April 9, 2008 PageA2 Fantastic Finish Kansas tops NCAA at the buzzer (A P) — M ario Chalm ers" 3- pointer with 2 .1 seconds left in regu­ lation pul the gam e in ov erti me. and Kansas pulled away to a 75-68 vic­ tory on M onday night for its first national cham pionship in 20 years. C h a lm e rs' g am e-sav in g shot cam e after M em phis m issed four of five free throw s that would have put the gam e and the title out of reach. It completed acom eback from nine points dow n with 2:12 left. "It’ll probably be the biggest shot ever m ade in Kansas history," Kansas coach Bill Self said. The ending made a mockery of M em phis coach John C alip ari’s theory about his team 's 59 percent tree-throw shooting, but nothing about Chalm ers’ 3-pointer was in Kansas Jayhawks celebrate with their trophy after defeating the Memphis Tigers Monday for the NCAA Men's Championship. Sherron Collins (#4) and the Kansas Jayhawks celebrate after defeating the Memphis Tigers 75- 68 in overtime during the 2008 NCAA Men's National Championship game Monday at the Alamodome in San Antonio, Texas. King Assassinated 40 Years Ago Hundreds m arched in the rain Friday to the motel in M emphis, Tenn., where civil-rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated 40 years ago. Presidential candidates, civil- rights leaders, labor activists and thousands o f citizens cam e to­ gether to honor King for his de­ votion to racial equality and eco­ nom ic justice. King was cut down on the bal­ cony of the Lorraine Motel on A p ril4 ,1968, while helping orga­ nize a strike by Memphis sanita­ tion workers, then some o f the poorest o f the ci ty’ s worki ng poor. doubt. “ I had a good look at it," he said. "W hen it left my hands it felt like it was good, and it ju st went in.” Kansas (37-3) used the strategy any smart opponent o f Memphis would — fouling the heck out o f one of the country's worst free-throw- shooting teams — and when they made only one of live over the last 1: 12, it left the door open for KU. Hustling the ball dow n the court with 10.8 seconds left, no tim eouts and trailing by three, Sherron Collins handed o ff to C halm ers at the top of the 3-point line, and Chalm ers took the shot. It hit nothing but net and tied the score at 63. This was the first overtim e in the title game since 1997, when Arizona beat Kentucky 84-79. New Era for Oregon State University Ivy League coach hired ( A P ) — C raig R obinson, who co ach ed the past tw o seasons at Brow n and has gained added a t­ te n tio n as B a ra c k O b a m a 's b r o th e r - in - la w , w as s e le c te d M onday as the m e n ’s coach at O regon S tate. T aking a jo b that o th ers turned dow n, R obinson began selling h im s e lf at a new s co n fe re n ce M onday as the right m an to re- Craig Robinson store a w inning trad itio n at O r­ egon State. A th le tic d ir e c to r B o b D e C a ro lis , w h o led a c o a c h in g search that he said had taken too m any tw ists and tu rn s to co u n t, in tr o d u c e d th e 4 5 - y e a r - o l d R obinson to a cro w d o f about 300 at G ill C o liseu m that included fans, school sta ff m em bers and the m edia. "O n e m a n ’s tough jo b is an ­ o th e r m a n 's ch a llen g in g jo b and an o th er m an ’s e n lig h ten in g jo b ,” said R o b in so n , w h o a c k n o w l­ edg ed h aving in terv iew ed for the vacant P rovidence jo b as w ell. "T h e fact that o th e r guys d id n ’t th in k th ey c o u ld do it d id n 't b o th er m e at a ll.” T he ch a rism a tic R obinson re ­ sp onded to q u estio n s ab o u t his fam ous b ro th er-in -law w ith lev ­ ity, saying th at the D em o cratic presid en tial co n ten d e r “ is a huge C raig R o b in so n fan. A nd his s c h e d u le is q u ite b u sy rig h t now , but I'll get him o ut to a g am e.” D e C a r o l i s s a id h e a n d R obinson have a b in d in g "m em o o f u n d ersta n d in g ” for a six -y ear deal w orth m ore than $5 m illion. R obinson w as 30-28 in tw o sea­ sons at B row n. T he B ears w ent 19-10 th is seaso n and finished se co