May 7, 2008 Page AG In Reynolds Hosts Mentoring Group Neighborhood How do you think that the elimination o f Janunin 95.5 will affect Portland's diversity in music and cultural events? It will probably be replaced by Z I0 0 or another hip-hop channel. -Brian Yoder Jammin 95.5 is more important than another sports talk station. A Black Student Leader­ ship conference will address the needs of high-school stu­ dents enrolled in the Reynolds School District. The free event, sponsored by the school-based mentoring corporation Reaching and Em­ powering All People (REAP), is scheduled Monday, May 12, from 9 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. at Reynolds High School, 1698 S.W. Cherry Park Rd. The entire school day will be set aside to specifically re­ spond to academic and per­ sonal challenges. Students will be exposed to black business leaders through workshops, a panel discussion and m otiva­ tional presentations. Featured guests include State Sen. Avel Gordly, Dr. Dalton Miller-Jones of Portland State ART University and the Board of Higher Education, Fairview Mayor Mike Weatherby and Reynolds Superintendent Terry Kneisler. There will be a special dance performance by the Urban Arts Dance Company. For more information, please contact Mark Jackson, REAP program director, at 503-341- 6161. STUDENTS Young, Gifted and Black -Laura Lydick I t’s a problem because a lot o f people listen to it. -R o h iiiG o tis in c u u It will affect music culture and club events because' not many stations play hip-hop. -Telena Rogers Youth Lose Jammin 95.5 continued from Front moving to a different frequency or anything.” The revam ped station already has a w e b s ite c a lle d 9 5 5 th eg am m that says, “On M onday. M ay 12 at 9 a.m ., P ort­ land w ill becom e one o f the rare m ajor U.S. m arkets to hoast an all­ sp o rts statio n on the FM dial w hen R ose C ity Radio launches 95.5 T he G am e.” Citing the 80 to 90 percent white d e m o g ra p h ic s o f h is h ip -h o p show s, Leiken ap p reciated how the station served a large p ro p o r­ tion o f the young co m m u n ity , regard less o f race. “Jam m in 95.5 had its shortcom ­ ings, (but) it’s a loss for a signifi­ cant proportion o f prom otion for hip-hop concerts,” he says. D ouble T ee w as co u n tin g on Jam m in to prom o te the June 3 K anye W est co n cert at the Rose G arden but w ill try to m ake it up through o th e r local sta tio n s' like Z I0 0 , scattered h ip -h o p show s and th ro u g h cable telev isio n . “ W ith the loss, it’s really g o ­ ing to fo rce local talen t to w ork h ard e r,” Ja ck so n says. “ It puts the p ressu re on artists to get out in the stre e ts.” Charity Prater and Michael Leighton o f the Portland Observer also contributed to this story. Cash Prizes: 1” Place: $500 • 2nd Place: $250 • 3 d Place: $100 All entries w ill be exhibited at the 2008 Portland Rose Festival Deadline: May 23, 2008 Second Chance Extends to Gresham continued from Front Slate will be able to assist people in the G resham area to regain drivers- lieense privileges, convert delin­ quent traffic fines to effective com ­ munity service.” Gresham Police Chief Carla Pi luso w elcom ed Project Clean Slate to E a st C o u n ty , c itin g th e organization’s unique style in co n ­ necting with residents and promot- ing ways to be productive. “One size does not fit all," Jay said. “Som etim es people ca n ’t get their records clean through the forms we have, but we try to make som ething work for them .” For information, call 503.916.5180, ext. 1391 or 503.232.1671 or visit Presented by th e African American Visuel Art» S cholarihip Committee, Jefferjon High School and Paint A Difference Portland State Turning sustainable trees into sustainable jobs in Morrow County. Lottery funds help build America’s largest hardwood sawmill. Just east of Boardman, it stretches as far as the eye can see. A farm with over 30,000 acres - that 9 more than 45 square miles - of Pacific Albus trees, a fast-growing hardwood Certified by the Forest Stewardship Council, it operates using sustainable, eco-friendly methods: planted, harvested and re planted in a perpetual cycle To laarn more visit www ItDoesGoodThlngs With funding help from the Oregon Lottery," the farm will soon have an Important addi­ tion Built by the Collins Company, the new Upper Columbia Mill will be one of the largest of its kind in North America. The result: 85 new full time jobs to go along with the 150 jobs already in place at the tree farm. That's the kind of growth we can all get behind. org Lottery game» a rt based on chance and should be played for entertainment only 5