Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 23, 2008, Page 3, Image 3

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A pril 23. 2008
Dear Deanna!
26-year-old Confession
Sets Inmate F ree
I have to choose who I want to
marry. I have a childhood friend
that would love to be with me but
I d o n 't feel any firew orks for him.
I really want to marry my ex-boy-
| friend but I know he would only
marry me for stability since he has
a history of unem ploym ent. I am
so anxious to becom e a married
w oman but I'm having a tough
tim e with this decision. Neither
man has expressed this interest so
1 will be the one proposing. Who
do I choose? -M a rria g e C onfu­
sion; O n-Line Reader
Portland man
sees justice for
his brother
(A P )— A Portland m an' s brother
who was locked away 26 years for
m urder was granted a new trial and
freed on bond Friday with the help
o f two attorneys w hoeam e forward
with a client's confession after he
died in prison.
Alton Logan's family took up a
collection in the lobby o f the C ook
County C rim inal C ourthouse in
Chicago and quickly cam e up with
the $ I ,<X X) they needed to post bond.
A dozen friends and family broke
into applause as Logan, 54, exited
the building. He tearfully said it felt
"great" to be free before he was
whisked aw ay in a black SUV.
Logan's younger brother, Eu­
gene Logan o f Portland, w as.ada-
mant that he would be freed after
his retrial.
"Nobody deserves to be locked
aw ay for 26 years for som ething
they didn't do," said Logan, 48. "It's
a blessing today that my brother's
been released. He's not been exon­
erated yet, but w e're going back to
court, and it will happen."
Tw o attorneys recently revealed
that their form er client, Andrew
Pauline Buccanan (from left) Janet Logan and Eugene Logan cry
as their brother is freed from the Cook County Jail in Chicago.
W ilson, adm itted to com m itting the
crim e that has sent Logan to prison,
but attorney-client privilege had
kept them from com ing forward.
W ilson’s death last year allow ed
the attorneys to unseal an affidavit
stating that Logan was not respon­
sible for the fatal shooting o f secu­
rity guard Lloyd W ickliffe at a
M cD onald’s restaurant in Chicago
in January 1982.
Dale C oventry, one o f the attor­
neys who signed the affidavit, said
Friday night that he hopes pros­
ecutors will acknow ledge they went
in the wrong direction with the case.
"Poor Mr. Logan was locked up
all these years for som ething he
did n ’t do and that's unfortunate
that it w orked out the way it did,"
Coventry said. "I wish (therelease)
had happened a lot sooner, but
unfortunately there was no way to
do anything."
Logan's uncle, A rthur G ordon,
70, o f M ilwaukee, Wise, waited
outside the jail, saying he knew his
nephew was innocent.
"I knew he didn't do that be­
cause I had been talking to him over
the years," Gordon said. "He kept
his spirit. He said, 'Uncle I have to
stay up. I can't go down. I can't go
Eugene Logan says he hopes to
eventually have his brother move
to Portland to live.
"I'm going to turn him on to life,"
he said. "That's what we're going to
do. W e’re going to live it together."
slurs at him in M ay 1991.
"It's like a ton off my shoulders,"
Patterson said on the jail steps as he
waited for a ride from a brother and
sister-in-law he hadn't seen in a de­
cade. "Now I don't have to w orry.”
Since that night his life was one
o f peaks o f jobs and sobriety, can ­
yons o f alcohol and drug relapses.
He said it has taken this long to
follow through on the A lcoholics
and N arcotics A nonym ous step
Ask Deanna !
Real People,
Real Advice
known Jo r
reality based
ter and should invest tim e in build­
ing a loving relationship with som e­
one that has love, trust, respect and
a joint decision for com m itm ent and
Dear Confusion:
Dear Deanna!
Y ou are missing the major dynam ­
ics o f m arriage such as a mutual
agreem ent and o f course, a loving
com m itted relationship. This is a
union from G od and not to be
taken lightly or as a game. Your
childhood friend do esn 't deserve
heartbreak and your ex-boyfriend
would use you. You deserve bet-
My boyfriend will not tell me that he
loves me. I have been with him for
three years and he alw ays tells me
that his presence should answer
the question. He has verbally said
he loves me about five times. W e've
had our problem s with cheating
and hreak-ups but w e're still to­
gether. I w ant to head in the d irec­
Killing Ruled Self Defense Grand jury clears man
(A P) — D avid Lee Paterson
turned him self into Texas authori­
ties a m onth ago, adm itting to kill­
ing a man in Portland nearly 17
years ago. Thursday a M ultnom ah
County grand jury declined to file
charges against him. believing his
claim o f self defense.
Patterson,60. shot and killed Eric
Lam on, 21, when Lam on kicked
Patterson aw ake as he slept hom e­
less outside a dow ntow n Portland
funeral home and shouted racial
Page A3
^Jnrtlanb ©bseruer
"I always got to the step where
you make am ends, and couldn’t go
forward," Patterson said. "I never
could get to that because I feared
that no one would believe me."
Patterson plans to stay in Port­
land, find work and reunite with his
two daughters in M emphis, Tenn.,
who are in the mid-30s. He hasn't
seen them since they were 9 or 10.
