(Eh May 7. 2008 Page A3 1 :fJnrtlanh (Observer Dear Deanna! I’m in a relationship and 1 think my boy­ friend has another life. W e've dated for two years and he’s always worked third shift. While on medical leave I noticed he nevercame home until noon. When I asked about this he told me that he goes to the gym. I followed him and his gym turned out to be an apartment complex. We ar­ gued and instead of telling me about the apartment, he accused me of not trusting him. What do I do? —Betrayed; Winston- Salem, N.C. Dear Betrayed: If you have to stalk a man and chase him down for answers, then you’re with the wrong person. He placed the blame on you instead of confessing the truth and being honest. H e's burning two ends of the candle by working at night, being with one woman in the morning and being with you in the evening. Don’t settle for less be­ cause you deserve more. Heal yourself from the inside out, count your loss and keep it moving. Dear Deanna! My grandmother is a sweet, sacrificing lady that has given me everything in life to be successful. I've decided that I don't want any more education but she insists that I go ahead and complete my Masters Degree. She’s just cleared her debt and paid my student loans and I can’t bear to see her struggle again. How do I make her understand this without hurting her feel­ ings? —Teena; Omaha. Neb. photo by M ark W asiiington /T he P ortland O bserver Obama Campaign on Killingsworth Volunteer Lakeitha Elliot (left) and Colleen Davis, office manager o f the Barack Obama for President headquar­ ters at 1516 N.E. Killingsworth St., organize canvassers ahead of Oregon's May 20 Primary. The campaign added 31,770 Democratic voters to the state's voter rolls in the 30 days before the registration deadline. Party Switchers May Get Two Ballots The Oregon Secretary of State has told voters who switched parties within two weeks of the April 29 voter deadline that they may receive a ballot for their previous party reg­ istration. These voters will also re­ ceive a new ballot in a few days for the correct party, officials said. If anyone does not receive their correct ballot by May 10, they should contact the Multnomah County Elections Office located at 1040 S.E. Morrison St. or call the office at 503-988-3720. Only one ballot will count and it must corre­ spond with the voter’s current reg­ istered party. Nearly 100,(XX) new voters are registered in the Oregon Democratic Primary this year where a close contest is riveted between Sen. Hillary Clinton and Sen. Barrack Obama. The ballots must be returned to a county elections office or an offi­ cial ballot drop offsite by 8 p.m, on May 20. Postmarks do not count. DearTeena: Your grandmother pushing you towards a higher degree isn’t a bad problem. It’s good you’re not a user and willing to be concerned about her finances. Take the time and show your grandmother how to invest with the option that if you go back to school, you' II let her help. This way she can save money and have hope that you'll come to her first when it's time to hit the books again. Ask Deanna'. Real People, Real Advice An advice column known fo r its fearless approach to reality based subjects! Dear Deanna! I’m a white-collar professional and my relationship is causing problems w ith my social life. My girlfriend doesn’t have a degree and lacks polish when we do things with my friends. I worry that she'll say something stupid and embarrass herself every time wegoout. I want her to measure up to the women in my circle but she refuses and insists she want to be herself. I’m ready to end the relationship because my social life is important. --Anonvwows; Orlando, Fla. Dear Anonymous: If you want a trophy, you need to buy a dog and place it in a dog show. Relation­ ships are based upon personal truth, indi­ vidual self-confidence and up front char­ acter. If you’re afraid of your girlfriend’s behavior in front of your friends, you should select new friends or change your stick in the mud attitude. You don't de­ serve this woman if you place your social life before the relationship. Do yourself and your date a favor by ending the rela­ tionship and find a fool like yourself to date. Ask Deanna is written by Deanna M. W rite Ask D eanna! E m ail: askdeanna I @yahoo.com or 264 S. LaCienegaBlvd. Suite 1283 Beverly Hills. CA 902!!. Website: www.askdeanna.com Bus Announcements Go Automated Buses with internal Automated Stop Announce­ ments are now notifying riders where they are along bus routes on seven major TriMet bus lines. By the end of 2008, all of the bus routes served by TriM et's approximately 360 low-floor buses will have the announcements activated. The system is sim ilar to MAX, which has had internal and external autom ated stop an- nouncem ents. External announcements, which were intro­ duced and tested last year, announce which bus line is serving the stop when there are multiple bus lines involved. The information reduces uncertainty over what stop is next and decreases anxiety over missing a stop, especially for disabled riders. OUR NEWEST PICK? A NATURE-INSPIRED PRINT. A ' . m t - >¡» W' ' ' ' „ >v l . .s , ♦ '* - 9 1 H >, n w AMBER SUN Floral cotton tunic xs xl: 98.00. Linen Bermuda shorts, 4 18: 62.00. Narrative NORDSTROM Discover more, nordstrom.com Clackamas Town Center 503.652.1810. Downtown Portland 503 224 6666. Lloyd Center 503.287 2444 Salem Center 503.371.7710. Vancouver 360.256 8666. Washinqton Square 503 620 0555 Shipping charqes may apply. 1 I