Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 23, 2008, Page 11, Image 11

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il’1 ^Jortlanb (Observer
April 23. 2008
C lassifieds / B ids
Sales Management Opportunity
Wanted and Needed
A Citi Company
Church Building (size: small to medium) with
office For rent or lease. Located in N/NE and
inner city Portland Please call 503-863-6545
We are: one of the largest marketers of financial products
in North America, looking for people who want to succeed.
We offer: An excellent educational system to teach you our
business, a comprehensive support network, and competi­
tive products that are highly desirable to most consumers.
Candidates should: Desire an excellent income, be commit­
ted to working hard, and possess a strong desire to succeed.
toll free at 8 77 -4 75 -2 0 88 .
Sealed bids will be received at the Housing Authority of Portland
(HAP), 135 SW Ash Street, Portland, Oregon 97204, 5th floor
Metolius Conference Room, until 2:00 pm, Wednesday May 14,2008
for labor and materials for work at Cambridge Court Apartments,
a 20 unit complex located at 5224 N. Vancouver Ave. Portland,
Oregon 97219. Shortly thereafter, bids will be opened and publicly
read. The First Tier Subcontractor List, HAP-421, must be received by
4:00 p.m. the same day. No bidder may withdraw their bid after the
hour set for opening until after the lapse of sixty (60) days from
the bid opening.
The basic work consists of interior modernization including: new
kitchen appliances, cabinetry, flooring, doors, new exterior siding,
new plumbing and electrical fixtures. Exterior modernization
include: new concrete walkways, playground surfacing, retaining
w all, m asonry re sto ra tio n , m etal fe n cin g, irrig a tio n and
Bid Documents are available at Ford Graphics, 401 NW 14th
Avenue, P ortland, Or. 97209, phone: (503) 548-9645,
www.fordgraphics.com. A $50 deposit for one set and $20
(twenty) for each additional set is refundable when documents
are returned within 10 days after bid opening.
Attendance of bidders is mandatory at a pre-bid tour of the project
commencing at Cambridge Court Apartments, at 10:00 am, Tuesday,
April 29,2008. Questions posed during the tour, not addressed in
the documents, will be answered by addendum.
HAP has an aspirational goal of 20% of DBE/MBE/WBE/ESB
participation in the execution of this project. Therefore, non-D/
M/W/ESB prime contractors will be required to submit proof
showing that good faith efforts have been made to contract with
D/M/W/ESB subcontractors.
This contract is for a public work subject to the Davis-Bacon
prevailing wage decision. Prevailing wage rates shall apply to this
The Housing Authority of Portland may reject any bid not in
com pliance with the prescribed b id d in g procedu res and
requirem ents and may reject any or all bids and waive all
informalities if, in the judgment of HAP, it is in the public interest to
do so. Questions regarding this project should be directed to
Cinna'Mon Williams at 503-802-8533.
Bureau o f Technology Services
Flexible Services Contracts for
Telecommunications Services for Avaya PBX & Subsystems
Proposals Due By: 2:00 p.m., April 29th, 2008
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The City owns, maintains and operates
an Avaya PBX running Communications Manager 3.1. The PBX
S yste m is used both fo r ACD and g e n e ra l b u sin e ss
telecommunications services, and subtends a Lucent 5ESS central
office also owned by the City.
The City intends to award on-call service contracts which support
the PBX System. Firms may be called on to provide consulting
services and/or undertake fixed-term projects. The services
requested under these contracts will be small to medium in scope.
These projects may range from a few hundred dollars up to
$75,000 subject to budget availability in any given year.
The City may award contracts to multiple firms. The number of
contracts awarded shall be at the sole discretion of the City.
Selected firms will enter into a five (5) year on-call services contract
. The individual contract amount shall not exceed $500,000 for
the five (5) year term of the contract. Services are requested as
the need arises; therefore there is no guarantee that the total
dollar limit of any contract will be reached.
