PageA5 A p ril 9, 2008 F ood Cranberries The Wonderberry at Work Since 1984, many studies have indicated that cranberries may have a num ber o f health benefits, the forem ost being its "anti-adhesion" effect on certain bacteria. C ranber­ ries are native to North A merica; they are grown in bogs and belong to the same family as the bilberry and the blueberry. C ranberriesGive Everyone Something to Smile About Your mouth is one place where the anti-stick pow er o f cranberry may one day com e in handy by helping to reduce the am ount of bacteria in the mouth. Cranberry: A berry afteryour own heart. The antioxidants (bund in cran­ berries may help the body defend itself against free radical damage. In fact, laboratory studies show that cranberries can inhibit oxidation of low-density cholesterol, which is thought to be one way cholesterol becomes sticky, allowing it to attach to the blood vessel wall. C ranberries were first used by Native Americans, w hodiscovered the wild berry's versatility as a food, fabric dye and healing agent. T o ­ day, cranberries are com m ercially grow n throughout the northern asso ciatio n o f cra n b erry g ro w ers in the U nited S tates had fo rm ed , and now , U.S. fa n n e rs h arv est ap p ro x im ately 4 0 ,0 0 0 acres o f c ra n b errie s each year. part o f the United States and are available in both fresh and pro­ cessed forms. A m erican w h alers and m a ri­ ners carried cra n b errie s on their v oyages to prev en t scu rv y . In l8 l6 ,C a p ta in Henry Hall becam e the first to su ccessfu lly cu ltiv ate cran b erries. By 1871, the first A.K.A. the Bounce Berries, because a fresh cranberry will bounce if dropped. Keep Your Stomach from Grumbling Full, em pty, aching or laughing until it hurts, the best way to keep a stom ach happy is to keep it healthy. Em erging research sug­ gests that cranberry’s “anti-stick" properties can also keep H. pylori from sticking to stomach cells. Cran­ berry juice may help keep your stom­ ach healthy so these bacteria ca n ’t stick to your stom ach wall. The bacteria ju st ca n ’t get a good grip. 12-Pack Coca-Cola Fridge Packs SAFEWAY 12-oz. cans. Selected varieties Plus deposit m Oregon SAVE up to $1138 on 4 Ingredients for life Folklore, Wive’s Tales & Other Truths RANCHERS Turns out the old hom e remedy is true. C ranberries can help keep your urinary tract healthy. N atu­ rally, too! Tostitos Tortilla Chips 9 to 13.5-oz Selected varieties. SAVE up to $1.66 EXTREME VALUE Kellogg’s Cereal “This incredible entree is a taste treat and it presents beautifully. ” 14 to 20-oz Selected varieties. Club Price: $2.00 ea. Rancher’s Reserve Beef Ribeye Steak Bone-In. Or Boneless Beef Top Sirloin Steak. SAVE up to $6.00 t> Cranberry Chicken Margarita C LU B P R IC E In g red ien ts • 1 cup Cranberry Sauce • 6 b o n e le ss, sk in le ss ch ic k e n • 3 tablespoons tequila breast halves • 1 teaspoon lim e juice • 2 tablespoons olive oil *1 1/2 ta b le s p o o n s c h o p p e d • Coarse salt cilantro • 1 small garlic clove, m inced • Lime wedges D irections 1. Slice breasts in half horizontally. Pound with a m eat mallet or rolling Safeway SELECT Ice Cream pin to about 3/8-inch thickness. Heat oil in a large skillet over m edium heat. Add chicken and cook until lightly brow ned, about 3 m inutes per side. Rem ove chicken to a warm serv ing platter and sprinkle lightly with coarse salt. C over