Il!'J J o r tla n ii © b s e ru c r EDUCATION May 14. 2008 BOOKKEEPER L egal N otices Need to publish a court document or notice? Need an affidavit of p u b lic a tio n q u ic k ly a nd efficiently? Please fax or e mail your notice for a free price quote! Representative and a Bookkeeper. R equirem ents- 1) A com puter Literate 2) CV. If you are interested, send e-mail to g e te m p lo y e d _ ro o m a if @ya The Portland Observer recognizes that diversity strengthens our workforce and em powers our com m unity, If found please call (5 0 3 ) 646- Chemical Dependency Counselor (FT/N Ptld/Project for Com m unity 1792 or (5 0 3 ) 270-1798." Recovery) Provides Intake assessm ents, individual/group alcohol & drug counseling, case managem ent, gender specific groups, urinalysis collection, clinical docum entation & coordinates with referral sources. CAD C I or II required, BA or MA preferred. Exp with the cultural norm s of the African Am erican population, awareness of w om en’s issues, & familiarity with the N/NE community & referral sources. Knowledge of ASAM , OARS, evidence based practices, program com pliance & quality assurance. W orking knowledge of computer. Min of 2 years exp in th e CD field. Join Am erica's m ost successful residential career training program Job Corps. Number 3598964. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS intensive outpatient CD services for primarily culturally specific population including case m anagem ent, assessm ents, group, individual & fam ily counseling. Preferred exp working with African- Am erican population ages 12-21 who are involved with DHS & Juvenile Justice Division. CADC I or eligible; strong com puter skills; som e evening hours & excellent team player. If you’re 16-24, a legal US citizen or resident call 800-733-5627 or for more inform ation. Teachers (FT or On Call/N Ptld) Project Network is a residential DESIGN program with a focus on the African Am erican com m unity for wom en in recovery who are with their sm all children. Resp for planning & im plem enting an educational learning program. Som e clients are drug & alcohol affected. Have current first aid & CPR card. At least 18 yrs old & 2 yrs exp in childcare setting required. Must be able to be flexible & able to supervise a designated group o f children. Alcohol & drug exp a plus. Warner Pacific College, a Christian This position will focus on patrons who are m em bers of the Chinese, Russian, Hispanic or Vietnam ese c o m m u n ity a n d w ill p ro v id e s e rv ic e s th a t a re c u lt u r a lly a p p ro p ria te and re sp o n sive in both th e ta rg e t la n g u a ge and English. Duties include but are not limited to: «a s s is tin g th e general p u b lic in p e rs o n a nd on th e te le p h o n e in both th e ta rg e t language and English; • providing in form a tion on lib ra ry p olicies a nd p ro c e d u re s ; « p r o v id in g assistance to the public in the use o f eq uipm ent such as copiers, m icrofilm readers and printers • issuing library cards and taking p a ym e n ts fo r lo s t o r o v e rd u e materials; «p re p arin g a variety of d o c u m e n ts ; « u s in g a PC; •m aintaining files and indexes; • p re p a rin g a nd m a in ta in in g s ta tis t ic a l re p o rts ; «a n d perform ing a variety of circulation routines. C lA C K A M A t C O M M U N I T Have you seen me? Y¿ t C O L L E G E / Smart, Endangered Missing Missing and Exploited Children 1-800-THE-LOST CLARK COLLEGE Interested applicants may e-mail resum es to hr@ lifew orksnw .org. mail to: LifeWorks NW, 14600 NW Cornell Rd, Portland, OR 97229 Attn: Hum an Resources or fax to: 503-690-9605. Visit our web site at w w w .lifew orksnw .org. EOE M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty L ib ra ry is s e e k in g c u ltu ra lly co m p e te n t, C h in e s e , R u ssia n , S p a n ish or V ie tn a m e s e -s p e a k in g , c a re e r- minded applicants to w ork part- tim e , fu ll-tim e , and o n -ca ll as B ilin g u a l L ib ra ry C le rk s in designated libraries throughout the County. www. clackamas. edu • Free Career Training • G E D & High School Diploma • Driver’s Education • Job Placem ent Assistance • Housing, M eals & More Chemical Dependency Counselor (FT/N Ptld) Provides outpatient & Liberal Arts college, is seeking an Academ ic Counselor a n d tw o Student Services Adm inistrative