œ*!e ^jJortlanb © bseruer April 30. 2008 Page B5 Bible College Gets New Leader C lassifieds Livingston serves as executive director of the Black United Fund of Oregon, Inc. She is a graduate of Jefferson High School who earned degrees in international studies and busihess administration at Oregon State University where she also mi- nored in Spanish. She went to the Dominican Republic and worked as a community programs coordinator for the American Chamber of C om ­ merce o f the Dominican Republic. Livingston is also an active m em ­ ber o f Life C hange Christian C en­ ter, where Dr. Mark Strong is senior pastor, and w here there is em pha­ sis on a global mission. She has been a M issions M obilizer, and is enrolled at W estern Sem inary in Community activist named board chair A drienne Livingston, a resident o f north Portland since childhood and active in both com m unity and church affairs, has been elected the new chair o f the board o f directors o f North Portland Bible College. She su c ceed s B ishop G race Osborne, who has chaired the board since 2002. T he board acknow l­ edges a great debt for O sborne’s leadership at the same tim e that it welcom ed Livingston to her new post. Adrienne Livingston southeast Portland, taking courses that lead to a m aster’s degree in intercultural studies. North Portland Bible College is a com m unity-based, undenom ina­ tional, ministry-focused junior col­ lege, which specializes in offering low-tuition, quality courses with credits transferable to larger insti­ tutions, so there will be great op­ portunity for the new board chair­ person to utilize her varied gifts and training in a venture that com bines them all. President LeRoy Haynes, the staff and faculty, and friends of N PB Cjoin in w elcoming Adrienne Livingston to her newest contribu­ tion to the north and northeast com m unity and beyond. Affordable housing in Sherwood Sherwood Park Apartments $430-$511/mth, one bed/one bath affordable senior or disabled housing. Income restrictions apply. Qualified applicants will be placed on a waiting list. Stewart Terrace Apartments $0-$772/mth, one bed/one bath HUD senior or disabled housing. Income restrictions apply. Qualified applicants will be placed on a waiting list. Linwood Apartments $474-874/mth 1, 2, & 3 bed., Affordable housing, income restrictions apply. Qualified Applicants will be placed on a waiting list. Please call (503) 625-7883 fo r m ore information. Guardian Management LLC is an equal opportunity provider. TTY (800) Wheelchair IO U *L MOUSING O P P O R T U N IT Y - j - <5 0 0 0 (J O -Z a U U . Accessible Metropolitan Public Defender Services has an im m e d ia te opening for an Executive Director responsible for providing strategic le a d e rs h ip fo r th is c rim in a l defense n on -profit firm . Visit h t t p :/ / w w w .r n p d la w .c o m / execdirector.htm for a detailed job d e sc rip tio n and a p p lic a tio n cially his students. re q u ire m e n ts. M in o rity and Sham sud-D in work is deeply w om en a p p lic a n ts are charged with the African A merican encouraged to apply. Application experience beginni ng w i th hi s semi­ deadline is May 31,2008 Interstate Firehouse Honors Local Artists T he In terstate F irehouse C u l­ tural C enter, 5340 N. Interstate Ave., honors local talent in an ex­ hibit featuring work from over 60 artists living and w orking in north and northeast Portland. Sculpture, painting, photography and poetry' are among many art forms that will be shared during a celebra­ tion on Sunday, May 4 beginning with a reception at 6 p.m. and perfor­ mance and ceremony at 7 p.m. Lifetim e A chievem ent Aw ards will be made to m usician Thara M emory and painter and muralist IsakaSam sud-D in. M em ory's musical style spans classical and all jazz forms. A m as- terteacher, trumpet player and com ­ poser his w ork has touched the lives o f many listeners and espe- nal work "Vanport" as well as sev­ eral public murals through out the Northwest. Grand Theft Auto IV Released Nationwide (A P) — "G rand T heft A uto IV" w ent on sale T uesd ay , w ith m any fan s lin in g up at m id n ig h t to g o b b le up th e p o p u la r v id e o gam e, a m ature-rated adventure created for p lay ers 17 y ears o f age and o ld e r that gives you a virtual taste o f the crim in al u n ­ derw orld. "G TA IV" co u ld be the m ost lu crative launch in en tertain m en t h is to ry - a n d o n e th a t m an y people m ay not even know about. A nalysts predict T ake-T w o In­ teractiv e S oftw are and R ockstar G am es' o p en -w o rld , a c tio n -d riv ­ ing gam e will easily top last year's record-breaking $300 million first- w ee k sa le s o f M ic ro s o ft and B u n g e e S tu d io s ' f ir s t- p e r s o n i sh o o ter "H alo 3" - and w ithout a sim ilar m arketing bonanza. Benefit Dance at Mt. Olivet Baptist Church On Sunday, M ay 4 at 6:30 p.m., Mt. Olivet Baptist Church, 8501 N. Chautauqua Blvd., will host a ben­ efit featuring dancers from Mt. O livet’s Li ving Stones Dance M in­ istry and A G A PE Kids M inistry: M oveo Perform ing C om pany (for­ merly known as Em pyrean M ove­ ment; aC hristian semi-professional dance com pany) and D ef Con 5 (one o f the top Bboy crew s in Port­ land). Proceeds will benefit the Mt. Olivet Youth Missions Ministry and W orldH elp Organization. Tickets at the door are $ 10 for adults and $5 for students and senior citizens. L egal N otices Need to p u b lish a c o u rt document or notice? Need