The Request for Proposals may be obtained from the City of
Portland website at: http://citvofportland.ebidsvstem s.com /
Proposals shall be received at City of Portland, Bureau of
Purchases, 1120 SW 5th Avenue, Room 750, Portland, OR 97204
until 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, April 29th, 2008. Direct any questions
re g a rd in g th is s o lic ita tio n to:
M a ria n n e M etzger,
Proposals shall be reviewed by an evaluation com m ittee in
accordance with Chapter 5.68 of the City Code. Proposers shall
com ply w ith the C ity's M /W /ESB and Equal Em ploym ent
Opportunity Programs. The City of Portland is com m itted to
in cre a sin g con tra ctin g, sub co n tra c tin g and e m ploym en t
opportunities for minority, women and emerging small businesses.
Proposers are required to evaluate project requirem ents to
maximize use of M/W/ESB firms. Proposers are encouraged to
conduct pre-submittal conferences and are advised to investigate
all potential sources of M/W/ESB and maximize outreach to
increase participation. Attention is called to Chapter 3.100 of the
City Code relative to certification as an Equal Em ploym ent
Opportunity Employer. EEO certification requirements are available
on the Bureau of Purchases website at: www.portlandonline.com/
Bureau of Purchases
1530 SW Taylor Street
Portland, Oregon 97205
Phone: 503-228-7177
Fax: 503-224 3638
1120 SW Fifth Ave. Room 750, Portland OR 97204
B lo ck 4 6 - The M a tis s e
A dd en du m No. 3 N o tific a tio n & Bid D a te R evisio n
Project: Block 46 - ‘The Matisse’ - (Addendum No. 3)
2 :0 0 PM
Portland State University
Area Coordinator, Residence Life
You can view the addendum at the following locations:
R&H Office
2840 NW 35th Ave.
1530 SW Taylor St.
Portland, OR 97210
Portland, OR 97205
OR Contractors Plan Ctr
4134 N. Vancouver Ave.
14625 SE 82nd Dr.
Portland, OR 97217
Clackamas, OR 97201
View Online: R&H Website: Has complete listings of plans,
specifications, instructions to bidders booklet, and
Document Purchase: Documents are available for purchase at
Precision Images, 503-274-2030.
Addendum No. 4 is anticipated to be issued April 28th. Please
check our website or one of the above listed
locations to review.
Please acknowledge that you have reviewed all four addenda
with your bid submission.
President/CEO United Way
Portland, Oregon
The Portland-based United Way of
the C o lu m b ia -W illa m e tte is
looking for its next great leader.
The successful candidate will
d e m o n stra te d
e xc e p tio n a l record as an
e xe c u tive level le a d e r and
convener, with the ability to bring
clarity and focus to United Way’s
role of a c h ie vin g e nha nce d
com m unity im pact, extended
v o lu n te e r e n g a g e m e n t and
greater financial support for its
mission-focused work. The ability
to powerfully and passionately
communicate the organization’s
m issio n of h e lp in g peop le,
changing lives and making every
c o n trib u tio n co u n t is also
The candidate of choice must be
strategic and tactical managing
ch a n ge and e xp e rie n c e d in
a lig n in g o rg a n iz a tio n a l and
community resources to achieve
business outcomes. A bachelor’s
degree with a minimum of 10
ye a rs e xe c u tive / s e n io r level
experience is required. Evidence
of success achieving results within
United Way, other nonprofits or in
the business or public sectors as
w ell as m ajor v o lu n te e r
leadership experience will be
United Way of the Colum bia
Willamette serves four counties
in the Greater Portland-Southwest
Washington state region, an area
offering an unparalleled quality of
life and sense of community. The
2007-2008 cam paign raised
more than $19,000,000. If you
believe you are ready to be this
organization's next great leader,
please send resume and cover
letter by COB, May 30, to the
atte n tion of the CEO Search
C o m m itte e , U n ite d W ay of
Columbia Willam ette via e-mail
to: ceosearch@unitedwav-pdx.org
or m ail to: CEO S earch
Com m ittee, c/o Kathy Grimm,
United W ay of the Colum bia-
Willamette, 619 SW 11th Avenue,
Suite 300, Portland, OR 97205
2646 (no phone calls please).
