Page A5 April 30. 2 0 0 8 F ood The Portland O bserver respectfully requests all com m ents and fam ily recipes that you w ould like to share. Please address them in e-mail tosharons@ . ¡Viva Cinco de Mayo! What began as a provincial Mexican holiday has become a fi­ esta celebrated throughout North America. Many Americans believe that CincodeMayoC'May 5th" in Span­ ish (commemorates Mexico’s inde­ pendence from Spain. In fact, it began as a local holiday that cel­ ebrated M exico's defeat of the French army at the Battle of Puebla in 1862. America's fondness for ethnic traditions of all stripes, the over­ whelming popularity of Mexican cuisine, and the recent rebirth of Mexican pride on both sides of the RioGrande m akeCincode M ayoa larger and more widely celebrated festival each year. Cinco de Mayo is full of celebratory music and dance, delicious food and drinks galore; it unites communities with parades, mariachi bands, piñatas, cultural art and brightly colored traditional costumes that electrify cheering crowds. SAFEWAY V C in c o d e M ayo is a c eleb ra­ tion o f M exican pride and unity. It calls for an authentic, niuy bueno M exican feast. Try these delicious dishes at your celebration! Taco Seasoning "Depending on how spicy you and your family like your dishes, use as little or as much as you w ant." Ingredients for life., In g re d ie n ts • 1 Tbs. chili powder • 1/4 tsp. garlic powder • 1/2 tsp. paprika • 1/4 tsp. onion powder « 1 1 /2 tsp. ground cumin • 1/4 tsp. crushed red pepper flakes • 1 tsp. sea salt • 1/4 tsp. dried oregano • 1 tsp. black pepper D ire c tio n s In a small bowl, mix togetherchili powder, garlic powder, onion powder, red pepper flakes, oregano, paprika, cumin, salt and pepper. Store seasoning in an airtight container. WEDNESDAY APRIL 30 ONLY! Manor House Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast F w 4-lb bag S3 96ea Lmfll wlh iTOmmum S10 purchase YtXA GlK k wtxnj-vs- s '. xles . CLUB PRICE CLUB PRICE Lloyd’s Pork BBQ Ribs Pork Shoulder Blade Roast Fully cooked. 36.8 to 37.4-02. Selected varieties Bone-in. SAVE up to $1.32 lb. SAVE up to $ 6 .0 0 ea. Price effective April 30 only. THURSDAY MAY 1 0 N Ü Lean G round B eef 80S Lean 20% ral. Ektreme Value Pack bnwt 1 with minimum $10 purchase. GSSXOBX CLUB PRICE 0 Organics™ Salads Fresh Atlantic Salmon Fillets 5-oz package Selected varieties. Farm raised. Color added. Club Price: $ 2 .5 0 ea. SAVE up to $2 .0 0 lb. SAVE up to $2 .9 8 on 2 Price effective May 1 only. Large Hass Avocados C a p ta in ’s C hoice M e d iu m Raw Or 4-cL Hass S h rim p Avocados 2 for $ 6 511060-ci So« in a 2-fc bag at $5.98 ea Frozen Limit 2 CLUB PR IC E CLUB PR IC E Whole Seedless Watermelon SAVE up to $5.11 ea Price effective M ay 2 only. Lucerne1 M ilk Post Honey Bunches of Oats Nabisco Ritz Crackers or Chips Ahoy! item will scan at regular 14.5-oz. Or Quaker Lite 7 5 1 0 16-02. price, second item will 15-oz. Cereal. Selected varieties. reflect savings. SAVE up to $3.67 Gallon. Whole. 2% , 1%. Skim Supreme or Fat Free. At checkstand. first MAY 3 0 N Ü Rancher’s Reserve Boneless Beef Chuck Steak SAVE up to $ 3 .9 9 on 2 Extreme Value Pack Limit 1 with minimum $10 purchase CLUB PRICE Price effective M ay 3 only. 32-oz Gatorade or 20-oz. 64-02, OvenJoy Sandwich Breads SoBe. Selected vaneties Selected vaneties. 22.5-oz White or Wheat SAVE up to 96« SAVE up to 20« Safeway Apple Juice Gatorade or SoBe Club Price: 90c ea. SUNDAY MAY 4 ONI SAVE up to $8.90 on 10 CLUB PRICE CLUB PRICE CLUB PRICE Pork Shoulder Country Style Ribs fW ITTT TTJi 12-Pack Corona, Pacifico or 18-Pack Tecate Safeway Bath or Paper Towels 12-oz bottles or Tecate cans. 5 0 -o z . 