April 23. 2008 Page B2 HEALTH WATCH Children*» W ellness F a ir —W ednesday, April 23, from 4 to 8 p.m.. the C hildren’s C om m unity Clinic will sponsor a w ellness fair at Self E nhancem ent, Inc. prom oting nutrition, health issues and fitness. For Your Health Y _ Life is Sweet I re c e n tly re g is te re d at the S ylvania cam pus o f Portland C o m ­ m u n ity C o lle g e for a class in w o m en 's studies. I'll take it for credit. That will require some study­ ing and tests. G ood. A challenge to help keep my m ind sharp and fo­ cused. A school cam pus has always been a venue o f success o f subse­ quent parental praise and approval. I bless my parents everyday! And thank them - w herever they are or in w hatever dim ension - but fully alive som ew here! I'm headed tow ard a someday B a c h e lo r’s d e g re e in E nglish! Started in that direction in the au­ tum n o f 1944 when I was just 20 and a recently arrived im m igrant from Canada. I ’ ve been an American citi­ zen since 1957 I prefertocall m yself a North A merican citi­ zen - and seem to have a love/ hate relationship w ith the good old U.S. of A. As a young girl. I learned about the Am erican Revo­ lution and identified with the revo­ lutionaries, even though I was in­ doctrinated also about being a loyal British citizen. The I Jnited Empire Loyalists were lauded in my history books. My teachers w ere g en e rally o p en - minded and traveled freely back and forth across the LJ.S./Canadian border. W e were entertained and influenced by American-made mov­ ies and radio. Returning to the present and my tenure at school. I'm getting the Teen Girls Empowered W hile many local teens spent their spring break shopping, vaca­ tioning or hanging out with friends. 27 girls from three northeast Port­ land high schools spent their free tim e at a w orkshop designed to em p o w er and educate A frican- A merican teens. Sistas Informing, Healing, L iv­ ing and Em pow ering is a special­ ized training and education pro­ gram to reduce risky sex behavior am ong A frican-A m erican adoles­ cent females. The program aims to Licented E ¡dietician Nail lech, Skin Analyst & Make Up Ajtitt by J i nk P otter A costa nicest, warmest reception wherever I go on cam pus. I’ve pondered this, and decided that the kids - many 18 and 20-year-old students - are very likely cheered and delighted to en ­ counter an obviously old woman who seem s to be up-beat and opti­ m istic - and busy! M aybe a groan about my arthritis! But very in­ volved with life and strongly o pin­ ionated about everything! There is a w onderful vitality that seem s to hum and vibrate across the cam pus - a beautiful cam pus at o v e r700 feet elevation. I feel iteven before I step off the bus that carries me to 12000 S.W . 49th Ave. Learning should be life-long. Not an original idea and one th at's been spread broadly across the universe. U nfortunately, I c a n 't get the bachelor's degree with PCC. The lady I spoke with in the counseling office said I w ould need another m ath and la b -sc ie n ce cla ss to qualify for the degree. Nope. It w o n 't happen. At 83, fast heading to 8 4 ,1 can ’t honestly contem plate years and years from now. My frame o f reference is lim ­ ited to h alf decades. I’ll accept that and be grateful! Meantime, life is sweet .Spring is here. W e'v e been prom ised several days o f ‘no precipitation.’ I' II go for that! Workshop focus: risky behaviors reduce teen pregnancy and sexu­ ally transm itted infection rates. Planned Parenthood o f the C o­ lumbia W illam ette partnered with the M ultnom ah C o u n ty H ealth D epartm ent and C ascade AIDS Project to launch the program that has been fully tested and endorsed by the C enters for D isease Control and Prevention. Throughout the Si H LE program. girls participate in interactive group discussions that em phasize ethnic and gender pride w hile enhancing aw areness of HIV risk-reduction strategies. Participants reported learning a variety o f valuable lessons, includ­ ing, "I learned I can be assertive w hen it com es to protecting my body,” and "I learned about the im portance o f loving m yself.” Creation of Style Phone: 503.995.4136 aprljns&yahoo. com W elcom e to M edicare — Saturday, April 26, from 10 a.m. to noon, M ultnom ah County will conduct a free w orkshop at Mt. Hood C om ­ munity College for those new to M edicare, explaining the public service's fundamentals. For more inform ation, call 503-491 -7572. W om en's Health C onference - Saturday, April 26, from 7 :30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Oregon C onvention Center, will focus on how green living can benefit your health, with guest speakers and workshops; $40 all-day fee. To register, visit O hsuw om enshealth.com . Are you a t R isk ? - A focus on leg and carotid disease takes place Tuesday, April 2 9 ,from 6:30 to 8 p .m . with experts discussing what puts you at risk, treatm ent options, nutrition and prevention; free w ork­ shop. T o register, call 503-335-3500. G roovin' a New W eight - W ednesdays beginning April 30, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m ; join the w eight program designed for w om en only, this eight-w eek program guarantees an energy boost, education and support; fee $180. To register, call 503-574-6595. Stop Sm oking! — Thursdays, starting May 8 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., a four-w eek quit-sm oking program offers the tools to for real success m inim ize the risk o f relapse; $95 fee. To register, call 503-335-3500. W om en’s W ellness; Breast Health -Saturday. M ay 10,from 10a.m. to 1 p.m .,at Legacy G ood S am aritan ,B u ild in g T w o -lo w er level, 1040 N.W . 22nd Ave., a free event features a catered brunch, guest speakers and booths with topics including cancer genetics, breast imaging, hone density and more. T o register, call 503-335-3500. Ready or Not? - Thursday, M ay 28, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.; learn how to prepare your family for a m ajor disaster strike; federal assistance could take up to 72 hours before being available, w ould your family be ready? T his free class will prepare your family to survive with self- sufficiency for the first few days. T o register, call 503-335-3500. dates and times, visit m ehealth.org/healthequity. Tools for Caregivers — A six-week educational series is offered to help family caregivers take care o f them selves w hile caring for a relative or friend with a chronic illness. The classes are being held at several locations and dates. Call 503-413-6465 form ore inform ation. 8208 N D enver (corner o f Kilpatrick) Broker 503.975.8004 Portland O R 97217 503-286-3877 Email: C reationofstyle@ yahoo.com Barbara Waters - Owner m ichael@ bridgetow nrealty.com Please call me, your neighborhood specialist, for any o f your Real Estate needs. My success is built on a com m itm ent to quality service. Bereavement Support G roups—Free, safe confidential group meetings for those who have experienced the death o f a loved one oflered on various nights and locations. For info and registration,call 503-215-4622. Stroke A lert Screening — Check your carotid arteries with a painless ultrasound to assess your risk. Fee $40. T o schedule a screening, call IN I . . . . . . State Farm* 503-251-6137. Providing Insurance and Financial Services IN IU M tt C I Home Office. Bloomington, Illinois 61710 Michael E Harper B R ID G E T O W N r REALTY 1 503-221-3050 Fax 503-227-8757 J t0 MINUTE‘S PHONE APPROVAL 503-254-0060 92 TOYOTA 98 MAZDA CARGO VAN PREVIA LE 626 87 MERCEDES 300 E 4 cyl. 130K, 5-spd. R u n s & d riv e s overdrive, good loaded.save gas g o o d , lo o k s fam ily van. #715919 g re a t # 8 1 9 3 0 T rito n V 8. g re a t AT 4-cyl. with w o r k van. #067102 #051854 94 ACURA 96 NISSAN INTFGRA ALTIMA 4-dr, 4-cyl. AT 3-drHB. 4-cyl DOHC. 8 9 TOYOTA PICKUP DX 96G M C YUKON SLT 2-dr, 4-cyl custom 4 x 4 ,V 8 .A T AT.ABS PDL PW w/overdrive. pin