April 23, 2 0 0 8 (Tlfe f .ìn r tk t n b (O b s c ru e r A rts ISIIl I tISHlSl page C3 “The blues and jazz will live forever... So will the Delta and the Big Easy” Jack Nicholson www.kmhd.fm shining for 25 years ( G U A R D IN O ( 5 A L L E R ' r Vaudevilian performer Jon Darnel brings smiles to his audiences as a member of Clowns Without Borders. Laughter for all AgeS Benefit to support performance ambassadors The Portland community is invited to a special evening o f extremely funny, physical theatre to ben­ efit an organization that offers laughter to relieve the suffering o f all persons, especially children who live in areas o f crisis around the world. The I Ith-annual Portland Clowns Without Bor­ ders benefit show is scheduled Saturday. May 3, at 7:30 p.m. at the Da Vinci Middle School Auditorium. 2508 N.E. Everett St. The show has always been a great event, with Portland's finest vaudcvillean performers coming out to support the cause o f spreading laughter around the world. This year'seven! promises to be a raucous evening o f laughter for all ages. Live music w ill accompany clowns, jugglers, comic ninjas, acrobats and more. Some o f Portland's finest and funniest vaudevil- lian performers have come together in support o f this great cause, including the Shoe Horn VonTap Quar­ tet, Nanda. Fist o f Dishonor, members and affiliates o f DoJump!, Nomadic Theatre and Michael O'Neill ol The Other Brothers. To reserve your tickets, v is it the website brownpapertickets.com/event/33371 or buy them at the door. Admission is $10-25 for adults. $5-10 tor youth 12 and under. Clowns Without Borders is an international orga­ nization whose performers visit places like refugee camps, conflict zones and territories in situations o f emergency. They bring levity and contemporary clown/circus oriented performances and workshops into communities so that they can celebrate together and forget fora moment the tensions that darken their daily lives. The group is currently fundraising to send a group o f Portland performers to refugee camps in Liberia. March 27-April 22 Ingrid Hendrix & Wendy Harmon day & paintings • Pictured: Ingrid Hendrix" Fatal Fruit" • Changing M onthly Exhibitions •Contemporary Art & Craft in Gift Shop OPEN six days a week 2939 NE Alberta • Portland, OR 97211 503 281-9048 • www.guardinogallery.com