¿Tin' Page A4 Best Way to Use Tax Rebate? cnpnd s p e iiu I c q \/A SdVC „4- 11 ill d ll it 11 May 7, 2008 Opinion articles do not necessarily represent the views o f the Portland Observer. We welcome reader essays, photos and story ideas. Submit to news@portlandobserver.com. O pinion L 7 U II ^ìnrtlauò ©bseruer NS /Aop.e o f5 QOSTice' nVMsTRMREB ables you to make a major purchase -lik eah o u seo ran ew car-w ith o u l ZO8 ■ p o ó ,iv e 6É&Ì HPNÎHS- if going into debt. And it can soften 11______[he blow of economic downtimes BY D e NKKN I). like a layoff or medical emergency. S tewart Why are so many of i One hundred thirty financially ill-prepared? million Americans soon In part, it's because ol will begin receiving tax our public education sys rebates in the mail, tern. In school, few chil thanks to the economic dren are taught the basic stimulus package that financial skills needed to recently made it through make long-term savings Congress. Individuals decisions. making less than $75 .(XX) But parents are also to blame should expect $6