an affidavit of publication quickly and efficiently? Please fax or e-mail your notice for a free price quote! Fax: 503-2 88-0 01 5 e-mail: ^ 2 Fernhill Estates is a small skilled nursing facility nestled into the NE Concordia neighborhood. We are looking an individual w ith sk ille d n u rs in g so c ia l service experience to join our team. The preferred candidate will have RAI experience as well as hands on social se rvice experience. Please fax your resume to 503-287-4172 or email cemerson@dovermgmt.com S a le s M a n a g e m e n t O p p o r t u n it y PR MERIC A A Citi Company We are: one of the largest marketers of financial products in North America, looking for people who want to succeed. We offer: An excellent educational system to teach you our business, a comprehensive support network, and competi­ tive products that are highly desirable to most consumers. Candidates should: Desire an excellent income, be commit­ ted to working hard, and possess a strong desire to succeed. For more information, contact me: Lamont Tellis at Primerica Financial Services, a subsidiary of Citigroup: toll free at 877-475-2088 The A re a 1 In sid e E le c tric a l JA TC an equal opportunity apprenticeship and training program will open for applications A R C A Q lN S IO C during the following dates and times; May 5,6,7,8,9,12,13,14,15,16-2008 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM at the JATC Training Center located at 6915 NE 42nd Avenue Portland, OR 97218 JATC For more information about updated program requirements please visit our web page at www.arealiatc.com or call 503-459-4056 Niko Bellic arrives from Eastern Europe and quickly begins to raise havoc in Grand Theft Auto IV. Have you seen me? Missing and Exploited Children 1-800-THE-LOST Endangered Missing Michelle Abner C u rren t Age: 15 D ate M issing: M arch 26,2008 M issin g F ro m : Alexandria, VA Are you interested in getting a whiter, brighter smile? Are your teeth as white as they used to be? If not, we would like to introduce you to a portable, two-minute tooth-whitening solution from GoSMILE! It's free to you in exchange for sharing your opinions about the results. Call 503.348.2083 now for details. A d ve rtis e ivith d i w s i t y in îllr Jîûrtlanô T em p est B o o k er C u rren t Age: 15 (OHHgir Call 5 H H ) 3 3 D ate M issing: March 5 ,2008 M issin g From : Park Ridge, IL Alicia Addison Women and Minorities are strongly encouraged to apply. Your Care Our First Priority Dr. Marceline Failla Chiroprai tic Physician We are located at 1716 N.E. 42nd Ave. Portland, OR 97213 ( Between Broadway and Sandy Blvd.) • Automobile accident injuries • Chronic headache and joint pain • Workers Compensation injuries Call for an appointment! (503)228-6140 First Step Academy Childcare & Education State Registered Day Care Home ♦Infant to School Age Vernon Neighborhood Location ♦Openings Available* (503) 288-8.367 THE C u rren t Age: 17 D ate M issing: March 9 ,2008 M issin g From : Plantation, FL SPINACOLUMN classlfleds@portlandobserver.com 0 Social Service Director 1 An ongoing series of questions and answers about Americas natural healing profession Dr. Billy R. Flowers Partió: Chiropractic VS. Morning Stiffness: A deadly blow to the agony of awaking. Eddie Lincoln Broker Mickinzie Bickford C u rren t Age: 15 an & Hart Realty 9738 SE Washington St., Suite Q Portland. Oregon 97216 Business (503) 252-2121 F ax(503)252-2621 Cell (503) 789-0861 EMail eddie.lineoln(if century 21 com F*eZl office Is Independently 9 D ate M issing: March 3 1.2008 M issin g From : Napa, CA A p ril is N a tion a l C h ild A b u se P rev en tio n M on th , a tim e to raise- aw areness about child abuse and neglect and encourage individuals and com m unities to support children and families. These young girls are all believed to be runaw ays; statistical inform ation indicates a high probability they will becom e victim s o f abuse on the streets. I f you have any information please contact: 1110 National Center lor Missing and Exploited Children 1-800-THE-LOST ( 1-800-843-5678) This public service announcement provided by the Portland Observer Newspaper. Owned end Operated ■i : I used to he so stiff in the vous system. As the nervous sys­ morning I could scarcely tie tem gets well, you will notice that joes. W orst of all I was only the spine begins to lose the rigid m y sin 37 years old. N ow th a t’s all stiff feeling that it had. M usclcscan changed since com ing to your begin to relax because they d o n 't office. I'm eternally grateful to have to work to make the body you and Chiropractic. I ju st d o n 't bend and m ove. W hen the nerves see how it works so well, particu­ arc fin ally as h ealthy as they should be, the body w ill reflect larly with-out medication. : We very much appreciate that by being flexible and well your kind com plim ent. It is true that many o f our patients do rest better at night and wake up 2124 N.E. Hancock Street, feeling more relaxed and refreshed. Chiropractic works by taking the stress and irritation o ff the ner- A rested. If you have had p ro b ­ lem s w ith m u sc le s tiff n e s s , trouble resting or if w aking up g iv e s y o u th e f e e lin g th a t y o u 'v e b een th ro u g h W o rld W ar II, it's a great tim e to w ake up to the feeling o f C h iro p ra c ­ tic! C all today for an a p p o in t­ m ent. Isn 't it tim e you step p ed up to C h iro p rac tic ? Flowers' Chiropractic Office Portland Oregon 97212 Phone: (503) 287-5504 i