(The A p ril 30. 2008 IJnrtlanò ©bserucr Page B 3 L aw & J ustice New York Police Acquitted in Deadly Force Case cred ib le than the v ic tim s’ ver­ sion. “T he people have not proved (A P ) — T h re e d e te c tiv e s outside a seedy strip clu b in beyond a reasonable doubt that w ere acquitted o f all ch arg es in Q ueens on Nov. 25, 2(X)6 as he each d efendant w as not ju sti­ the 50-shot killing o f an unarm ed w as leaving his bach elo r party fied” in firing, he said. w ith tw o friends. T he case ig­ groom -to-be on his w eddingday, T he defense painted the vic­ a case that put the N ew Y ork nited the em otions o f people tim s as drunken thugs w hom the Police D epartm ent at the c e n ­ across the city and led to w id e ­ o fficers believed w ere arm ed ter o f an o th er d isp u te involving spread p ro tests am o n g those a n d d a n g e ro u s . P ro s e c u to rs alleg atio n s o f e x cessiv e fire ­ w ho felt the officers used un­ sought to convince the ju d g e p ow er. n ecessary force. that the victim s had been m ind­ O fficers M ichael O liver, 36, S cores o f police o fficers su r­ ing their ow n business, and that rou n d ed the co u rth o u se Friday and G escard Isnora, 29, stood the officers w ere inept, trigger- to guard against potential chaos, trial for m a n sla u g h te r w hile happy aggressors. a n d as n e w s o f th e v e rd ic t O fficer M arc C ooper, 40, w as N one o f the o fficers took the spread, m any in the cro w d b e­ charg ed w ith reckless en d a n ­ w itness stand in his ow n d e ­ gan w eeping. O th ers w ere e n ­ g erm ent. T w o other shooters fense. Instead, the ju d g e heard raged, sw earing and scream ing w e r e n ’t c h a r g e d . O liv e r transcripts o f the officers testi­ “ M u rd e re rs! M u rd e re rs !” o r sq u eezed o ff 31 shots; Isnora fying before a grand ju ry , saying fired 11 rounds; and C o o p er " K K K !" Two women protest after hearing the not-guilty verdict Friday in the case against they believed they had good rea­ Inside the co u rtro o m , sp ecta­ shot fo u r tim es. son to use deadly force. T he T he case brought back pain ­ three detectives during the Sean Bell trial, outside the Queens County Courthouse tors gasped. Sean B ell's fiancee in New York. ju d g e also heard testim ony from im m ediately w alked out o f the ful m em ories o f o ther N Y P D In the latest case, the officers cold-blooded ki 1 lers and the j udge B e ll's tw o injured com panions, sh o o tin g s, such as the 1999 g u nned dow n in a hail o f 41 room ; his m o th er cried. Bell, a2 3 -y ear-o ld black man, shooting o f A m adou D iallo — bullets by police officers w ho com plained that pretrial p u blic­ indicated that the police o ffic ­ w ho in siste d the m a e lstro m ity had unfairly painted them as e rs' version o f events w as m ore erupted w ithout w arning. w as killed in a hail o f g unfire an A frican im m igrant w ho w as m istook his w allet fo r a gun. Unarmed groom was shot 50 times Testimonies Document Camp Tortures Dog attacks, nooses used to abuse youth (AP)— During an emotional hear­ ing in Congress, law m akers and w itnesses likened the treatm ent o f teens in youth boot eam ps to the kind o f torture faced by prisoners at Iraq's Abu G hraib prison. Investigators uncovered cases in w hich a program em ployee's pit bull was trained to bite students in the groin and w here teens had hags placed over their heads and nooses slipped around their necks, testi­ fied G reg Kutz, w ho has led an investigation into youth residen­ tial program s for the federal G ov­ ernm ent A ccountability Office. "It's hard to believe that people w ould do this to som ebody else's ch ild,” said a visibly angry Rep. G eorge M iller, D -C alif., during a hearing Thursday. M iller, chairm an o f the House education com m ittee, introduced legislation to prevent such abuses and boost oversight o f boot cam ps. Such program s also are com m only referred to as residential treatm ent facilities, behavior m odification Bullets Found on School Bus Portland Public School D is­ trict officials say they have deter­ mined there was no malicious in­ tent involved in the discovery of am m unition left inside a back­ pack on a school bus. The bullets were found last W ednesday after a bus driver dropped students off at Roseway Heights Middle School in north­ east Portland. The 8th grader who ow ned the backpack said he forgot to re­ m ove the ammunition he found w h ile p lay in g at his g ra n d ­ m other's house. C lear C hoice D ebt R elief Oregon Based Company Debt Relief AS SEEN ON TV! Fox 12’s “Good Day Oregon” Gina Jones holds a picture o f her son who died while in custody at the Bay County Boot Camp in Florida. program s or therapeutic boarding schools. T he p ro g ra m s are ty p ic a lly loosely regulated by states. There are no federal laws that define and regulate them. The House session was a fol­ low-up to one last fall in which Kutz told lawm akers the G A O uncov­ ered thousands o f allegations o f abuse, som e o f w hich involved death, at residential program s since the early 1990s. N ew details show ed eight sepa­ rate ca se s in w hich teen s w ere abused o r d ied at resid e n tia l p ro ­ gram s. In v estig ato rs fo u n d