Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 07, 2008, Page 10, Image 10

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JJortlattò © bseruer________________________ May 7-2008
The A ntioch M issionary Bap-
tislChurch,5935 N. Minnesota Ave.,
is inviting the local com m unity to
its "Praise Dance E xplosion” on
Saturday, May 17 at 6 p.m.
The fellow ship will include the
Daughter o f Judah Praise Dance
Ministry and other mim e, Hag and
drill team ministries.
For more information, call Thelma
The Praise Dance Ministry
prepares for a special
fellowship at Antioch
Missionary Baptist Church
in north Portland.
In Loving Memory
Michael Wayne Howard
Funeral services will be held Saturday. May
1 Oat A ntioch M issionary Baptist Church, 5935
N. M innesota Ave., for Michael W ayne Howard,
w ho died April 26, 2(X)8 at the age of 5 1.
H ow ard w as born May 28, 1956 in Baton
R ouge, L a., the fourth child to Felton and
T h elm a H ow ard. His o lder brother asked lor
a little b ro th er and they shared the sam e
b irth d a y .
He attended King and Sabin elementary
schools and graduated from Benson High
School in 1974. He worked as a supervisor at
ABM Janitorial for 3 0 years. He was know n for
his outstanding work as a union representative
lor SEIU Local 49 and would travel over the
state to make sure his clients were well repre­
A diligent, dependable hard worker, he lived
by his lather. Rev. H ow ard's motto, “w hatever
you do, do your best".
Howard had a great sense of humor. He
found the positive side in everything and could
make you laugh. His smile would light up a
He received his early Christian training at
M orning Star M issionary Baptist Church and
laterunited with Antioch M issionary. He loved
to sing in the choir.
He met his wife Lena Lew is on Dec. 2 1,1982
and they were together for 26 years. Through
joy and sorrow, sickness and health they shared
many wonderful tim es together.
Howard is survived by his wife; tw o sons
M ichael Howard Jr. and A ndre A vent; nine
grandchildren; his father; four brothers, Felton
Jr., Ronald (Cathy), C harles and M ilton Staley;
three sisters, Elaine Lambert (George), Veronica
Howard, and A rrianna M oody (M atthew ); aunt
Frances Vaughn; sister-in-law Yvonne, brother-
in-law Benny Lewis; special nieces Cam eisha
W oollard and Cham elon Jackson; a host of
nieces and nephews, co-w orkers, church fam ­
ily and friends.
He was preceded in death by his m other and
a son, A ntonio Porter.
Cascadia in Crisis
fro m Metro
“ In the event that C ascadia
closes, I'm concerned that there's
been no official plan as to where
patients will be able to continue to
receive services,” Rene Tucker,
program m anager at C ascadia’s
G arlingtonCenterin northeast Port­
land, told the Portland Observer.
By Friday, a m eeting with about
30 clients o f the center aimed to
reassure that there would be some
way to reassign or realign com m u­
nity needs. O ne o f tho se that
show ed up on a d a y 's notice was
Cascadia client Dawn Roberts, who
inform ed the crow ded room about
trouble she had control I ing her post-
traum atic-stress disorder as she
searched for other agencies that
could provide counseling.
“ It's pretty scary because o f the
level o f uncertainty," Tucker said.
"O ur objective is to continue to
maintain serv ices until there's been
a successful transitioning o f the
C ascadia's staff also had to ex­
plain the absence o f Deraid W alker,
who took over as the chief execu­
tive officer last month as part of
m anagem ent overhaul and had
prom ised to attend the meeting.
A large concern involved the
potential o f a population falling
through the cracks without com m u­
nity-based services. The Garlington
Center was named for an African-
American family’sadvocacy for mi­
n o ritie s
th a t
h av e
underrepresented in the m ental
health field.
" T h e g r e a te s t p o p u la tio n s
served at G arlin g to n are folks o f
color, and th e y 're able to receive
culturally specific services here,"
T u ck er says. “ If they no longer
have this agency to receiv e those
types o f services, w here will they
O ther advocates w ondered how
an alre ad y o v e rlo a d e d system
would weather any transition plan.
N ortheast Portland resident Ja­
son Renaud o f the city ’s Mental
Health Association doubted that
officials would take the "politically
and clinically devastating” step of
closing Garlington, but he foresaw
a regional shake-up that w ould lead
to more resorting to police and
em ergency-room visits.
