A p ril 23. 2008 Page A6 F ood The Portland Observer respectfully requests all comments and family recipes that you would like to share. Please address them in e-mail tosharons@portlandobserver.com. KITCHEN HERB GARDENING Gather Your Materials Bring a little life to your windowsill and reap the culinary rewards o f a kitchen herb garden. Besides seeds or plants, y o u ’ll need soil, containers and the promise o f warmth and lots o f sunlight. Soil: The best type o f soil to use for window herbs is a mixture of potting soil, peat moss and perlite. This mixture, or one very similar, is available in most garden stores. C ontainers: Plastic window boxes, clay window boxes and clay pots of an appealing weight, size, shape and color are only a few possibilities. Visit your local garden store for inspiration or look around the house for unconventional containers like a retired teapot or broken mugs. These unorthodox planters can make visually pleasing gardens that reveal your personality. Punch drainage holes into their bases and plant an assortment of herbs and edible flowers such as nasturtiums. Sunlight: All of the herbs listed above require at least four hours of sunlight every day, so be sure you have a sunny window sill somewhere in your home, or a fluorescent light that can be set up to shine on the herbs for at least four hours a day. Herbs are especially agreeable to indoor cultivation because most require p lentiful sunlight and a warm climate. I f your kitchen isn 't the sunny place herbs demand, take a w alk around your home and decide upon the most amenable place to start a garden grow ing, and get started! Selection of Herbs'. A Matter of Taste Selecting w hich herbs to grow may he the most d iffic u lt aspect o f beginning an herb garden. One way to decide w hich herbs to grow is to consider which dishes you like to eat best and choose herbs that are integral or complementary to those particular dishes. SAFEWAY 0 Ingredients for life.® Hot or Lean Pockets 8.5 to9-oz. Selected vaneties. Club Price: $2.00 ea. SAVE up to $4.95 on 5 CLUB PR IC E Kendall-Jackson, Eola Hills or Chateau Ste Michelle Creamy Herb Dressing 750-ml. Selected varietals. SAVE up to $7.70 "This takes the basic ranch salad dressing one step further by incorporating a generous quantity o f fresh herbs. ” BOTTLE PRICE $9.90 Arm & Hammer Laundry Detergent 50-oz. 2x to 100-oz. Liquid. Where available. Selected varieties. Up to 32 loads. SAVE up to$4.50 CLUB PRICE • 1/2 bunch chives, coarsely chopped (1/3 cup) • 3/4 cup mayonnaise • 1/2 cup buttermilk • 2 Tbs. cider vinegar • 1/2 tsp. kosher salt; more to taste • 1/8 tsp. freshly ground black pepper • 3/4 tsp. hot sauce In g re d ie n ts • 1/4 small bunch dill, stems removed (about 1/4 cup loosely packed leaves) • 1/4 bunch flat-leaf parsley, stems removed (about 3/4 cup loosely packed leaves) • 1/4 bunch thyme, stems removed (about 2 Tbs. loosely packed leaves) Super Colossal Sea Scallops Under 10-ct Or choose 80 to 120-ct. Sea Scallops at $5.99 lb. frozen/thawed SAVE up to $700 ib 249 BUY-I get 1 free Eating Right™ Salad Blends or Medleys __ equal on lesser value OvenJoy Sandwich Breads | 4.9 to 12-oe. package. Selected varieties ’ SAVE up to $3.49 on 2 1 I I Northwest Grown Braeburn or Gala Apples 22.5-oz. White or Wheat SAVE up to 20 c ea C L U B P R IC E SAVE up to $1.01 ft. D ire c tio n s In a food processor, combine the dill, parsley, thyme and chives with the mayonnaise; process until the herbs are chopped. With the motor running, slowly pour in the buttermilk and then add the vinegar, salt, pepper and hot sauce. Taste and adjust seasoning. Pour into a bottle or jar and refrigerate for up to 2 weeks. CLUB PRICE . SUPER COUPONS! M n m Herb-garden kits are perfect gifts for IvL U IIl M other’s Day, birthdays or for the cook in your life. If you’d like to give a kitchen-herb garden as a gift, package the seeds (or seedlings), soil and containers together with helpful gardening tools like kitchen shears, a small watering can, gardening gloves and a booklet of recipes using herbs in the kit. Wrap the entire garden kit up with cellophane and a pretty ribbon. W n ie ONE W EEK ONLY! r r tz lr O ffe r valid Wednesday, A pril 23 thru Tuesday, A pril 29. M inim um $10 Purchase. SAFEW AY S COUPON 255 WITH CAM) ANO COUAON Jim m y D ean S lic e d Bacon Illl ^lnrtlanb (Observer Established On the Vine Cluster Tomatoes 1970 USPS 959-680 _______________________________ ^PËRCOWOHS! 12 02 Selected vaiptips Limil 1 purrtvrs* o t/w ifh Minimum $10 Purchase SAVE up to $2.71 lb. 4747 NE Martin Luther King. Jr. Btvd., Portland. OR 97211 Charles H. Washington EDiroR:Michael Leighton D istribution M anager : M ark W ashington C reative D irector : Paul N eufeldt A dvertising : K athy Linder OrncE M anager : Sharon Sperry R eporter : R aym ond Rendlem an E ditor - in -C hiee . P ublisher : The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submnunons M anuacripts and photographs should he clearly labeled and w ill be returned if accompanied by a self addressed envelope A ll created design display ads become the sole property o f the newspaper and cannot be used in other publication« or personal usage without SAFEWAY S 349 WiTf* CARD AMO COUPON A q u a fin a W a te r 24 pack. 169-02 U m itt with M r mum $ 1 0 P ir h » e Safeway SELECT* Ice Cream Safeway SELECT Ice Cream Cup Safeway SELECT* Sorbet 175-qt Selected varieties CM» Price $3.50 ea SAVE up to $4 Mon 2 75 02 Selected varieties Club Price $1 00 ea SAVf up to $2 90 on 10 Pint Selecteovarier.es CM» Price $2 50 ea SAVE up to $158 on 2 the w ritten consent o f the general manager, unless the client has purchased the composition o f such ad O 2008 SAFEWAY V THF. 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N Y . and The West Coast Black PRICE CHJ8 Publishers Association COUPON 79« WITH CAM) ANO C0UA0N P ostmaster : Send address changes to Portland Observer, V CALL 503-288-0033 nens portlandobserver.com FAX 503-288-0015 adi Qfiertlundvbsentrjum APRIL W»D THUR Fill S*T n* Prices in this ad good through A pril 29th subscription @ Donlandobserver.com ------------------------ 1------------------------------------------------------------------- Bumble Bee Solid White Albacore Tuna r EE10EJEIEJQ P 0 Box3 1 3 7 , Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 8 I COUPON I b o ; S aír I ív I v-wwbps limit 1 with Minimum $10 Purchase.