¿Tin' Page A 6 |J o rtla n ù (Dbseruer A p r il 16. 2 0 0 8 F ood Celebrating the Sweet Strawberries of Spring In pancakes at breakfast, as pre- serves on bread at lunch, sliced over a salad for dinner and atop shortcake for dessert, the straw­ berry works overtime! My great-grandfather kept a strawberry patch of local acclaim in a sunny corner spot. In my mind, he bends low behind a white picket fence, wearing dusty dungarees and a buttoned-up shirt. His hands are gnarled with arthritis but he tends the plants with deftness. Some per- feet day in late spring, he brushes soil from the first berry of the season, lifting it to the sun for visual inspec- lion, then pop! It stains his lips as he begins the ultimate flavor test. SAFEWAY 0 Ingredients for life.® C h ic k e n & S tra w b e rry -S p in a c h S a la d "Bright greens and red strawberries come together in a whirlwind o f color and flavor in this main-dish salad. ” In g re d ie n ts S alad 1 O N f Gatorade G2 ENJOY -•Wv. t L 32-oz. Bottles 0*(«f 4ZW 0B -4/22/M «M t »our Sd»«wiy Club Card Ittuti out« to purttowd wt a angle tniM«c«ton Ctrttrxner pays tax or deposit where eppiir able. Lucerne Milk Gallon. Whole, 2%, 1%, Skim Supreme or Fat Free. At checkstand, first item will scan at regular pnea second item will reflect savings. Manor House Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast Frozen. 4-to Bag $676 ea. Or 3-b Breast Tenders $5.97 ea. SAVE up to $5.23 on 4-10. bag EVERYDAY LOW PRICE (2„538 / Post Cereal or Nature Valley Granola Bars / 1310145-« cereatar5.3to9.0-oz. bars. Selected ««ties ClubPnce S2MeaSMuptc$5.88on2 CLUB PRICE BUY I CLUB PRICE Cooked Northwest Shrimpmeat 99 I Sold m5-lti Pag. Bulk price $4.99 lb. Hl I Frozen/thawed. * * * * gei i 1 free EQ UA L OR LESSER VALUE I Rancher's Reserve Boneless Beef Bottom Round Roast Vz V-W-» - SAVE up to S4.49 lb on 2nd package Apr** ; flo r a s t 'Maturai ty /- Minute Maid or Florida's Natural Orange Juice 64-oz. Selected varieties Club Price: $3.00 ea. SAVE up to $278 on 2 ■ -r Broccoli Crowns or Cauliflower Wild Copper River Sockeye Salmon Fillets Nabisco Oreo, Nutter Butter or Honey Maid SAVE up to 8ÛC lb. Frozen/thawed. SAVE up to $3.00 b 9 to 18« . Selected varieties SAVEupto$169 4-lb. Fresh Strawberries D ressing • 3 tablespoons apple juice • 2 tablespoons straw­ berry spreadable fruit • 2 tablespoons bal­ samic vinegar D ire c tio n s 1. In small bowl, mix all dressing ingredients until blended; set aside. 2. Spray 10-inch skillet with cooking spray; heat over medium-high heat. Cook chicken in skillet 15 to 20 minutes, turning once, until juice of chicken is clear when center of thickest part is cut (170°F). Remove chicken to cutting board. 3. Add dressing to skillet; stir to loosen any pan drippings. 4. Cut chicken into slices. Among 4 plates, divide spinach. Top with chicken, strawberries and cheese. Drizzle with dressing. Sprinkle with walnuts. The Oregon Strawberry Sweeter. Redder. Simply Better. Oregon’s 120-year history in the strawberry industry has earned Oregon the title of third largest pro­ ducer of strawberries in the United States. Strawberries have been known since the time of the Greeks and Romans. Wild American berries and French strawberries were crossbred as early as 1624. Commercial straw­ berry growing began in America about 18(H) near the largest eastern cities. Strawberries moved west with the pioneers and were report­ edly grown near Vancouver, Wash­ ington at the Hudson Bay Post in 1836. Red, juicy and conically shaped, the strawberry is a member of the rose family and has grown wild for centuries. Strawberries are the only fruit with seeds on the outside. Strawberries vary in size, shape and color (some are off-white or yellow­ ish). In general, the flavor of the smaller berries is better than the larger varieties. How to store: Do not wash straw­ berries until ready to use. Store (preferably in a single layer on a paper towel) in a moisture proof contained in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. Health Benefits; Numerous stud­ ies have shown the importance of antioxidant activity and potential health benefits derived from antho- cyanins, which give berries their rich color. Strawberry Salsa "This tasty recipe really compliments chicken or turkey well; or serve with sliced avocados. ” In g re d ie n ts 250 Great with Angel Food Cakel SAVE up to $5.00 ea • I lb boneless skinless chicken breasts • 8 cups bite-size pieces fresh spinach • I cup fresh strawberries, stems removed and strawberries cut in half • 1/4 cup crumbled Gorgonzola cheesed oz) • 1/4 cup chopped walnuts SUPER COUPONS! ONE W EEK O M U fi • 1 pound strawberries, diced • 1/2 cup finely chopped red onion • I /4 cup finely chopped cilantro • 1 jalapeno pepper, seeded and minced • 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice • I teaspoon sea salt • Fresh ground pepper D ire c tio n s Stir together the diced strawber­ ries, red onion, cilantro, jalapeno pepper, and lime juice in a bowl. Season to taste with salt and pep­ per; chill until ready to serve. O ffe r valid Wednesday, A pril 16 thru Tuesday, A pril 22. M inim um $10 Purchase, SAFEWAY \ COUPON © 2 S11 ; WITH CABO ANO COUPON CLUB PRICE Cottonelle Bath or Viva Towels I / , i • Sv+NterJ varieties [»nit 1 purchase of 2 with MtmfTwmSinPurdwse ”00000 08808” * A Because you finished L 3 l y vour taxes ° n tim e - I Wi’ HCAND ASOCOURON | Mott's Apple Juice ■ 64 oz Sekrtm varieties Umn 1 with Minimtin $13 Purchase. ( i S unday S low C ooker C ollection i All Day i Apple Butter "This tasty apple butter is a real slow cooker, hut well worth the wait. De­ pending on the sweetness o f the apples used, the amount o f sugar may he adjusted to taste. ” In g re d ie n ts • 4 cups white sugar • 2 tsp. ground cinnamon | • 1/4 tsp. ground cloves • 1/4 tsp. salt •5 1/2 pounds apples - peeled. cored and finely chopped I D ire c tio n s | 1. Place the apples in a slow cooker. In a medium bowl, mix the sugar. SAFEWAY S COUPON >77 ARTH C*»O AMO COUeON Arrowhead Water 24pack, 1 0 « Get groceries delivered to your home. h o p aH y o u r f a v o r it e r e ta ilo r s h e r e RrtxRjcts m a y n o t b e a vailab le >n all (to re s See g ift card» fo r d e ta ih , term s a n d condHtons. «which m a y vary Safeway.com APRIL □□□□□□□ SAT SUN m 12 700 ml bottles i im it ! with Minimum MON TUT Prices in this ad good through April 22nd $10 Purchase ^u?tRCOUPONSi | cinnamon, cloves and salt. Pour the mixture over the apples in the slow | cookerandmix well. | 2. Cover and cook on high I hour. | 3. Reduce heat to low and cook 9 to 11 hours, stirring occasionally, , until the mixture is thickened and dark brown. 4. Uncover and continue cooking on low I hour. Stir with a whisk. I if desired, to increase smoothness. 5. Spoon the mixture into sterile containers, cover and refrigerate or freeze.