Renaud estim ates that the sys­
tem had stood at providing less
than 25 percent o f optim um treat­
m ent. m eaning on-dem and o u t­
co m e -b a se d c a se m a n ag em en t
hasn 't guided the vast m ajority of
mentally ill to housing and other
basic necessities.
W ith the ten tativ e fu tu re o f
Cascadia, some onlookers fear that
P ortland's mental health structure
is headed back to the especially
devastating years o fth e early 2000s.
In 2001, a M exican day laborer
named Jose M ejia Poot was killed
by pol ice after he fell 20 cents short
o f the fare to get on a bus and
becam e angry in northeast Port­
land. Soon after, an audit o f the
city ’s fragm ented m ental health
system revealed discrepancies that
also contributed to a m ajor consoli­
dation under the Cascadia banner.
As an assistant to the form er
president o f Cascadia, Renaud saw
a greater concentration o f account­
ability required for the m erger of
five providers. Cascadia had over­
seen about 1,000house calls a month
through Crisis Respond, 90 care
facilities and 800 housing units in
M ultnomah County, 300 o f which
are set aside for discharges from
the Oregon State Hospital.
“It’s the utmost responsibility of
any executive to know about cash
flow,” he says. “In terms o f the stakes
of failure here, you’re talking about
people who are already fairly imper­
iled by poverty, stigma and illness,
and you’re asking them to shift their
primary medical from Cascadia to
someone who they don’t know.”
C hildren A wait L oving F amilies
Adoption agencies welcome inquiries
The Portland O bserver is pleased to feature tw o children from the
approxim ately 3(X) O regon children available for adoption through
the state generally because o f abuse and neglect.
Kolby is a perceptive, insightful and inquisitive bright boy. He
asks many questions and is clearly learning from the answers! He is
reading a full grade level ahead in
school and has an excellent vo­
cabulary. Add in his clever sense o f
hum or and y o u ’ve got one terrific
Kolby keeps up an im peccable
appearance and looks older than
his m ere eight years. H e’s also a
gifted athlete, excelling in ju st about
any sport. Kolby thrives in a highly
structured and predictable environ­
ment. He enjoys playing with peers,
but has done superbly w ell as an
only child. He can feel overwhelmed
when in large groups, and will likely
do best in a hom e w here there are
few, if any, other children. It is a
lucky family who will have the privi­
lege o f adopting this fine youngster!
A friendly, generous and giving child, Sam antha “Sarnie” works
hard to please the adults in her life. She is a charm ing conversation­
alist and an expressive com m unicator. She hopes especially for a
mom and a dad, and w ould do best as an only child.
Sarnie has many interests. She is athletic and enjoys riding her bike
or experim enting with different sports. She Also loves anim als, and
relishes the opportunity to help care for fam ily pets.
A rtjstic and creative. Sarnie effectively utilizes art as an outlet to r
her em otions. Patient, adoptive parents w hocan w elcom e and accept
her for w ho she is,
w hile sim ultaneously
helping her to create a
vision o f who she can
become, will be thrilled
th a t th e y to o k a
chance on such a spe­
cial girl.
For more inform a­
tion on the availabil­
ity o f these children
or on how to becom e
a foster or adoptive
p aren t, c o n ta c t the
Special Needs A dop­
tion Coalition at 503-
542-2392 or D epart­
ment o f Human Ser­
vices at 1-800-331-
Samantha, age 12
A<t ¥>eCCt
fro m M etro
tended his uncle’s sheep, and
hunted or w atched anim als. He
laterjoined his mother in Bamako,
where he began his formal educa­
tion in a French school.
Tears of Joy Puppet Show will
perform , “Anasi the Spider," at
the Sylvania C am pus' Perform ­
ing Arts C enter from 11 a.m. to
noon, Friday, May 16. The na-
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tionally acclaim ed and aw ard w in­
ning g ro u p ’s show is based on
W est African mythology and is
perfect for children.
Author Kathleen Halme will give
a poetry reading and lead a discus­
sion on her m ost recent Oregon
Book Award nominated book, “Drift
and Pulse,” from lOto 11 a.m .,Tues­
day, May 13, in the foyer o f the
Perform ing Arts Center, Sylvania
Parking at all three cam puses,
plus the Southeast C enter, is free
during Art Beat.
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