Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 16, 2008, Page 2, Image 2

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    April 16. 2008
Nonprofits Repair Homes % “ ,le
When her 1895 north Portland
home fell into disrepair, V icki W ill­
iams, a retired special education
teacher, reluctantly sought help.
Although it was hard to make the
phone call, she contacted the C om ­
m unity Builders Program. When
REACH Community Development
staff and volunteers from Oregon
Tradeswomen, Inc., arrived this
month, V ic k i was amazed that all the
tool belts and hard hats were wont
by women.
out their neighbors. It s the very
definition o f community building.”
Soon this class w ill graduate and
begin the pursuit o f jobs in their
chosen fields as carpenters, electri­
cians. ironworkers or, in one case, a
Northeast Portland-based non­
profit Oregon Tradeswomen student
volunteers have completed over 20
home-repairprojects, mostly in north
and northeast Portland.
A t the W illiam s' residence, stu­
dents replaced the rotted front porch,
installed outside railings and steps.
"Eor many, this is the first time
they've volunteered out in the com­
m unity," said Dawn Jones, O i l in­
structor. "This is a chance to give
back and see what it feels like to help
heavy equipment operator.
The group is planning its annual
Women in Trades Career Fair on
May 3 at 16021 N.E. Airport Way. For
more information on the jo b fair, visit
the Website Tradeswomen.net.
The free home repairs through the
Community Builders Program are for
homeowners with low income due to
age o r disability throughout Port­
land. The program keeps seniors safe
in their homes and avoids the dis­
placement o f longtime residents from
their neighborhoods.
For more inform ation, contact
Laurel Lyon at 503-231 -0682, exten­
Minority Success in the Trades
A panel o f experienced and suc­
cessful A frica n Am ericans in the
trades w ill help others fin d em ­
ploym ent in construction on Sat­
urday, A p ril 19 from 11 a.m. to 2
p.m. at the Oregon Association o f
M in o rity Entrepreneurs, 4134 N.
Vancouver Ave.
A 1 0 -ye a r p ro je c tio n o f
O regon's construction industry
in d ica te s th a t a p p ro x im a te ly
14,000 new workers w ill be needed
to fill openings created by jo b
grow th, com petition from other
states and retiring workers.
Oregon Tradeswomen Inc. and
the Oregon Department o f Trans­
portation are hosting the Success!
outreach event. Inform ation on ca­
reers and apprenticeships in high­
sio n 134 o r by
way construction, cement ma­
sonry, iron w orking, carpentry,
laborer and operating engineering
e -m a il
Volunteers from
Oregon Tradeswomen, Inc.
celebrate the completion o f a
day's work at Vicki Williams'
house in north Portland.
w ill be available.
For information and to sign up
fortheevent. contact Roberta Hunte
at503-335-8200, extension 32, ore-
mail roberta@tradeswomen.net.
Author Speaks on Racism at PCC
FOCUS is on diversity J
at Sylvania Campus
a nearcapacity crowd
o f 200 students, laculty
school cafeteria at Portland C o m ­
m unity College's Sylvaniacampus
and staff stopped by the
in southwest Portland last Wednes-
day to hear a presentation about
racism given by a locally-based
artist, author and public speaker.
D am ali A y o , whose popular
book, “ H ow to Rent a Negro,”
served as the foundation o f the
talk, used humorous stories and
creative visuals to highlight meth­
Ayo, a locally-
based artist,
public speaker
and author,
| addresses
racism during a
slate o f diversity
activities at
Portland Com­
munity College's
[ Sylvaniacampus
in southwest
ods that can create healthier, more
productive racial interactions.
Her presentation served as the
k ic k -o ff fo r a long list o f diversity
events and activities taking place
during the college's spring term,
planned by PCC S ylvania’ s d ive r­
•> - ,
five cents...
• On May 1, the price of an Adult cash fare
sity committee.
“ D iversity is an integral compo­
nent o f what Sylvania is, in terms o f
our student body, our faculty and
will increase one nickel. Monthly passes, and
special reduced fares will increase too.
staff, and the programs and classes
we o ffe r," said L in d a Gerber,
Sylvaniacam pus president. “ W ith
this in m ind, our spring term events
enable us to embrace and celebrate
the richness diversity brings to our
■ C-TRAN's Go Anywhere Day Pass, C-Zone
Day Pass, and Express fares will not increase.