Assistants fo r its A d u lt D egree P ro g ra m . ■ Campuses in Oregon City, Wilsonville & Harmony Road in Milwaukie. "Lost Syrian Passport, I i i ’i ’XA/r i D i / y and therefore encourages wom en and men lull* O R b T W H U K K b of all cultural backgrounds and ages to apply. BILINGUAL LIBRARY CLERK lackamas Community College part time Worker,. A Sales Fax: 50 3-288-0015 Chinese, Russian, Spanish or Vietnam ese SALARY: $13.90 to $17.08 per hour, plus 4% differential pay CLOSING DATE: May 30, 2008 Smart stories start at CCC. Softball W ear Co. is looking for e-mail: Page B7 \K h tr It is a ls o s e e k in g qualified adjunct instructors to teach in its MEd program . For specific areas, m inim um re quirem ents and further details, please go to w w w .w a rn e rp a c ific.e d u (follow the link to Hum an Resources). If in te re s te d , e -m a il re su m e to: kaguilar@ Ready to take The Next Step in your graphic design career? Clark C o lle g e is lo o k in g fo r an innovative and creative graphic d e s ig n e r. W o rk in g w ith o u r graphic design team , you will be responsible for graphic support and design for our schedules, catalog, brochures, newsletters, w eb pages and m ore. W ith a k n o w le d g e o f b a s ic d ig ita l p h o to g ra p h y , yo u w ill a ls o photograph people and events for college materials. Salary range is $2,671.00 monthly. Closing date is 5 p .m ., M ay 27 2 0 0 8 . For co m p lete position descrip tion, re q u ire m e n ts , a nd to a p p ly, access our w e b s ite at w w w .cla rk.e du/io bs or contact Clark College Human Resources, 193 3 F o rt V a n c o u v e r W ay, Vancouver, WA 98663 (360) 992- 2105 [H earing im paired (360) 992-2317]. AA/EEO em ployer. DANIELIA BRITTANY TRANTHAM C urrent Age: 12 hate Missing: April 14,2008 Missing From: Deming, NM Brittany is believed to be with a m an she met online; she has a “Love H u rts” tattooed on her right hand. DONHANKINS C urrent Age: 14 hate Missing: April 28.2008 Missing From: Amarillo, TX Don suffers fro m asthm a and m ay need m edical attention. ALEX VS BROWN CANDICE BROWN Current Age: I (Mother) C urrent Age: 15 Date Missing: April 8,2008 Missing From: Dickinson, TX Candice is traveling with her young child Alexys; she has a tattoo o f a cross with tw o doves a n d the phrase "In M em ory o f Tick 1953-2007" on her left shoulder. If you have any information please contact: The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children 1-800-TH E-LO ST (1-800-843-5678) This public service announcement provided by the Portland Observer Newspaper. State Farm® Providing Insurance and Financial Services Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61710 Michael E Harper A g en t We m oved to our new location at: 9 7 1 3 S .W . C a p ito l, P o rtla n d , O R 503-221-3050 Fax 503-227-8757 T h in k o f us as a n o th e r to o l in y o u r to o l b e lt. R e quires tw o ye a rs o f general clerical and/or custom er service experience which should include public contact with the Chinese, Russian, Spanish or Vietnam ese community. Previous experience in a library setting is preferred. ANP equivalent to the completion of the twelfth grade. Additional s p e cia lize d c le rica l tra in in g is desirable. Must be a m em ber or have close affiliation, knowledge of or extensive experience with the target language community, dem onstrated by know ledge of th e tr a d itio n s , v a lu e s a nd custom s of the com m unity being served. M ust speak, write, and read flu e n t C h in e se , Russian, S p a n is h o r V ie tn a m e s e and English. Candidates will be tested on both their Spanish and English written and oral abilities. For m ore inform ation about this position or to apply, please visit our w e b s ite at w w w .m Register Now for Classes! - - - - - - - Supervisory Training Safety Training Carpentry Concrete Finishing HVAC Sheet Metal W elding WCC - - - - - - Masonry Heavy Equipm ent Pipelaying Tile Finishing Roofing And more! NORTHWEST COLLEGE OF CONSTRUCTION 5 0 3 .2 5 6 .7 3 0 0 I The Army prepares you to be your best. That includes expert training in any of over 150 careers. Learn about the unmatched training, job experience and career foundation you will get as a Soldier in the Army. Call: (503) 284-4005 or stop by the Rose City Army Recruiting Station at 1317 NE Broadway St. Portland, OR 97232