^llortlanh (Dhsvruer April 16. 2008 Page B3 Hip-hoppers with ‘Cred’ Finding the right loan is not hard when you have a great Lender Relationship. Reduce your monthly debts starting today! Get rid of that 1st and 2nd mortgage payment for a O ne Loan Fixed Rate M o rtg ag e. Call today for your - Personalized Rate Quote! 503-972-2719 olTlce - 503-975-2769 cell ckylec@mtglender.com www.calvinkyles.coni DJ strives for positive influence Calvin Kyles - Broker t=l Commercial and Residential con tin u ed fro m M etro son, w ho was born in V irginia and grew up in the W atts district o f Los A ngeles. The OG O ne m oniker cam e from a group o f ex-gang m em bers who formed an organization called Origi­ nal G angw ay to focus on counsel­ ing and encouraging youth to seek alternatives to gangs. Even after the organization fell apart, Jackson kept the letters affirm ing forhim self by changing their definition toO ne God. O ne G od rem ains a personal re­ m inder o f the origins o f success, and Jackson would share a thought­ ful spirit to all o f his listeners by literally setting the tone o f hip-hop perform ances. T o avoid prom oting people as sim ple products o f their environ­ ment, he sees DJs as the "backbone o f the m usic,” able to fill a need for constructive influence. "N o m atter w h o 's not watching, being able to stay consistent for me personally is all about how 1 need to look another kid in the face and say that 1 do honest business,” he says. Jackson plans to extend his life­ long passion for the inspirational qualities o f music in launching an event called the G ood Look C loth­ ing Drive, with a banquet to give away the supplies set for May 9. He hopes the event will unite DJs from across the city in a yearly expres­ sion o f goodw ill. Drop-offs can be m ade through April 27 at Popeyes C hicken loca­ tions on M artin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, the Portland O bserver offices, Terrell B randon's Barber Shop, 1330 N.E. A lberta, and the H u d d le S p o rts B a r, 825 N. K illingsworth. For more inform a­ tio n , e -m a il shakiylaharris@ yahoo.com . C lear C hoice D ebt R elief Oregon Bused Company Cool Nutz, the Voice o f Northeast Portland, takes flight for a tour o f Norway this past February in which he performed at major hip- hop venues. I Cool Nutz on national stage com plicated business. Scott is for­ tunate that he was able to enter into The m usic industry has changed the industry when rap music was significantly since the tim e Scott ju st beginning to em erge. was listening to his favorite artist in Now in his 30s, he has a 17-year- high school. Run DMC. old daughter and views the world “There has always been a co n ­ differently as he has m atured into stant struggle o f staying with the adulthood. industry, and stan d in g stro n g ," "I tell my daughter to follow her Scott says. com m on sense,” says Scott. “O ur "B ack when we were kids, being society ean be dangerous and co m ­ a rap artist meant that you w ore plicated and you ju st have to make sw eats and one gold chain," he good decisions in life. D on’t do adds. "T hat was achievable in our som ething if you know it’s the eyes. There w ere no private jets or w rong thing to do.” m ansions.” His music mirrors those words Despite the dram atically chang­ as he w rites his lyrics now to con­ ing music business. Cool N utz still vey his life experiences and turn his keeps up pace with a new solo music into “brain food.” album released at the end o f last "I want people to understand my year. King Cool Nutz. music and find m eaning in the lyr­ “I get more radio play than ever,” ics,” he says, "1 d o n ’t sit down to he says. "It has been a real struggle write m usic about Bentleys and to stand strong and persevere." m ansions.” The industry has changed so Recently, Scott's music had been much throughout his career that he chosen to be in the soundtrack of h as w ritte n a so n g ab o u t th e Gus Van Sant’s latest film. Paranoid changes he has seen. Park, making its world prem iere lo­ ‘T here i s a song on my new record cally last month. He did a tour o f called 'W ritten in My Book’ and it som e o f the hottest rap venues in really illustrates how I used to see the Norway last February and was fea­ music industry and how I see it along tured in Source M agazine in Janu­ with my life now,” says Scott. ary, a national publication for the W ith the internet, free music rap music scene. dow nloading and a loss o f fan d ed i­ S co tt's music and schedules o f cation over the years, writing and live perform ances can be viewed at selling music has becom e a more m yspace.com /coolnutz. continued fa c ilita to r and reso u rce for ad- d ressin g the ch a lle n g es the com - m unity faces. C o n c o rd ia U n iv ersity is also one o f the m ost eth n ica lly d i­ verse u niversities in the state w ith over21 percent m in o rities am ong th e u n d e rg ra d u a te p o p u la tio n I fro m M etro Over whelmed by debt? Credit Cards • Collections • Medical Bills Unsecured Loans • Judgments If you would like to learn more about elim inating y o u 're debt within 24-36 m onths call for a free consultation CONTACT: Paul Maddux. Ron Rasberry, and Steve Crawford 503-594-1560 or 1-888-594-1560 www.ClearChoiceDebt.com New Prices Effective May 1,2007 Martin Cleaning Service Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Residential & Commercial Services Minimum Service CHG. and 19 p ercen t ov erall. C o n c o rd ia ’s cu rren t and m ost ac tiv e p artn ersh ip s include the B lack P arent Initiativ e, B ridge B u ild ers, the C ity o f P o rtland $45.00 Carpet Cleaning 2 Cleaning Areas or more $30.00 Each Area Pre-Spray Traffic Areas (Includes: / small Hallway) 1 Cleaning Area (only) $40.00 (Includes Pre-Spray Traffic Area • Hallway Extra) Stairs (12-16 stairs) $25.00 (With Other Services) Community Support Grows with College Expansion from Metro I • I Debt Relief Heavily Soiled Area: continued ¡ Additional $ 10.00 ' ADDITIONAL SERVICES Area & Oriental Rug Cleaning Auto/Boat/RV Cleaning Deodorizing & Pet Odor Treatment Spot & Stain Removal Service Scotchguard Protection M a y o r’s O ffic e, S elf E n h an ce­ m ent, Inc., the R osem ary A n d er­ son S chool, T rilliu m F am ily Ser- vices and F aubion E lem entary School. 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