that in e ffec tiv e m an ag em en t and o p ­ eratin g p ractices and un train ed sta ff co n trib u ted to the d eath s or abuse. C rim inal charges w ere only b ro u g h t in tw o ca ses, an d only one resu lted in m inim al ja il tim e, K utz said. In one case, a 16-year-old with asthm a and chronic bronchitis com ­ See Video- http://w w w .kptv.com /video/l5814923/index.htm l plained o f chest pain and breathing problem s, but his com plaints were dism issed by program staff at an A rizona boot cam p. The boy ended up dying from em pyem a, a condi­ tion in which pus accum ulated in his chest. An autopsy found more than 70 injuries, including some from blunt force, on the boy's body. In another case, a 12-year-old boy died o f suffocation at a Texas facility after being restrained and forced to lie on the floor face dow n. Over whelmed by debt? Credit Cards • Collections • Medical Bills Unsecured Loans • Judgments If you would like to learn more about eliminating you're debt within 24-36 months call for a free consultation CONTACT: Ron Rasherry 503-594-1560 or 1-888-594-1560 www.ClearChoiceDebt.com Nursing Home Workers Charged with Death (AP) — Criminal charges have been filed against former nursing home workers accused o f failing to get medical help fora Portland woman who was dropped while being trans­ ferred from a w heelchair to a bed. The patient, 60-year-old Linda J. Ober. broke both o f her legs and died less than a week after the fall. A wrongful death suit filed by O ber’s daughter against Gateway Care and Retirement Center claims workers ignored the w om an's pleas for help and tried to persuade her that the spill was just "a bad dream ." F o rm e r e m p lo y e e s S u zan n e Ruddell. 58, and Verna Heide, 63, have been charged with felony crim i­ nal mistreatment. Both women face trial in June. A third former worker, Camniy Nye, 53, was indicted on accusa­ tions of misdemeanor reckless en­ dangering. Rick Harding, administrator o f the Portland nursing home, said two o f the employees were fired, and the third resigned shortly afterOberdied. quested three years, one year for each o f S n ip es'co n v id io n s o f w ill­ fully failing to file a tax return. Snipes' lawyers offered three dozen letters from family members, friends and even fellow actors W oody H arre lso n and D enzel W ashington attesting to his good character. They argued he should get only probation, because all three convictions were m isdem eanors and the actor had no previous crim i- nal record. But prosecutors had urged the court to im pose a stiff penalty on the actor nonetheless, because of his notoriety and the potential o f a high-profile case to deter tax crim e nationwide. V b c itis e w ith d iv er 4 ty ( ill Court docum ents says Reinhold sent e-m ails to city council m em ­ bers in January about new C ouncil­ man Paul Z andam ela using a racial slur. After the mayor. M ikeCiraulo, told the council to ignore the m es­ sage he received an e-m ail with another slur and called police who traced it to Reinhold. The defense lawyer says the lan- guag e w as d isg u stin g but not threatening. New Prices Effective May 1,2007 Martin Cleaning Service Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Residential & Commercial Services Minimum Service CHG. Stairs ( 12 -16 stairs) $25 .(X) (With Other Services) Heavily Soiled Area: Dentures Worth Smiling About! • Professional Services • Affordable Prices • Payment Plans: OAC • Over 20 years experience • Full & Partial Dentures • Natural Appearance • Full Service Lab • Accepting Oregon Health Plan Melanie Block, L.D. D entvrist 503-230-0207 We \ e Moved! 200 N.E. 20,h Ave., Ste KM) Portland, OR 97232 Free parking in r '” |J o r t l a t t h (O h sc ru c r 5O3-288-(X) <3 adsts'portlandob se rv e r.c o m I $45.(X) 1 Cleaning Area (only) $40.(X) (Includes Pre-Spray Traffic Area • Hallway Extra) Wesley Snipes Racist E-mail Called Free Speech A son w hose father is the deputy m ayor o f the Battle G round City Council has pleaded not guilty to sending racist e-m ails about the co u n cil's only black member. The lawyer for 18-year-old Chris­ topher Reinhold entered the plea at last W ednesday’s appearance in C lark C ounty D istrict C ourt in Vancouver. Defense attorney Jon M cM ullen says it's a First A m end­ m ent free-speech case. i Carpet Cleaning 2 Cleaning Areas or more $3().(X) Each Area Pre-Spray Traffic Areas (Includes: I small Hallway) ‘Blade’ Star Handed Prison Term (A P )— A federaljudge in Florida has sentenced action star W esley Snipes to three years in prison on tax charges. The sentenced was the maximum under the law, w hich U.S. p rosecu­ tors had recom m ended for the star o f the "B lade" m ovie series. He was found guilty in February o f failing to file tax returns for 1999-2(X) I . in which the governm ent said he owed $2.7 million. Prosecutors had re- f Additional $10.00 ADDITIONAL SER VICES Area & Oriental Rug Cleaning Auto/Boat/RV Cleaning Deodorizing & Pet (Xlor Treatment Spot & Stain Removal Service Seotehguard Protection C PHOTS TER Y CEEA NI NG $79.00 Sofa $59.(X) Lovescat $109 - $139 Sectional $35 - $49 Chair or Recliner $5.(X) Throw Pillows (With Other Services) See Flyers for Additional Prices Call For Appointment (503) 281-3949 i