Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 23, 2008, Page 10, Image 10

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    April 23. 2008
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Page B4
Hom e
lor Local
In Li ne Construction workers
maneuver a new foundation
for the historic Dawson Park
dome. The architecture that
was replaced this week will
commemorate an African-
American community dis­
placed from properties
around North and Northeast
Russell Street by the con­
struction of Interstate 5 and
the expansion o f Emanuel
Eddie Lincoln Broker
M i«
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9738 SE Washington St., Suite Q
Portland. Oregon 97216
Business (503) 252-2121
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Cell (503) 789-0861
E-Mail eddie.lincoln@century21 .com
Each office Is Independently
Owned and Operated
photo by R aymond
R endi . eman /T he P ortland O bserver
Benson Polytechnic High School
Hall Named MVP at Lehigh
A Jefferson High School alum has
won his college basketball team ’s Mo:
Valuable Player award in his second
year at Lehigh University in Pennsyl­
M arquis Hall was determ ined to
have made the most outstanding con­
tribution to his team as he led his league
Jefferson High School alum and
Lehigh University sophomore
Marquis Hall joins his grandfa­
ther Floyd Hall Sr. after a winning
game against rival Lafayette.
in assists and assists-to-turnover ra­
The 2(X)7 Patriot League Rookie of
the Year, Hall averaged a team -best
14.0 points per gam e this season. He
also sank a team -high 55 three-point­
ers and shot 82 percent from the free-
throw line.
With acareer-high 29 points against
Colgate and scoring 20 points or more
seven times during the season, Hall
earned a spot on the Patriot L eague's
Second Team and will be returning as
a Tri-Captain for Lehigh next season.
8 8 th A nnual
April 2 4 & 25
6 - 9 pm
546 NE 12th Ave
Portland, OR 97232
Totally Gospel II
Country, Southern Gospel, and Contemporary Music
Friday Night Concerts
Owners Approve Sonics Moving
(AP) - NBA ow ners approved
the Seattle SuperSonics’ move to
Oklahom a City for the 2(X)8-O9 sea­
son Friday, provided the team can
settle its lawsuit with the city. The
Sonics could begin playing in owner
Clay B ennett's hometown as early
as next season if they can get out of
the remaining two years o f their
lease at Key Arena.
O w ners voted 28-2 in favor o f
the move, with Dallas and Portland
voting against. M avericks ow ner
Mark Cuban has previously ex­
pressed concerns about the market
size, and com m issioner David Stem
said the Trail Blazers, ow ned by
Paul Allen, did n ’t say why they
voted the way they did.
The Sonics, who have been in
Seattle since the start o f the 1967-68
season, would be the first NBA
team to change cities since the
Hornets went from Charlotte to New
O rleans for the 2002-03 season.
Seattle has filed suit trying to
force the Sonics to remain in the
city until the lease expires in 2010.
Brought to you by
Peninsula Open Bible Church and R.W .J. M inistries
Country G ospel Hosted by Riny Horst
“ T h e V o ic e S peaks"
Rev. H.L. Hodge, Ph.I). P astor/Teacher
Kathy Ashley Horst
Louis Knutson
D ebbie A m bungey
A new door has been opened. N orthw est Voice
For Christ Com m unity Church is now worshipping
in the New Jerusalem building at a new time.
"The Faithful Church" (Revelations 3:7-13)
F riday N ig h t Concerts
May 2nd, June 27th, Sept. 5th, & Nov. 7th
7:30p.m . till 9:30p.m .
Peninsula Open Bible C hurch
8225 N. Peninsula. Portland OR
Free Adm ission • Come as you are
"K eeping It Real Jesus’ W ay”
Join us each Sunday!
Time: 9 A.M.
1637 N E K illin gsw orth St., Portland. Oregon
You are w elcom e to join us in worship and praise; we are the
obedient, faithful church speaking the W O RD- G o d 's way!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
An ongoing series of questions and answers about Amencas natural healing profession
Dr. Billy R. Rowers
Alien Temple CME Church
I nvites Y ou to O ur P astor & W ife A ppreciation
Reverend Dr. LeRoy Haynes. Jr. & First Lady, Cynthia Haynes
Theme “T h e S h e p h e r d ’s C u p ” — Matthew 20:22-23 John 10:11-14
Part 15. Back Pain: Why “oh, my aching back"
has become such a popular phrase.
luxation. Fixation. This is yet an ­ nature intended, we C hiroprac­
other com ponent o f what we call tors not only relieve your back
the vertebrae are not moving the pain sym ptom s, we remove the
way nature intended. O ther factors cause. W ithout drugs. W ithout
: Statistics tell us 80% o f all
include m uscle spasm and disc surgery. W ithout doubt. Call our
men, w om en, and children
herniation. O f course, in addition to office for an appointm ent today to
will experience back pain in their
knowing you have back pain, chi­ find out how Chiropractic can help
lives. C hiropractors can also tell
ropractors also know how to make your "aching back." O r if you
you why. T here are, for exam ple,
itgoaw ay. By elim inating the com ­ have any questions about your
several m echanical m alfunctions
ponents o f the subluxation com ­ health, ju st call us at the number
that cause back pain. Among them
plex and allow ing the central ner­ below.
are: Direct pinching on the nerve.
vous system to function the way
This is the reason many people
give fortheirback pain, but in fact,
"pinched nerves" only account
2124 N.E. Hancock Street. Portland Oregon 97212
for about 10% o f it. Edem a (sw ell­
ing) This occurs from inflam m a­
Phone: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 -5 5 0 4
tion due to simple strain or sub-
: I alw ays know when my
back hurts. But I rarely know
Friday, May 2, 2(X)8
Celebration Service @7:00 pm
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Evening Service @ 4:00 pm
Flowers' Chiropractic Office
Guest Speaker. Bishop C. T. Wells
4236 NE 8th Avenue • Portland, OR 97211 • (503)287-0261
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