striping, chrome w ith o v e rd riv e AM/TM stereo, CD. POL. CD, AC. PW. rim wheels, canopy #733597 p sunroot. #028132 #169199 #000057 95 JEEP GRANO 87 HONDA 93 CHEVY PU CHEROKEE ACCORD EXTRA CAB SUV. 4 x 4 ,6-cyl. AT 84k original m iles Silverado, blow out w/ovetdrive. ABS garage kept, like price fully loaded, new #46666 runs & drives good. tnw pkg. P Dl.PW $2995 98 AURORA 8 9 k , lo w m ile s , le a th e r, fu lly lo a d e d # 6 9 1 1 8 #46770 91 FORD 97 FORD 97 CHEVY EXPLORER 4X4 WINDSTAR ASTRO Leather, fully V6 AT alloy wheels 7 pass, fully lo a d e d , CD, tin te d PW, AC, nice. loaded drives & w in d o w s , ro o f #46881 runs great #68912 0 0 FORD ESCORT 91k. AT, 4-cyl. 2.0, great economy car. #235543 ra c k # 6 7 , 3 9 _ 97 CMC SUBURBAN LT , Leather drives well S X nice #46108 » $3395 96 TOYOTA 95 EAGLE COROLLA 40R SUM M IT 95C HE V LUMINA 4 cyl. AT, PS, AT. 4-cyl, 5-dr, V6. AT w/overdrive. d u a l a ir b a g s. AC wagon, great PW third seat #363001 for the fam ily alloys, POL AC #008662 #156346 0 0 6 0 1236 NE 82nd Ave., Portland from Metro Agent We m oved to our new location at: 9713 S.W . Capitol, Portland, O R 97 F 0R D F 1 50 From Fear to Focus continued A OVER f 80 VEHICLES TO CHOOSE FROM Do You Know Your Numbers? -T h u rsd a y , April 24, receive a person­ alized m easurem ent and analysis o f blood pressure, cholesterol levels, lean body m ass, fat w eight and optim al weight; $30 fee. A ppointm ents available from 7 to 10p.m. To register, call 503-335-3500. Health Inequities - T he public is invited to join in the dialogues with com m unity members, organizations, business leaders and local elected officials to discuss the root causes o f health inequities as well as long­ term solutions in a this seven-part series. For neighborhood locations, BOOY SHAPE CONSUl TING AC alloys #692080 503-335-3500. Peer-to- Peer Recovery — Peer-to-peer education recovery course is a free, nine-w eek course on the topic o f recovery to r any person with a serious mental illness. The courses are led by m entors who are recovering from mental illness and are trained to teach coping strate­ gies to others. F orm ore inform ation, call 503-228-5692. JiWflKY Michael Tillery W hat About Boys — W ednesday, April 2.3, from 7 to 9 p.m., Legacy M eridian Park Hospital, 19300 S.W. 65th Ave., will host the forum discussing the developm ental perspectives o f raising young boys and the problem s they are facing today; $5 fee at the door. T o register, call Church in northeast Portland. Kinter left the exam room ex­ pressing confidence that lab re­ sults would discover any infec­ tion or other ailment. Not all patients are as easy to deal with, according to Riggins. Even so, she considers it her duty to relate to needs of people, even if they seem confronta­ tional, biased or impossible. “Life's not easy, but we all have to do the best we can to be sensitive," she says. In earing for the patient with the Klansman tattoo, she re­ peated in her head, "Overcome evil with good,” a biblical saying that her grandfather used after losing his home to the Vanport Flood of 1948. Riggins argues that medical practitioners, along with many others in positions of power, make the biggest mis­ take in assuming knowledge of a problem before listening. “You have to be really clear who you are and not let other people define who you are," she says. “On the other hand, you have to be willing to say you're sorry." r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I k YAM YAM’S SoufActtt Patbccuc 'lee tfic tâc 7ta ten ! Hours: 12:30 PM to 6:00 PM 7.339 MLK Jr. Blvd.. Portland, Oregon 97211 A ll You C a n E a t B u ffe t Sunday, A pril 27, 2008 •Candied Yams • Succotash • Cabbage • Macaroni & Cheese •Cornbread Mullins • Fountain Drinks Phone <5»3» 978-9229 Fax (5 0 3 (9 7 8 -9 2 2 9 • Meatloaf w/Mashed Potato • Smothered Pork Chops ► R ice • Deep Fried Chicken Wings »Deep Fried Catfish • Collard Greens $15.00— Adults $ 13.(K) — Seniors $8.00-U n d e r 12