n d to C o rn e ll in th e Ivy L eague. He w as an assistan t at N o rth ­ w estern for six seasons u nder Bill C arm o d y befo re tak in g o v er at B row n. He p lay ed at P rinceton u n d er lo ngtim e co ach Pete C arril from 1980-83 and runs an system b ased on the m otion o ffen se u ti­ lizing b ack d o o r cuts and a high n u m b e r o f p a s se s th a t C a rril po p u larized . “T his is going to be a d isc i­ p lin ed , w ell-co ach ed team that is g o in g to b e fu n to w a tc h ,” R o binson said. T hat d iscip lin e w ill begin w ith p ractices, w hich R obinson said will be at 5:30 a.m . O re g o n S ta te is th e 1 3 th - w in n in g est p ro g ram in N CA A history, but the p rogram w ent into steep d eclin e soon afte r the re ­ tirem en t o f H all o f Fam e coach Ralph M illerin 1989. 2nd annual Legislative Education Day uoter Registration Saturday, norii 12th 2008 • ioam-2pm ‘•we’ue come this lar hu faith and action." Honoring our faithful African American women and men who were influential in Oregon's political history. • m.o.m.s & p . o . p . s • 126 n .E /û ib e rta s tre e t v Portland, or 97211 ¡IT IN E R A R Y » \ 10 AM - 2 PM ----i- Matrons Of Motivation & Patrons Of Progress 10:00 a m 10:15 a . m 10:30 a.m 10:45 a m. 12:30 p.m. 12:45 p.m. 1:15 p.m. 2:00 p . m. Welcome/lnvocation/lntroductions Rally/3 Minute Speaker Presentations Canvassing Instructions Load buses, vans, cars and dispatch to selected neighborhoods Return to Calvary Christian Center Food/Fellowship/Fun* Tally Voter Registration Cards Event concludes •¡Meet political candidates and community organizers] AFRICAN AMERICAN TRADESPEOPLE SHARE THEIR STORIES CO co Saturday, April 19 III Seeking African American men and women who are interested in learning about a career in the highway construction trades! 1 1 a .m .- 2 p.m. Free Luncheon Event w ill be held at: o o co Oregon Association o f M in o rity Entrepreneurs 4 1 3 4 N o rth Vancouver Portland, OR 972 17 To hold your spot, please contact Roberta at Oregon Tradeswomen: (503) 335-8200 x32 r O re g o n D e p a r tm e n t o f T r a n s p o rta tio n Oregon Tradeswomen, Inc. w w w .tra d e sw o m e n .n e t Hosted by: Rev Renee' Ward (Chrysalis Ministries) and Pastor Frederick Woods (Calvary Christian Center) Thank you to our Community Partners The Bus Protect, Black United Fund, North Northeast Business Associa­ tion, O ffice o f N eighborhood Involvement - Restorative listening Project, O regon Action, Multnomah County D em ocratic Party, Chrysa­ lis Ministries, C alvary Christian Center, Oregon le a g u e o , Minority Voters. The Portland Observer Newspaper, Services tor Humanity, Inc., This Is a non-partisan event. An tatlon has been extended to all candidates, local, state, city, county, civic, community-base and faith organi zations to p a r­ ticipate in this event. Black Citizen’s C oalition o, Portland Neighborhoods, Barack O ba m a tor America, Sen Avel Gordly, a n d Rep Chip Shields Invited Guests: Sen M argaret Carter. Dem ocratic Party ot Oregon, Republican Party o t Oregon, Senator Jackie Winters, OAME, Black Men's Coalition, five cents... • On May 1, the price of an Adult cash fare will increase one nickel. Monthly passes, and Bridge Builders/ILOV, Urban le a g u e ot Portland. NAACR Oregon Assembly of Black Affairs, Oregon Commission on Black Affairs special reduced fares will increase too. Hometown Butte, - Mall 205, KBOO Radio 90 7 FM, KMHD 89 l FM. KBMS 1480 AM Radio, The Skanner Newspaper, Portland C able Media, Ethos, Portland Public Schools (Grant High School/Jefferson High Schoot/Roosevelt High School), Albina Ministerial Alliance, Albina Rotary, Geneva's Shear Perfection • C-TRAN's Go Anywhere Day Pass, C-Zone Day Pass, and Express fares will not increase. Contact Rev. Renee Ward (503) 548-7537 or revreneeward@hotmail.com, Pastor Frederick Woods (503) 995-8162 •Visit www.c-tran.com or call 360.695.0123 for more information. or woods4044@comcast.net Alex Aronson (978) 853-9114 Artwork by Good Seed Deiign www.goodMeddetign.com I «£> C-TRAN I