■ Visit www.c-tran.com or call
360.695.0123 for more information.
com m unity."
Entitled " I Can Fix It!: Racism,”
A y o 's presentation addressed the
need fo r races to acknowledge and
id e n tify themselves. T hrough a
step-by-step process, individuals
- o f al I colors - need to I i sten, learn,
broaden personal experiences,
speak out and take action. A lte r the
presentation, A yo engaged in an
hour-long discussion about racism
and diversity w ith in Portland.
“ We are delighted that Damali
could jo in us this year," said Claire
O liveros, coordinator o f the PCC
Sylvania M u lticu ltu ra l Center and
a member o f the d iversity co m m it­
tee. “ As expected, her presentation
was thought-provoking and w ell-
82nd Avenue Parade on Saturday
The Eastport Plaza 82nd Avenue
o f Roses Parade is set to lake o ff on
Saturday, A p ril 19 w ith Portland
C om m unity College D istrict Presi­
dent Preston Pulliams serving as
grand marshal.
The parade w ill recognize how
S -J
|NEW SEA SO N ____
the new PCC campus on
Southeast 82nd Avenue
and D ivision is serving
students young and old
and from all walks o f life
and cultures.
The sanctioned Rose
Festival event begins at 9
a.m. at Eastport Plaza,
4(XM) S.E. 82nd, and w ill
travel north on 82nd,
turning west onto S.E.
Y a m h ill and disbanding
at S.E. 78th.
Participants w ill in ­
clude the G et a L ife
M a rc h in g B and and
Preston Pulliams many other groups.
Ask Dtwz/z«!
H is house.
Real People, Dear
M y b rother acts nice, lo v in g and
Real Advice sincere when he’ s in pu b lic. H o w ­
An advice
known fa r
reality based
Y o u r fa v o r ite n e ig h b o r h o o d g r o c e r y s to r e n o w d e liv e r s
g r o c e r ie s r ig h t to y o u r h o m e o r o ffic e .
Dear Deanna!
I saw m y pastor shopping w ith
the church checkbook. I could
see the church logo, name and
e ve ryth in g on the outside cover.
A cle rk was try in g to refuse the
check because it was a business
check and required signatures.
M y pastor pulled rank and said
he was a u th o riz e d . T h e n he
signed tw o signatures, w in ke d at
me and to ld me to turn the other
cheek. W hat do I do about this?
- S y lv ia M .; St. Louis. M o.
Dear Sylvia:
• tans3
w w w .n e w s e a s o n s m a r k e t.c o m
you click, we deliver, (or pull up for pick up)
You sure that w a sn 't Jim Baker?
Y o u r pastor is a th ie f setting a
bad exam ple fo r the congrega­
tio n . The pastor knew th is was
w rong especially i f he advised
you to lo o k the other w ay. W hat
part o f Exodus 20 Verse 15 Thou
Shall N ot Steal doesn't he under­
stand? Pray fo r yo u r pastor and
G o d 's guidance as you report this
to the church gove rn in g board.
T e llin g is not between you and
man. but you and y o u r dedica­
tio n to G o d and p r o te c tin g
ever, he tells a lo t o f lies, curses
and ve rb a lly abuses his spouse
behind closed doors. M y fa m ily
ignores him and looks the other
w ay. It's h a rd fo r me to ignore his
huge lies because we share the
same crow d. When I make a nega­
tive com m ent o r te ll the truth,
people call m e a lia r. N o w th a t I'm
exposing h im , people are accus­
ing me o f being a hater. W hat do
Id o ? —T ire d o f L ie s; Tam pa, Fla.
Dear Tired:
It's strange that you w o u ld want
to expose yo u r brother instead o f
d e aling w ith h im p e rsonally to
help him . T ry in g to cause em bar­
rassment and a irin g his d irty laun­
d ry is not the s o lu tio n . Y o u r
b rother has a self-esteem issue
and a ly in g problem . Y ou can give
yo u r brother a g ift o f love by
paying fo r a life coach so he can
address, sort and fix his issues.
T h e re 's no value o r b e n e fit from
fa m ily destruction. T herefore, i f
y o u 're not w illin g to help then
m ind yo u r business.
Ask Deanna is written by Deanna
M. Write Ask Deanna! Email:
askdeanna I (fPyaltoo.com or 264
S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283
Beverly Hills. CA 90211. Website: