility requirem ents o f a traditional, C ruiser has no equal. tain a com fortable speed as steep- sion. The transm ission offers a very au th en tic fo u r-w h eel-d riv e truck. low first gear for heavy loads, and tw o overdrive gears at the top, in­ GET M O R E ...w ith an education fro m Heald! When you choose H e a ld ... you’re choosing success! 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