April 16. 2008 F ortiani» (Pbaerucr pageC3 ,MI(IUMUM Cull 503-288-0033 io reach the Portland O b serv er “The blues and jazz will live forever... So will the Delta and the Big Easy” Jack Nicholson www.kmhd.fm shining for 25 years URBAN ARIN DANCE COMPANY / Scapino Ballet Rotterdam dancers appear to soar to heaven with arms outstretch like birds in a magistic performance of “The Green.’ » S PRISENTS.... - REQUEST [.INI’ - Scapino Ballet Rotterdam’s feats of physical daring Portland’s White Bird presents the West Coast debut of one of Europe’s most celebrated dance c o m p a n ie s - S c a p in o b a lle t Rotterdam - on Wednesday, April 30, at 7:30 p.m. at the Arlene SchnitzerConcert Hall,downtown. With its bold repertory and ver­ satile dancers, Scapino has estab­ lished itself as one of the most creative forces in Dutch dance. The troupe last appeared in the United States at New York's Joyce Theater in 1992 and was hailed by the New York Times for its “spec­ tacular feats of physical daring." The company’s riveting perfor­ mances and artistic success arc due to the inspired leadership of Ed Wubbe, artistic director of Scapino since 1992, who has created over 25 works for the company. The 20- member troupe will make its Port­ land debut with four critically ac­ claimed works hy Wubbe and one of the freshest voices in European dance, Marco Goecke, house cho­ reographer of Stuttgart Ballet. PARKROSIÍ PIRI« »RM1NG ARTS IHFATER PARKR« >SE H IG H « 1 0 ) 1 . BOOT NV SI IAVIR • PORTI A N D . OR • 07220 Celebrated choreographer Ed Wubbe s ‘ The Brides ’ is inspired by the bridal rituals of Russian peasants. TICKETS n?-OO FOR I lf KET IN FO PIPASI't A U ISO » 442 S6TZ (IRRAN ARIS, INC • P O BOX 11441 • PORTIANI). OR • ‘»TZU