pageC2 (Elje ■Jjnrtlanb (Observer^ ts IMU UIMIISI show cased. For m ore inform ation, visit O M N o rm an S ylvester B and — Friday, April 25 at 7 p.m., at Auguslanna Lutheran Church, 2710 N.E. 14th Ave., Norm an Sylvester will be the featured choir guest for a church fundraiser. E bony F ash io n Show - The 5()th annual Ebony Fashion Fair “G lam Odyssey: A Fashion Jour­ ney into Bliss and Beyond, benefiting The Links Scholarship Fund, will appear in Portland at the D oubletree-Inn-L loyd C enter, on Friday, April 25 at 8 p.m. Tickets will be sold at the door and can be purchased by visiting the website, call­ ing I -800-838-3006 or from any Links member. T hree D im ensional Expertise -- The M u­ seum o f Contemporary Craft, 725 N.W. Davis, exhibits a unique collection o f sculptures through Sunday, April 27. Dazzling and Spectacular - - W hite Bird presents the W est C oast debut o f one o f E u ro p e 's m ost ce leb rated dance com panies - Scapino B a lle t R o tte rd a m - on Wednesday, April 30 at 7:30p.m. at the A rlene Schnitzer Concert Hall. S p rin g C o n c e rt — T he U niver­ sity o f Portland Choral Union and Jazz Band will celebrate spring with m adrigals and classic w orks during a special perform ance at 7:30 p.m. W ednesday, April 23 in Buckley Center Auditorium on campus, 5(MX) N. W illamette BI vd. The concert is free and open to the public. April 23. 2008 R u n n in g into W alls — Eccentric friends w hose daily lives are cast into disorder by a sudden encounter with m ortality is the story behind the com edy “Running into W alls.” with sh o w s sc h e d u le d w e e k e n d s th is month at T heater T heater!, 3430 S.E. Belmont. Call 9 7 1 -3 1 9 -5 7 8 1 or visit N om for details. P u c c in i's L a B ohem e — Portland State U niversity'sopera program will perform Puccini' s La Boheme in Ital ian, the o pen­ ing-night perform ance is Friday, April 25, at 7:30 p.m ., at the Lin­ coln Performance Hall. 1620S.W. Park Ave., for com plete schedule and ticketing information, contact 503-725-3307. R o b e rta W ong - The Interstate Firehouse Cultural C enter is celebrating its 25th anniversary with an exhibit with featuring artist Roberta W ong w ho was the curator o f the IFCC gallery for 18 years. Her works will be shown currently through Saturday, April 26. N obody H ere B ut Us C h ick e n s - April 25 thru M ay 24, the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center, 5340 N. Interstate, will host three short plays written by Peter Barnes. T his au d a­ cious com edy explores the perceptions o f disabilities. For more inform ation, visit 6 th A venue S tre e t F a ir - T hursday, May I . from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m .. this free eclectic Portland-style street fair on N orth­ west 6th A venue betw een Burnside and Hoyt streets, features a farm ers' m arket, skate exhibition, show casing neighborhood entertainm ent, prize giveaw ays and art ex ­ hibits. For m ore inform ation, visitportlandm K eep P o rtla n d W eird - St. Jo h n ’s Bizarre — Enjoy the incredible street fair with fea­ tured vendors, m usic, food, and beer garden and m ore, on Saturday, May 10, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m ., at N. Lom bard and Philadelphia, in the St. Jo h n ’s Plaza; the parade will k ic k -o ff at 10 a.m . from Roosevelt Fligh School dow n Lombard. R eggae a t th e Blue M o n k -- KBO O com m u­ nity radio will feature O.B. Addy and l&I on Saturday, April 2 6 at the Blue Monk. 3 3 4 1 S.E. ~ Belmont St. D oors open at 9 p.m. T he cover is $8 at the door. F ree F irst F rid ay N ig h ts--T h e Portland C hildren's M useum has partnered with Target to provide free adm ission to everyone on the first Friday o f each m onth from 5 to 8 p.m. O M SI $2 D ays - The first Sunday o f every month can spark your passion for science at the OM SI when adm ission is ju s, $2. Exhibits and over 200 hands-on activities and planetarium show s will be Live Music Every Night • Hannah Bea’s, 3969 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., presents jazz during its ‘Sunday Brunch Serenade’ from 11 1 p.m. • Live jazz Sundays from 8:3()to 1 1:30p.m.atClyde’sPrim eRib,5474N.E. Sandy, andattheB lue Monk, 3341 S.E. Belmont. • An open mic is held each Monday night at the Back-to-Back Café, 614 E. Burnside. • Live blues on Mondays from 9 p.m. to midnight at Pnxiuce Row Café, 204 S.E. Oak; the Steinhaus, 2366 S.E. 82nd; Mississippi Studios, 939 N. Mississippi, from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m.; and at Jimmy Mac’s, 2 2 1 N.W. Tenth at 8 p.m. • Blues offered up Wednesdays at the Candlelight Room, 2032 S.W. Fifth; Duff’s Garage, 635 S.E. Seventh; and the Blue Diamond, 2016 N.E. Sandy. • Jazz each Wednesday night at the Blue Monk, the Portland Art Museum. Jimmy M ac's, and Jax s, 26 S.W. Second. Rogue D ogand B eerFestival — Friday, M ay 16th, from 4 to 10 p.m. and Saturday May 17th, from n œ n to 10 p.m.; Rogue Ales. 2 3 2 0 OSU Drive in New port, will host the festival celebrating man and his best friends, do g s and beer. S am ple o v er 50 w orld-class m icrobrew s from around the country; for m ore inform ation, visit brew . H ip -h o p D ance C lasses — Vancouver-Clark Parks and Rec­ reation is hosting fam ily friendly hip-hop dance classes for ages 5 to 18. V arious lessons teach rhythm , technique, coordination, agility and team w ork through urban dance moves. For more information, call 360-696-8236. ( )pen M ic N ight — Every W ednesday night at 7 p.m . Proper Eats M arket and Café, 8638 N. Lom bard St., hosts open-m ic night. S lid ers G rill - Sliders G rill, 3 0 1 1 N. Lom bard, features an eclectic assortm ent o f perform ers on the main stage, accom ­ panied by delicious food. Call 503-459-4488 for more infor­ mation. • On Thursdays, catch the Women in Blues Revue at Tillicum’s, 8585 S.W. Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy. • Fridays and Saturdays offer live music around the metro area including Halibuts, 2525 N.E. Alberta St.; Mississippi Studios; LV 's, 3530 N. Vancouver Ave.; X V’s, 15 S.W. Second; Out of the Blues, 2050 N.W. Vaughn; Manila Express. 1230 S.E. Main; Steinhaus; One Stop Records. 6 15 N.E. Killingsworth; and the U-licious Smokehouse, 4057 N. Interstate. Sunday Night Jazz - Jazz enthusiasts can enjoy listening to the cool sounds of Mel Brown in the Rogue River Room at C hinook W inds C asino Resort in Lincoln City. No cover charge.