First Step
C hildcare & Education
State Registered
Day Care Home
*Infant to School Age
Vernon Neighborhood
*Openings Available*
(503) 288-8367
City of Portland
R&H Construction
Bid Date Revision: M ay 5, 2 0 0 8
For more information, contact me: Lamont Tellis at
Primerica Financial Services, a subsidiary of Citigroup:
For contracting opportunities with the City of Portland and for
valuable information on how to do business with the City, please
log on to the Bureau of Purchases Web Page:
The Department of Community
Ju stic e (D C J) at M ultn om ah
County is seeking highly qualified
in d ivid u a ls who can p ro vid e
leadership and oversight for a 50
to 150 bed secure residential
treatm ent program for clients
needing alcohol and other drug
tre a tm e n t
c o g n itive
behavioral interventions at the
Multnomah County Wapato Facility.
DCJ is actively recruiting persons
from diverse backgrounds to
enhance service delivery to our
diverse community.
Secure Treatment Program
Manager 2, #9360-29
$61,093 - $94,325 annually DOE
R e s p o n s ib ilitie s w ill in clu d e
program d e ve lo p m e n t and
im plem entation; ensuring the
s a fe ty and s e c u rity o f the
treatment facility, clients, staff,
and the co m m u n ity; b ud get
developm ent and m onitoring;
le a d in g and fo s te rin g a
c o lla b o ra tiv e
re la tio n s h ip
between the security and clinical
co m p o n e n ts of th e se cu re
treatment program and facility:
and ensuring com pliance with
c o n d itio n a l use pe rm it and
licensure by the State for the
Secure Treatment Clinical Manager,
$52,773 to $81.453 annually DOE
R e sp o n sib ilitie s w ill in clu d e
providing clinical leadership and
direction to the secure residential
treatm ent program , including
alcohol and other drug treatment,
c o g n itive
b e h a vio ra l
in te rve n tio n s ; c o a ch in g and
mentoring clinical and treatment
Secure Treatment Operations
Manager, #9620-07
$52,773 to $81,453 annually DOE
(2 -positions avail)
R e sp o n sib ilitie s w ill in clu d e
overseeing the safety, security,
care, and welfare for all staff and
residents in the secure treatment
facility; monitoring the intake and
referral process, facility security
operations, and crisis intervention
with residents' behavior.
These recruitments are scheduled
to close on May 2, 2008. For
more information about these
p o sitio n s,
in c lu d in g
qualifications and application
materials, please visit our website
at www.m ultcojobs.org or call
503 988 5035. M ultn om ah
County offers a comprehensive
benefit package.
Equal Opportunity Employer
P o rtla n d S tate
U n ive rs ity
Residence Life is seeking one
Area Coordinator for a full-time,
live -in , fixe d -te rm , 12-m onth
u n cla ssifie d , u n re presen te d,
overtim e-exem pt appointment.
M inim um q u a lific a tio n s are:
Bachelors degree and one year of
successful experience in Housing/
R e sid e n ce Life and stu d e n t
government within housing. Prior
experience and knowledge of
ju d ic ia l a ffa irs, s tu d e n t and
leadership development, budget
management, and collaborative
special event planning preferred.
Ability to relate well to faculty and
a rtic u la te
e ffe c tiv e ly
institution's mission and priorities,
as well as proven track record in
bridging academic and student
affairs with the implementation of
new initiatives and programs. For
com plete position description
please visit www.hrc.pdx.edu. The
position will remain open until
finalists are identified. Screening
of applications will begin April 30,
Portland State University is an
A ffirm a tiv e
A c tio n /E q u a l
Opportunity Institution and, in
keepin g with the P re sid e n t’s
d ive rs ity in itiative, w elcom es
a p p lic a tio n s from d ive rse
candidates and candidates who
support diversity.
