A p ril 30, 2008 i,!e JJortlanb © b seru cr_______________ Page B4 Job Fair to Attract Nearly 100 Employers Annual event Tuesday at PCC's Cascade Campus Nearly I OOemployers will be fea­ tured at this y ea r's Portland C om ­ m unity C ollege's 11 th annual C as­ cade Job Fair., from 11 a.m .to3p.m . on T uesday. May 6, in the Physical Education Building gym at theCas- cadeCam pus,7O 5 N. Killingsworth St. T he event is free and open to the public. Job fair sponsors include C om cast. O regonlive, the city of P ortland's Bureau o f D evelopm ent Services, H offm an C onstruction, Pacific Coast Eruit Co. and United Parcel Service. Job-seekers are en ­ couraged to bring their resume. M any em ployers recom m end that jo b fair attendees go to the job f a i r ’s W e b s ite at p c c .e d u / cascadejobfair and apply online to the em ployers they are interested in visiting with, before com ing to the fair. Last year's jo b fair attracted 99 em ployers and more than 1,9(X) jo b seekers. “ PCC C ascade’s jo b fair is an outstanding opportunity for em ­ Mt. Hood Job Fair May 7 ployers, students and com m unity members to connect," said DeA nne Hardy. "T his particular jo b fair draw s a very diverse pool o f appli­ cants and a broad range o f em p lo y ­ ers representing many different in­ dustries. Nearly al 1 o f PC C ' s 60 pro­ fessional technical program s can find at least one em ployer related to their degree o r certificate." "The nature o f jo b search has changed and m ost em ployers want the applicant to apply o n lin e ,” Hardy added. “H ow ever, 1 hear many jo b seekers com m ent on how they feel their application goes into an abyss. This process is an oppor­ tunity to build a bridge over that abyss and connect the jo b seeker with the em ployer.” Some of the em ployers repre­ sented at this year's fair include: A A A O re g o n /ld a h o , A F L A C , American Red Cross - Pacific NW Regional BkxxJ Services, Ameriprise Financial S ervices, B ridgestone Firestone, Brooks Staffing, Cascadia P ortland C o m m u n ity C o lle g e 's jo b fair on th e C a s c a d e C a m p u s in north P ortland la s t y e a r a ttr a c te d 9 9 e m p lo y e rs a n d m o re th a n 1 , 9 0 0 jo b s e e k e r s , c o n n e c tin g th e c o m m u n ity to local e m p lo y ers. Behavioral Healthcare, the city of Portland, Clark County, Comcast, Dove Lewis Emergency Animal Hos­ pital, Farm ers Insurance, FedEx G round, Fred M eyer, Frito Lay, Portland Public Schools, Sherwin- W illiams Co., Sysco Food Services of Portland Inc., UPS, U.S. Arm y and M arines, U.S. Forest Service, and more. Responding to Rising Food Costs Obesity con tin u ed con tin u ed fro m M etro School next year. P o rts m o u th ’ s b o urgeoning enrollm ent has encouraged L opez's innovative technique o f using two teachers in larger c la s s e s . T h e s o lu tio n w orks particularly well for the school’s gym teach­ ers, w ho can take turns lead­ ing class while the other deals with students’ indi­ vidual needs. “ 1 have two PE teachers because that’s key in the fight to keep kids healthy,” L opez says. His decision to keep two gym teachers reflects his larger philoso­ photo bv R aymond R endleman / phy on special education: T he P ortland O bserver Students should be kept in A ngel H um phrey, o n e o f tw o p h ysica l le a r n in g e n v iro n m e n ts e d u c a tio n te a c h e rs a t P o rtsm o u th com parable to other stu­ S c h o o l in north P ortland, le a d s 6 th dents at the school, and a n d 7th g ra d e rs in s e t s o f sit-u p s those falling behind should tw ice a w e e k a s p a rt o f a 5 0 -m in u te only be pulled out o f class aerobic routine. for at m ost an hour a day focus on the w hole function o f each for tutoring. child. Portsm outh has logged no ex­ “W e have only one vending m a­ pulsions in recent years and has a chine that dispenses juice, and we 0.5 percent suspension rate, which monitor it carefully, so th at’s also com pares to the 4.7 percent district got to help a little,” he says. average. Lopez credits the school ’ s C-Tran Bus Fairs Increase G ood Samaritan Hospital. Hoffman Construction, KGW , M acy’s, Mt. Hood Beverage Co., M ultnomah County, O regonLive, Oregon State Police, O regon Tradesw om en Inc., Mt. H ood C o m m u n ity C o l­ lege in G resh am is g iv in g area stu d e n ts a c h a n c e to g et a ju m p start on th eir careers. T he sc h o o l’s C areer P lan ­ ning and C o u n selin g C e n ter is hosting its C a re er F air from 10 a.m . to 2 p.m . on W ednesday, M ay 7 in the C o lleg e C e n te r at 26000 S.E. Stark St. T he fair o ffe rs stu d en ts and com m unity m em bers the oppor­ tunity to m eet w ith em p lo y ers w ho are h irin g fo r g reat o n g o ­ ing o p p o rtu n ities. M ore th an 25 local co m p a­ nies are ex p ected to atten d the fair, including KG W C hannel 8, R adio D isn ey , M axim M edical S ta f f in g , P o r tla n d P o lic e , G resham F ire and E m ergency S ervices, C o m cast and Sage Softw are. A ny o n e w ith q