“ W hen you tell the tru th ,”
P atterso n said , “you c a n ’t go
w rong.”
tion of com m itm ent but I need to
address his feelings first. How do
I find out his true feelings for m e? -
-Adrienne; Colum bia, SC
Dear Adrienne:
The things your boyfriend isn ’t
saying speak the loudest. Y o u ’ve
allowed this behavior in the rela­
tionship and at this point, th ere’s a
small chance h e’ll change. You
have rights in this relationship and
deserve to know his feelings and
intentions. You need to be direct
and tell him how you feel, what you
want and yourexpectations on love
and marriage. Be prepared if you
d o n 't get the answ ers you seek and
you have to decide to stay or keep
it moving
Ask Deanna is written by Deanna
M. Write Ask Deanna! Email:
askdeanna I (gyahoo.com or 264
S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283
Beverly Hills. CA 90211. Website:
www, askdeanna. com
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In flu e n c in g P u b lic Policy
fro m Front
the Portland Observer.
He said one o f the most critical
issues on the planning commission
will be figuring out how to absorb a
huge number o f people who will be
coming here to live in years tocome.
The new arrivals are expected from
all com ers of the world, including
Latin America, Russia and Vietnam.
"W e need to help them blend in,
but still preserve the opportunity for
them to house their cultures in our
city,” Baugh said.
Another issue is what he calls
addressing transportation in a holis­
tic sense - not choosing freeways,
light rail, bicycles and walking as
"one mode over another, but how to
make it all work.”
Transportation and land use are
closely linked, Baugh says.
“It used to be that if railroads
didn't build a rail line through your
town, the town died," he says. "Then
development was based on the In­
terstate highway system. Now we
have to decide where we place the
density. If housing is built around
the freeway system, how do we make
i t more I i vable? I f we can ’ t sol vc that,
the city starts to die because no one
wants to live there. We need to make
this a prosperous city, a desirable
place for people who want to move
here and people who have always
lived here."
Baugh foresees a Portland city
where you can raise your children,
and pursue your second, third or
fourth careers.
"W e need an array o f housing
types, not just $2 million penthouses,
and an array o f jobs that include
skilled blue collar jobs," he says.
Baugh was bom in North Dakota,
but his family moved to Oregon when
he was two. He grew up in several
cities, including Eugene and Sea-
side, graduated from high school in
Astoria, and graduated from the
University o f Oregon with a degree
in political science. He worked for
W eyerhaeuser for 17 years, while
living in Eugene, before he was hired
to Portland to manage a pilot Skinny
Streets project in the Brentwood-
Darlington neighborhood.
“I wanted to move to Portland,
and the project sounded interest­
ing," he says. He later managed the
redesign of Northeast Martin Luther
King Jr. Boulevard, replacing the
median strips w ith smaller medians
to allow for on-street parking at stra­
tegic locations.
Still later he participated in the
sitting o f a new Multnomah County
Public Library in the Hillsdale neigh­
borhood, a highly contentious issue
that involved transportation consid­
“ I didn't so much make decisions
as implement them," Baugh says. "It
does enlighten me today on the de­
cisions I'll be making for the Plan­
ning Commission. I could see the
direct impact o f these projects on
residents and businesses because
the changes occurred right in front
o f their doors.”
When he left the transportation
department, he was one o f several
people who questioned Portland
Development Commission policies
and progress about affirmative ac­
tion on city-financed projects.
Today Baugh says, “From what
I've seen front the outside, they've
taken this seriously, and put it at the
director's level. If it's part o f the
business practices that you do ev­
ery day. change will come about, and
they've made this part of business
Looking ahead. Baugh says, "I
like Portland and it's great to be
living here, but we face some serious
challenges in the years ahead."
hosted by The Links, Inc.
Portland Chapter
Benefit Of; Links Educational/Scholarship Fund
The D oubletree Inn-Lloyd Center
I (XX) N.E. M ultnom ah. Portland, OR
Friday, April 2 5 ,2(X)8 • 8:00p.m .
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Fur Ticket Information Contact:
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Tondalayera Designer Salon
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Simply Elegant Nails/Salon
332 N.E. 82nd Ave. • (503)262-8208
One Stop Music
1615 N.E. K illingsw orthSt. • (503)284-2435
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2 13 -2 15 N.E. Hancock • (503) 282-3379
Me Rae's «tn 42nd
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Reggie's Barbershop
3 2 13 N.E. MLK Blvd. • (503)280-0222
Reflections ( ofTehouse
446N .E . K illingworthSt. • (503)288-4070
Tickets may also be purchased from:
http://w w w .brow npapcrtickets.com /event/291 48
Phone: 1,8(X).838.3006
Correction: MLK Property Values
In a story about eco n o m ic d ev elo p m en t on N ortheast M artin
L uther King Jr. B oulevard in ou r A pril 2 ed itio n , d ev elo p er Eric
W enlland w as q uoted as saying M LK real estate w as w orth 30 to 50
percent less than it w as a year ago, w hen he m eant to say that it w as
30 to 50 percent less than co m parable p ro p erties in o th er parts o f the
city. W e regret the error.
Tickets Sold At The Door or from any Link Member
for show updates,
behind the scenes video and photos of the show1
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