Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 30, 2008, Page 17, Image 17

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April 30. 2008
The life of Motown legend Marvin Gaye is profiled in an upcoming
documentary on PBS.
Insight into
a Motown Star
Marvin Gaye
premiers on PBS
The T V series A m e rica n M as­
ters is te llin g the story o f M a rv in
G aye, the legendary M o to w n star
w ho challenged and changed the
face o f black m usic, in the d o cu ­
m entary "M a rv in Gaye: W h a t's
G o in g O n ,” p r e m ie r in g on
W ednesday, M a y 7 at 9 p.m . on
PBS and Oregon P ublic B road­
casting, C hannel 10.
The 6 0 -m in u te film goes be­
yo n d the tra g ic circum stances o f
G a ye 's death to reveal the talent
and courage, c o n fu sio n and de­
pression behind the musician w ho
le ft an in d e lib le m ark on o u r c u l­
tu ra l landscape.
A n a rc h iv a l in te rv ie w w ith
M a rv in Gaye is featured in the
program , along w ith extensive
p e rfo rm a n c e fo o ta g e ; and in ­
sights fro m his sister Jeanne Gay,
sis te r-in -la w Irene Gaye and ex-
w ife Jan Gaye.
Other featured interview s in ­
clude Nick Ashford, Janie Bradford,
Mos Def, Lam ont D ozier, Michael
Eric Dyson, Nelson George, Berry
Gordy, Mabel John, Gladys Knight,
David Ritz, Martha Reeves, Smokey
Robinson, Valerie Simpson, Elgie
Stover, Bobby T aylor, Leon Ware,
Bishop West, K im Weston, Otis
W illia m s , and M ary W ilson.
H is standing am ong the most
e n during 2 0 th -ce n tu ry A m e rica n
m usical artists is w ith o u t ques­
tio n , yet M a rv in G a ye ’ s story is
ra re ly to ld beyond the tra g ic c ir ­
cumstances o f his death - shot
the day before his 45th b irth d a y
on A p ril 1,1984 by his ow n father.
R everend M a rv in G ay Sr.
E n o r m o u s ly ta le n te d and
e q u a lly c o m p lica te d , Gaye cre ­
ated an in tim a te style - fu ll o f
honesty, in te g rity , and v u ln e r­
a b ility . He was cre a tive and b ril-
The new PBS American Masters documentary “Marvin Gaye: What's Going On."goes beyond the tragic
circumstances of Gaye’s death to reveal the talent, courage, confusion and depression behind the
Motown star.
„ ...... ....„
lia n t, c o n flic te d and tro u b le d a l­
ways torn between his re lig io u s
u p b rin g in g and his secular aspi­
t&c 7 orient
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