(TI. Page B2 el O bservador Conference on Latino Issues for the Study o f W om en in S ociety 's Gender, Families, and Immigration Project and distin­ guished professor of anthropol­ ogy. “ In addition, we are inter­ ested in exploring how these is­ sues can provide opportunities for alliance building for im m i­ grant rights.” The event will be free and open to the public, beginning T hurs­ day evening. May 22, and con­ tinuing all day Friday, May 23. It will be held at the UO W illiam H. Knight Law Center in Eugene. A dvanced registration is not required. Lynn Stephen “ I see this conference giving More than 30 coin niunity lead­ the Latino com m unity a sense of ers and advocates for im m igrants’ hope in the midst o f a lot of rights will be at the University of negative publicity focused on Oregon to take part in the C onfer­ im m igrant legal statu s,” said ence on Gender, Families and Patricia Cortez, president of the board of directors of the Amigos Latino Immigration in Oregon. “We are providing a unique M ulticultural C enter in Eugene forum on immigration by focus­ and mem ber of the conference’s ing specifically on how im m igra­ advisory board. “This is im por­ tion politics and policies affect tant work, especially from my Latino immigrant women, men, perspective as an im m igrant.” For more inform ation, visit families and youth," said Lynn csw s.u o reg o n .edu . Stephen, director of the Center « JJ LOCK & KEY FULL LOCKSMITH - SERVICE • RE-KEY AND INSTALL LOCKS LOCKED OUT?-WE MAKE KEYS FROM SCRATCH: HOUSE, OFFICE OR CAR Portland 503.284.9582 • Oregon City 503.656.2116 Serving Portland/Metro area (N, NE, SE, SW & NW) Your Care Our First Priority Dr. Marcelitte Failla Ch iroprac tic Physician We tire located at 1716 N.E. 42nd Ave. Portland, OR 97213 (Between Broadway and Sandy Blvd.) • Automobile accident injuries • Chronic headache and joint pain • Workers Compensation injuries Call for an appointment! Deceptions and Disguises Fuses romantic intrigue, comedy Clara Weishahn (from left), Jamie M. Rea and Dennis Kelly star in Labyrinth o f Desire at the Milagro Theatre, 525 S.E. Stark St. AFFORDABLE , May 7, 2008 l'|Jnrtlauh (Ohsmu'r (503)228-6140 Michael Tillery Broker 503.975.8004 michael (s’bridgetownrealty.com Please call me, your neighborhood specialist, for any of your Real Estate needs. My success is built on a commitment to quality service. Milagro Theatre, the Northwest’s outstanding Latinoarts-and-culture organization, is presenting an En­ glish-language comedy during the month of May that explores roman­ tic intrigue and the delightful and essential mystery of love. The Labyrinth of Desire, a world- premiere play by Caridad Svich, adapted from Lope de Vega’s "La Prueba de los Ingenios,” challenges the boundaries and fluidity of hu­ man desire. When Elorela's fiance decides to leave her and compete with other suitors for the hand of the rich and beautiful Laura, Florelagoes under­ cover to keep her man. The story is filled with clever deceptions and hilarious disguises. A special preview is scheduled Thursday, May 8 at 7:30 p.m. with opening night Friday, May 9 at 8 p.m. Milagro Theatre is located at 525 S.E. Stark St. Tickets can be purchased online at m ilagro.org or by calling 503- 236-7253. Migrant Rights Law Applauded Mexico moves to remove penalties ( AP) - Migrant-rights activ­ ists applauded a vote by Mexico’s Congress to remove long-standing criminal penalties for undocum ented m igrants found in the country. The measure passed unani­ mously in the lower house last week, a day after Senate ap­ proval. P resid en t Felipe Calderon’s office declined to say whether he would sign the popular measure into law. Mexican lawmakers saw the harsh penalties as an anachro­ nism. and some noted Mexico also owes migrants better treat­ ment. Im m igrants here, m ostly Central Americans trying to reach the U .S ., are often Mexico has its own illegal immigrant population and, until recently, dealt with them using very harsh penalties. robbed, mistreated and sub­ ject to extortion by bandits and even police. “ It is very positive that they have removed the criminal pen­ alties from the current law,” said Karina Arias, the spokes­ woman for Sin Fronteras, a Mexican group that promotes rights for migrants in Mexico. H a v e y o u seen m e? Endangered Missing “It is a big step forward.” Current law lays out punish­ ments of I I /2 to 6 years, while the new measure makes un­ documented immigration a mi­ nor offense punishable by fines equivalent to about $2,400. Some Mexican officials ac­ knowledged that the current harsh p e n a ltie s w eakened Mexico’s position in arguing for better treatment of its own mi­ grants in the United States. Arias said Mexico “is in a much better position” after vot­ ing foreliminating prison terms that are seldom enforced any­ way. Most undocumented mi­ grants caught in Mexico are simply deported. Missing and Exploited Children 1-800-THE-LOST BRID G ETO W N r REALTY 1 □ & c W oi F v S tÿ A l TÛ K C lear C hoice D ebt R elief Oregon Based Company MARKBARBER Current Age: 4 KH ALLEEL HUNT Current Age: 9 Missing Date: April 3,2068 Debt Relief AS SEEN ON TV! Fox 12’s “Good Day Oregon’’ See Video- http://www.kptv.eom/video/l 5 8 14923/index.html O ver whelm ed by debt? Credit Cards • Collections • Medical Bills Unsecured Loans • Judgments If you would like to learn more about eliminating you're debt within 24-36 months call for a free consultation 503-594-1560 «r 1-888-594-1560 www.ClearChoiceDebt.com SHANIYA MCKINNEY Current Age: 6 CATOY A WILLIAMS ( Mother) Current Age: 28 Missing From: Urbana, IL Mark. Khallcel, and Shaniya were last seen on April 3 ,2(X)8 in the company of their mother. Catoya Williams, and an unknown adult male boarding a bus en route to California. There were last heard from on April 4,2008 when they contacted relatives stating they were in the Denver, C olorado bus station. They never arrived at their final destination in California and have not been heard from since. I f you have any information please contact: The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678) This public service announcement provided by the Portland Observer Newspaper.