Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 23, 2008, Page 9, Image 9

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    J» «* «/
JJnrthîitb Observer
April 23. 2008
Page B3
O bservador
Ceramics from El Salvador that were primitively fired in underground pits are part
o f a collection on display this weekend at the Ceramic Showcase at the Oregon
Convention Center, 777 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Latin Ceramics on Exhibit
A happy El Salvador girl shows o ff a clay art
piece during a visit to the country by volunteer
artists from the Oregon Potters Association.
Volunteer artists visited El Salvador
A group o f volunteer artists from
in El Salvador at the Ceramic Show­
case. Friday, Saturday and Sunday,
April 25-27, at the Oregon C onven­
tion Center. Admission is free.
The Oregon Potters Association
delegation taught elements o f ce­
ramics in parts of rural El Sal vador hit
hard by economics, a lack of educa­
tion, politics and natural disasters.
The group is sharing lots of pho­
Pageant Winner
Alleges Racial Bias
Says crown
yanked for
speaking Spanish
(AP) — A Hispanic w oman who
won the Miss California USA con­
test only to have her crow n yanked
days later has sued the pageant for
half a million dollars, alleging rig­
ging and racial bias.
The pageant director rejected the
claim s, saying w inners during his
tenure have been som e o f the
p ageant’s m ost racially diverse
C hristinaSilva, 24, was crowned
Miss California USA on Nov. 25.
Three days later, the pageant’s ex­
ecutive director, Keith Lewis, told
her “there has been a mistake and
you are not the w inner," according
tothe lawsuit tiled in SuperiorCourt.
Raquel Beezley, 2 1, was subse­
Christina Silva, 24, poses for
quently crowned.
a photo at her home in Los
Si Iva is o f Ecuadorean and M exi­
can descent. The lawsuit claim s
Lewis was "uncom fortable with the can girls' may not opt to com pete
fact that Miss Silva spoke Spanish in the follow ing year."
The lawsuit seeks $500,000 in
with certain vendors; he felt that it
may detract from the caliber o f the dam ages for public humiliation and
pageant and some o f the 'all Ameri- lost prizes.
tos, stories and some of the pieces
that were made, including works that
were tired in the ground for free
using dried cow dung.
Cindy Roach was one o f the Port­
land artists who participated in the
educational tour.
Roach found life in El Salvador
"heart breaking, astonishing and
"People are challenged with pure
survival,” she said.
César Chávez
Holiday Proposed
“The creation o f a national holi­
day will not only honor a great man
but also educate A m ericans about
Cesar Chavez and help ensure that
his legacy continues
to in sp ire o th ers to
Several members of
work for the fair and
just treatm ent o f all
th e C o n g re s s io n a l
people,” said U.S. Rep.
Hispanic Caucus were
re c e n tly jo in e d by
Joe Baca o f California,
o th e r M e m b e rs o f
caucus chair.
Congressm an Raul
Congress and organi­
zational leaders to rec­
G rijalva o f A rizona,
added “Cesar insisted
ognize the life and work
on the best for us and
o f César Chavez, a la­
on the best in us. He
bor organizerandcivil- CésarChávez
insisted on tolerance
rights activist.
Specifically, they are support­ that we as human beings should
ing House Resolution 76, a C on­ understand and respect each other,
gressional nonbinding resolution and with that respect com es under­
urging the establishm ent o f a fed­ standing and w ith that respect
eral national holiday honoringCésar com es a better nation."
Chavez cham pioned fair wages,
C havez, and urging public schools
to teach about his life and contribu­ safe working environm ents, dig­
tions. The resolution currently has nity, respect and equality for all. He
61 co-sponsors.
was bom on March 31,1928.
Hispanic caucus
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