u estio n s can contact the C areer P lanning and C o u n selin g C e n ter at 503-491 - 7432. fro m M etro “A s the price increases go through, we w ant to still offer som e selections to our custom ers,” says Don Jones, the Concordia store manager. P eo p le a re n ’t tu rn in g vegetarian in d ro v es, but Jo n e s has n oticed m o re sh o p p e rs r e a c tin g to th e ste e p e r price ju m p o f p ro cessed foods by carefu lly p lan n in g m eals from basic m aterials. “C u sto m ers are lo oking at things like how m any cen ts p e ro u n c e , how m any cen ts per q u a rt,” Jo n es says. T h e locally o w n ed ch ain attracts a cu sto m er base th at cares about m ore than the p rice, rep o rts N ew S e a s o n s s p o k e s p e r s o n H e le n N eville, w ho says, “W e ’re all about v o ting w ith o u r d o llar, so it’s not ju st about how I'm d o ing, but also how is the guy d ow n the street d o ­ ing.” New Seasons coordinates 99 per­ cent o f its products throughout its nine P ortland-area stores, but that leaves quite a few products tailored to each neighborhood, in addition to a m anager special in each departm ent. Jones points to a new sletter with specials and the green tags that indi­ cate a sale price. “T here are still a lot o f great values around; you ju st have to know where to look,” he says. On T hursday, M ay I,the cost o f public b u s tr a n s p o r ta tio n w ill g o up in V a n c o u v er w h en the tran sp o rta tio n agency C -T ran increases fares 5 to 10 cents per ride. The increase will affect cash fares. Manager’s Passion con tin u ed fro m M etro photo by R aymond R endleman /T he P ortland O bserver D on J o n e s, N ew S e a s o n s M a rket m a n a g e r for th e Concordia s to r e a t N o r th e a st 3 3 r d A v e n u e a n d K illingsw orth s tr e e t, h e lp s a c u s to m e r fin d th e b e s t deal. single ride tickets and m onthly passes. The increase does not affect express fares or day passes. An adult fare for C -Zone will go up a nickel to $1.30 and an A ll-Zone ticket goes up a dim e to $2.35. Senior, disabled, and youth fares for a C -Zone also goes up a nickel to 65 cents w hile the senior All- Z one ticket also goes up a dim e to $ 1.20. C-Tran is the regional public transpor­ tation provider for portions o f Clark County. It offers local bus service within its Clark County service area, lim ited bus service to the nearest Max light-rail sta­ tion, and Express com m uter service to dow ntow n Portland. For inform ation please visit www.c- tran.com orcall 360-695-0123. r UMU V IMIU ----- Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61/10 Ernest J. Hill, Jr. Agent 4946 N Vancouver Avenue. Portland, OR 97217 r i * sa v e^ j^ 603 7(16 1103 Fax ! j 03 286 1146 eiriie hill liS m M statnfairo com 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service® 3OT - V, sek-eted styles for extraordinary wdtnert AFFORDABLE The purchase of Perfect Price itenjg Right Fit Catherines'™, Spanx® hosiery, sh J J & key ashion ay 10! FULL LOCKSMITH present this gift cheque and receive SERVICE • RE-KEY AND INSTALL LOCKS LOCKED OUT? WE MAKE KEYS FROM SCRATCH: HOUSE, OFFICE OR CAR Offer valid from 4 /3 0 /0 8 through 5 /1 1 /0 8 Valid online until 11:5 9 p .m . P l on 5 /1 1 /0 8 Qualifying purchase s deter­ mined after discounts and before taxes, shipping and han - Portland 503.284.9582 • Oregon City 503.656.2116 Serving Portland/Metro area (N, NE, SE, SW A NW) dliog Present gift cheque (or en ter prom otion code) at checkout Limit one gift cheque per custom er M u st be used tow ard a n ew purchase of Catherines n stock m e r­ chandise Cannot be used toward past purchases, past lay­ aw ays nr c re d t card payments. The purchase of Perfect $ TO P CASH $ Price item s. Right Fit by C ath erin es™ , Spanxi® hosiery, shoes, gift cards and Perks m em berships not included F or A ny J unk C ar , T ruck illllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 776927600 CAREER I ACTIVE DENIM I ACCESSORIES | SOCIAL OCCASION I INTIMATES CATHERINES' P LU S S IZ E S 16W-28W • 16WP-20WP • 28W-34W 4 I ■■■— k State Farm• 11i Wed., April 3ÇL- 3Q - Suni,*Aday Sun.,-M¿iy 11 your purchase of $5(1 or more. 1 Providing Insurance and financial Services S A L.& J L V Z o ff 's —— mother's day no ing them the opportunities and resources to grow ,” he says. Rules are essential, but Jones thinks a strict inter­ pretation o f the rules pre­ vents efficient and practical solutions in many instances. H e ’s c o m fo r ta b le w ith boundaries being crossed for the needs o f staff and custom ers. "T here is no substitute for me telling people w hat 1 think, w hat I'm going to do, what I can and c a n 't do, and how we feel about things,” he says. S ta f f c o m m u n ic a tio n helps in responding to the custom er-com m ent cards or w ith o th er concerns that com e up. “Som etim es my jo b d e­ fies d e s c rip tio n ,” Jo n e s says. “ It’s very challenging and at the same tim e very invigorating.” cathermes.com 30545 Hwy 212, Boring, OR I or V an