loosely with foil; keep warm until serving time. 2. Add garlic to skillet and cook over low heat I minute. Stir in cranberry sauce and tequila; bring to a b oil. Reduce heat. Sim m er 5 m inutes or until sauce is thickened, stirring occasionally. Stir in lime juice and cilantro. Spoon some o f the sauce overchicken. Sprinkle with additional cilantro, if desired. Serve im m ediately with rem aining sauce, lime w edges and coarse salt. Makes 6 servings. Rancher’s Reserve Boneless Beef Chuck Pot Roast 1.75-qt Selected varieties. SAVE up to $5.99 on 2 Butcher’s Cut Thick Sliced Bacon 6.5-9). SAVE up to $10.00 ea. SAVE up to $2.00 lb. Lucerne Large Eggs 12-ct Grade AA. Oatmeal Cranberry White Chocolate Chunk Cookies PorkSpareribs Pork Shoulder Country Style Ribs I 1 free “Got milk?“ Eating Right" Meals f.HPK£SS Ingredients 6 to 11.5-oz. Selected varieties Club Price: $2.00 ea. SAVE up to $4 95 on 5 • 2/3 cup brown sugar • 1 teaspoon baking soda • 2 large eggs • 1/2 teaspoon salt • 2/3 cup butter or m argarine, soft- • I 6-ounce package sw eetened ened dried cranberries • I 1/2 cups old-fashioned oats • 2/3 cup w hite chocolate chunks • I 1/2 cups flour or chips CS3XZSBB Fresh Express Salad Kits Colossal King Crab Clusters D irections 1. Preheat oven to 375°F. 5 to 14-oz. package. Selected varieties. CU) Price: $2.50 ea. SAVE up to $2.58 en 2 9 to ,2 size. Cooked. Frazen/thawed SAVE up to $5.00 b. Red Seedless Grapes 2. Using an electric m ixer, beat butter or m argarine and sugar together in a m edium m ixing bowl until light and fluffy. A dd eggs, mixing well. 3. Com bine oats, flour, baking soda and salt in a separate mixing bowl. Add to butter mixture in several additions, mixing well after each addition. Stir in sw eetened dried cranberries and w hite chocolate chunks. 4. Drop by rounded teaspoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheets. Bake for 10-12 m inutes or until golden brown. Cool on wire rack. Imported. SAVE up to $2.019). CLUB PRICE O ffe r v a lid W ednesday, A p ril 9 th ru Tuesday, A p ril 15 M in tm u m $10 Purchase. SAFEWAY ♦ COUPON Yields: 2 1/2 dozen cookies. S unday S low C ooker C ollection ! SeaPak Shrimp Selections Fresh Green Asparagus New World Chili • "G arden-fresh pum pkin, dried cranberries, jalapeno peppers, and turkey add a pleasing twist tojltis inspired slo w -sim m erin g chili. ” Ingredients • 1- lb. turkey breast tenderloin, cut into 1-inch pieces • I (28-oz). can diced tom atoes • I (15-oz.) can black beans, rinsed and drained • I (8-oz.) can tom ato sauce • 1 cup peeled, seeded and cubed butternut squash or pum pkin • 1 m edium onion, chopped • 1/2 cup chicken broth Standard or i anj» size SAVI up to $2 00 lb | | | *00000 08975 SAFEWAY % I I I I at Safeway SAFEWAY S COUPON Lloyd's Baby Back Pork Ribs 1/2 cup frozen whole kernel com I I /2 cup dried cranberries | 1 fresh jalapefio pepper, seeded | and finely chopped | • 1 Tbsp. chili pow der j • 1 clove garlic, m inced , • Chicken broth , • 2 cups shredded fresh spinach • 4-oz. M onterey Jack cheese w /l jalapeno peppers, shredded (1 cup) I with card and coupon In a 5-quart slow cooker com bine turkey, undrained tom atoes, beans, :i tom ato sauce, squash, onion, the 1/2 cup chicken broth, com , cran berries, jalapefio pepper, chili pow der and garlic. SAFEWAY t COUPON K raft N atural Slices D irectio ns I COUPON h o d u rn may nor be « e ile t * - in «II stores See