2x to 1 0 0 -o z lx Liquid. W h e re Available SAVE up to $ 1 .5 0 Selected varieties. Plus deposit in Oregon SAVE up to $ 5 50 In g re d ie n ts • Marinade • 3 pounds flank steak • 1/3 cup white vinegar • 1/2 cup soy sauce • 4 cloves garlic, minced • 2 limes, juiced • 1/2 cup olive oil • 3 Tbs. taco seasoning recipe • Onion Relish • 1 white onion, chopped • 1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro • 1 lime,juiced • Roasted Vegetables • 2 large tomatoes, chopped • 2 jalapeno peppers, chopped • 1 white onion, quartered • 4 cloves garlic, peeled • 4 dried New Mexico chile pods • 1 pinch salt and pepper to taste • 1 (32 ounce) package com torti­ llas • 2 cups grated eotija cheese (op­ tional) • 2 limes cut into wedges D ire c tio n s 1. Lay the (lank steak in a large glass baking dish. In a medium bowl, whisk together the vinegar, soy sauce, 4 cloves of garlic, juice of two limes, and olive oil. Season with taco seasoning recipe. Whisk until well blended, and then pour over the steak in the dish. Turn over once to eoat both sides. Cover with plastic wrap, and marinate for 1 to 8 hours. 2. In a small bowl, stir together 1 chopped white onion, cilantro, and the juice of 1 lime. Set aside to use as a relish for the tacos. 3. Heat a skillet over medium-high heat. Toast chile pods in the skillet for a few minutes, and then remove to a bowl of water to soak for about 30 minutes. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F (230 degrees C). 4. Place the tomatoes, 1 onion, jalapenos, and 4 cloves of garlic onto a baking sheet. Roast in the oven for about 20 minutes, until toasted but not burnt. Place the roasted vegetables, and soaked chile pods into a blender or food processor, along with salt and pepper. Puree until smooth. 5. Heat vegetable oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Cut the marinated flank steak into cubes or strips. Cook, stirring constantly, until the meat is cooked through and most of the liquid has evaporated. 6. Warm the tortillas in a skillet for about a minute on each side to make them pliable. Tortillas may also be warmed in a microwave oven. Arrange two or three tortillas on a plate, and lay a generous amount of beef over them. Top with a sprinkle of the onion relish and a large spoonful of the pureed salsa. Add as much cheese as you like. Garnish with lime wedges, and serve. I--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 I S unday S low C ooker C ollection | i Mexican pintos i with cactus ‘‘Try this honest Mexican recipe fo r pinto beans using hacon, chilies and cactus. " I Ingredients | I I I ■ Price eftective M ay 4 only. MONDAY MAY 5 O N I S ele c te d varieties. Selected varieties ‘‘This is a great recipe fo r authentic Mexican taqueria style carne asada tacos (beef tacos). These are served on the soft corn tortillas, unlike the Ameri­ can version o f tacos. Try a squeeze o f lime; it adds a little more zip. ” I I I I Bone -in Extreme Value Pack Limiti with minimum $10 purchase Tide Laundry Detergent Taquería Style Tacos - Came Asada CLUB PRICE • • • • • • 2 cups dry pinto beans, rinsed 3 tablespoons salt; divided 3 slices bacon, chopped 2 large flat cactus leaves (nopales) 1 jalapeno pepper, seeded and chopped 2 slices onion | B u tc h e r's Cut L u n ch m eat I Directions | W cz Tvte SaieciwJwnrtR Limn ' purchmo(2wdh nwwmSlC purchase Out) «Mee Si 5C « I 1, Place the pinto beans into a slow cooker, and fill to the top with ■ hot water. Add the bacon. 2 tablespoons of salt, jalapeno and onion. Cover, and cook on High for 3 to 4 hours, adding water as needed. until beans are tender. ' 2. Remove any thorns from the cactus leaves, and slice into small I pieces. Place in a saucepan with I tablespoon of salt, and fill with I enoughw atertocoverB ringtoaboil,andcookforl5m inutes.D rain I and rinse with cold water for I minute. Add to the beans when they I are soft, and cook for 15 more minutes on High. | | | PER GALLON OF GASOLINE Every time you spend $50 in a sinqle transaction at Safeway. SAFFWAY * G A S O L IN E I f items prohibited by W 1D TH U* M il SAT SUH MOH TUI Prices in this ad good through M ay 6th Price effective M ay 5 only. law See store for details I ' I I |