Social Service Director
Fernhill Estates is a small skilled
nursing facility nestled into the
NE Concordia neighborhood.
We are looking an individual
w ith s k ille d n u rs in g so cia l
service experience to join our
team. The preferred candidate
will have RAI experience as well
as hands on social service
Please fax your
resume to 503-287-4172 or
email cemerson@dovermgmt.com
Great Opportunity for C.N.A.
New Wage Scale with Hire on Bonus ! ! !
Please contact Cheryl Emerson
at 503-288-5967
Send your resume via
fax: 503-287-4127 or
email: cemerson@dovermgmt.com
Stop in for an application at
5737 NE 37th Avenue
Portland, OR 97211
Will train in welding, machine shop
skills and engine maintenance.
Full pay while training. Call 1800-
914-8536 if you are a high school
graduate who wants to start a
\d\cri iso with diveisiL
01,1 l Ì o r t l a n h
(O b se rv e r
T h e A re a 1 In s id e E le c tr ic a l JATC an equal opportunity
apprenticeship and training program will open for applications
duringthefollowingdates and times; April 30th May 1,2,3,4^7,
8, 9, 10, 11th, 2007 from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
6915 NE 42nd Avenue Portland, OR 97218
Applications must be filled out in person.
For more information about program requirements please visit
our web page at www.arealjatc.com or call 503-459-4056
Women and Minorities are strongly encouraged to apply
L ifk W orks
LifeWorks NW recognizes that diversity
stre n g th e n s o ur w o rk fo rce and
empowers our community, and therefore
encourages wom en and men of all
cultural backgrounds and ages to apply.
C h e m ic a l D e p e n d e n c y C o u n s e lo r (FT/N Ptld/Project for
Community Recovery) Provides intake assessments, individual/
group alcohol & drug counseling, case management, gender specific
groups, urinalysis collection, clinical documentation & coordinates
with referral sources. CADCI or II required, BA or MA preferred. Exp
with the cultural norms of the African Am erican population,
aw areness of w om en's issues, & fam iliarity with the N/NE
community & referral sources. Knowledge of ASAM. OARS, evidence
based practices, program compliance & quality assurance. Working
knowledge of computer. Min of 2 years exp in the CD field.
C h e m ic a l D e p e n d e n c y C o u n s e lo r (FT/N Ptld) Provides
outpatient & intensive outpatient CD services for primarily culturally
specific population including case management, assessments,
group, individual & family counseling. Preferred exp working with
African-American population ages 12-21 who are involved with
DHS & Juvenile Justice Division. CADC I or eligible; strong computer
skills; some evening hours & excellent team player.
Interested applicants may e-mail resumes to hr@hfeworksnw.org.
mail to: LifeWorks NW, 14600 NW Cornell Rd, Portland, OR 97229
Attn: Human Resources or fax to: 503-690 9605. Visit our web
site at www.lifeworksnw.org. EOE
Portland Development Commission
The Urban Renewal Agency for the City of Portland. Oregon
Portland is internationally recognized for its quality of life,
distinctive neighborhoods, and robust transit system. Playing a
key role in keeping Portland, Oregon, one of America's most livable
cities is the Portland Development Commission's mission. PDC
is the City's urban renewal agency, charged with bringing together
resources to achieve Portland's vision. We re currently looking
for qualified individuals to complement our workforce for the
following positions:
Business Systems Analyst II
Senior Housing Manager Housing Planning & Development
We offer a generous host of benefits as part of our efforts to
keep PDC a positive, healthy and productive place to work. PDC
values diversity in its work force and is committed to Equal
Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action.
Apply online at www.pdc.us/jobs
Portland Development Commission,
222 NW 5th Ave., Portland. OR 97209
Jobline: 503.823.3463