www.portlandobserver.com Committed to Cultural Diversity Step Africa! M etro Math and Science Academy T h e B lac k P a re n ts I n itia tiv e an d C oncordia University invite parents and their children to attend a free inform ation session preparing high-school students to achieve in math and science on T hurs­ day, April IOat6p.ni. in Luther Hall, Room 121. To RSVP,call 503-284-8000. Emergency 911! An art form born at A frican American fraternities conies to WSU- Vancouver 11,1 Idortlaub ©bseruer /c o m m u n ity C a le n d a r A p ril 9. 2008 Portland Community College-Casi ade recrttits students fo r careers in emergent, y servic es See story, page B4 See A&E, inside Lofty Opportunity PHOTO 111 R AV MOM) R lNDEEVI V \/ T ill P<)R 11 AND O b s ERV EH Lents Home Buying Fair Saturday, April 12, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at Kelly Elementary School, 9030 S.E. Cooper St., learn about opportunities to buy your own home. The free event fea­ tures various w orkshops and a draw ing for a $4,000 dow n-paym ent assistance grant. For more information,call 503-788- 8052, extension 105. Buckman Art Show & Sell Friday, April 11 and Saturday, April 12, Buckman Elem entary School hosts a fundraiser featuring arts, crafts, ceram ­ ics, jew elry, gourm et foods, music and d an ce. F or m ore in fo rm atio n , visit Buckm anelem entary.org/artsale. Learning English City building inspector Mark Vasquez shows Bureau o f Develop­ ment trainees Autumn BigBoy and Viktor Palchey the finer points inside a 16-story Pearl District condo- construction project. Every Tuesday and Thursday, currently through May 29, the SUN C enter at M arshall Cam pus, 3905 S.E. 91st Ave., will offer free English as a Second L an­ guage classes. For more inform ation, call 971-570-1384. Health Inequities The public is invited to join in the dia­ logues with com m unity members, orga­ nizations, business leaders and local elected officials to discuss the root causes o f health inequities as well as long-term solutions in this seven-part series. For neighborhood locations, dates and times, visit M chealth.org/healthequity. Beach School Auction Saturday, April 12. Beach Elem entary in north Portland will host an auction and dinner fundraiser to benefit the hom eless c h ild r e n ’s a fte r-sc h o o l p ro g ra m at M agdalene Parish Hall, 3123 N.E. 24th Ave., with doors opening at 5:30 p.m. Items to be auctioned include horseback­ riding lessons, use o f vacation homes, gift certificates and more. City program gives work experience to disadvantaged by R aymond R endleman T he P ortland O bserver W hen thinking o f jobs reserved for young imm igrants or single mothers, tidying up upscale residences fo ra m ini­ mum wage may first com e to mind. A new city program, however, defies the traditional logic by training disad­ vantaged youth for living-wage jobs that sustain the construction of Pearl District condominiums. This spring, lOhigh-school juniors and seniors will be chosen for seven-week internships for part-tim e training in lucra­ tive trades that have the potential to turn into continued em ployment. Even though the P e a rl's$300,000t o $2 million condos are financially out o f reach for most city workers, it doesn’t dam pen enthusiasm on a visit to Encore on the Park, a 16-story construction project on the pricey neighborhood’s northern edge. "W e couldn’t even get one o f these on the first floor,” responded city building inspector Mark V asquez, who was leading the tour that day. "This type o f work is great though for making a decent wage and feeling good about it when you get home." Tiffani Penson, P ortland's Bureau of Development outreach program coordi­ nator, obtained funds last sum m er to start an internship program to recruit disadvan­ taged kids into the building professions. Parkrose High School graduate A u­ tumn BigBoy, a N ative American, was Walk MS 2008 Remodeling Seminars 82nd Avenue Roses Parade Saturday, April 19 at 9 a.m. the second- annual 82nd Avenue o f the Roses parade kicks off. For inform ation about partici­ pating, cal 1503-484-6225 or503-252-9143. Spiffin’ Up MLK Saturday, April 19, SOLV and neighbor­ hood businesses and com m unity m em ­ bers will work together to pick up trash, clean graffiti and rem ove street debris along northeast M artin Luther King Jr. B o u le v a rd . T o get in v o lv e d , v isit H andsonportland.org. Health Wellness Fair Wednesday, Apri 123, from 4 to 8 p. m„ Self Enhancement, Inc. will host the wellness fairto promote awareness tochildren about nutrition, health and fitness. Town Hall Saturday, Apri I 26, from 10 a.m. to noon. Sen. Avel Gordly and Sisters o f the Road invite the public to join in an open forum on hom elessness in Mt. T abor Hall at Portland C om m unity C ollege's South­ east Center, 2305 S.E. 82nd Ave. Ockley Green Art Project O ckley G reen School. 