page C4 * * $ k r t l a « h (O b serv er x A unihhishisi Jazz Festival Returns to MHCC Campus once again to play host T he Mt. Hood Jazz. Festival and Mt. H ood C o m m unity C ollege have jo in e d forces again. R enow ned for its excellen t ja z z p erform ances, the festival returns to the M H C C cam p u s w here it originally began. But this su m m e r's event will be unlike any ja z z festival that has been produced before. O rg an izers are w orking to m ake the new ja z z festival an ex p erien ce for the w hole fam ily. C ollege program s will provide hands-on w orkshops for festiv alg o ers that could include e x p e ri­ ences in ev ery th in g from pottery sculpting to rock-w all clim bing. Future plans will include p erfo rm an ces at the C e n te r for the A rts in D ow ntow n G resham , even beginning in 2009 w hen co n stru ctio n on the plaza is ex p ected to be com pleted. "T h e co lleg e is ex trem ely ex cited to have the ja z z festival back on cam p u s." said G ary M urph. M H C C p re sid e n t T rad itio n ally the festival took place the first w eekend o f A ugust. But to acco m m o d ate and support o ther art perfor­ m ances in the area, the 2008 festival will take place on A ug. 15 and 16. Catering Chicken ’»vrtr» *» * * Events Sausages * Meetings Beet 503-290-4860 Paul A. Neufeldt 503-875-1695 graphics Company Identity • Ad Design • • Web Design O utdoor Events ^e/cvvoesy Nightclubs Night l iu d s Weddings Fund Raisers Birthday Parties Receptions Receptions Family Reunions Ebony Fashion Show - The 50th-annual Ebony Fashion Fair “Glam Odyssey: A Fashion Journey into Bliss and Be­ yond, benefiting The Links Schol­ arship Fund, will appear in Port­ land at the Doubletree Inn-Lloyd Center, on Friday. Apri125 at 8 p.m. Tickets will be sold at the door and can be pur­ chased by visiting the website, calling 1-8OO-838-3OO6 or from any Links member. S pring C oncert — The University of Portland Choral Union and Jazz Band will celebrate spring with madrigals and classic works during a special performance at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 23 in Buckley Center Auditorium on campus, 5000 N. Willamette Blvd. The concert is free and open to the public. Free First Friday Nights -- The Portland Chi Idren ' s Museum has partnered with Target to provide free admission to everyone on the first Friday of each month from 5 to 8 p.m. T hree D imensional Expertise - The Museum of Contemporary Craft, 725N.W.Davis,cxhib- its a unique collection of sculptures through Sunday, April 27. Concert (■»m otions Private Parties ,S