6 0 3 1 N. M ontana St., Thursday, April 10. from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.. encourages participation in the cre­ ation o f new art on North Interstate A v­ enue. For more inform ation, contact Peg Butler503-545-0693. on page H4 PCC hires professional Saturday, April 19, beginning at 9:30a.m .. Neil Kelly Show room s at 804 N. Alberta St., and 1557.3 S.W. Bangy Road in Lake O sw ego, will host free kitchen and bath remodeling seminars. For information, visit Neilkelly.com or call 503-335-9204. Free First Fridays continued Helping Small Business Saturday, April 12 and Saturday, April 19, take to the streets to raise funds and aw areness in the m ovem ent tow ard a world free of M ultiple Sclerosis ( MS). To get involved, call I-800-344-4867 or visit Wal k M Soregon .com . The Portland C hildren's M useum has partnered with Target to provide free adm ission to everyone the first Friday of each month from 5 to 8 p.m. determ ined to advance in the program. "Y o u 'v e got to have a lot o f motivation to go to work if y o u ’re a teen m om ," she says, stressing the importance of taking training seriously even with her child in daycare. Prior to the issues surrounding her now one-year-old son Ayjay. BigBoy struggled with the g rief and self-de­ struction that accom panied her m other's death to hepatitis. Until getting help from the city filling out paperwork, she photo bv M ark W a s iiim . ion /T hi P orti vni > O bserver Learning from the Community Community leaders lend their support to the students and administrators of the John H. Johnson Leadership Academy for Young Men of Jefferson High School. Pictured are An­ thony Lathan (standing from left), interim Academy Administrator Marshall Haskins. Austin Casey, Urban League of Portland President Marcus Mundy, Andres Hernandez, Joshua Davis, Portland Observer Publisher Charles Washington and Jefferson Principal Cynthia Harris. Seated from left are Conner Hiland, Kris Penn, Leon Sanborn and Lee Miller. I Tam my M arquez-Oldham is the new direc­ tor o f education for the Portland Community College Small Business Development Center located at the Lloyd C enter Mall in northeast Portland. M arquez-O ldham will be responsible for the design o f entrepreneur and business d e­ velopment coursework. Additionally, she will lead the cen ter's business advising efforts, working with a team of talented and experi­ enced business advisers. M arquez-O ldham has been a business pro­ fessional for 30 years working in the educa­ tion, healthcare, softw are anil food indus­ tries. Founding M arque/ Project M anage­ ment LLC in 2( *)(). she h a s le v e r­ aged her connec­ tions and talents toward programs with social sig­ nificance. most recently a m icro­ enterprise social change program. "Tam m y brings considerable experience and dedication to the developm ent ol small business growth and entrepreneurship in our region." said Tom Low les, director o f P C C 's Small Business Development Center. "W e are very lucky to have her join o u ro rg a n i/a lion. She w ill have a positive impact on small b u sin e sse s." Her w ork w ith large and sm all business, and ex p erien ce as a su ccessful business ow ner, added Low les. w ill lend itsell well to the m ission o f P C C 's Sm all B usiness D e­ velopm ent C en ter, w hich is to be the p re­ m ier prov ider o f tech n ical support and e n ­ trep ren e u r d ev elo p m en t in the state ol O regon. "A s a business leader in the 21st century . I believe I have a social responsibility to transfer the know ledge learned through my journey to those em barking on theirs." said M arquezO ldham For inform ation, cal I the center at 503-978- 5094 or visit the website B izcentcr.org. t