April 9, 2008 'ri’f ^Jortlanb (Dhseruer rts page C3 IM IlH IM tlM Step Afrika! performs high-energy dance with sounds and spoken words. Born of African Traditions URBAN ARTS DANCE COMPANY PRESENTS... Stepping dancers coming to WSU Vancouver The professional performance group Step A frika! brings their act to Washington State University, Vancouver, at 6 p.m. on Wednes­ day, A pril 16, in the Firstenburg Student Commons. The event is free and open to the public, but tickets are limited and must be reserved by calling the WSU Vancouver Office o f Student Involvement at 360-546-9527. Step Afrika! celebrates stepping, an art form bom at African Am eri­ can fraternities and based in A fri­ can traditions. As the first professional com­ pany dedicated Io stepping. Step Afrikal's intricate kicks, stomps and rhythms mixed with spoken word pound the fltxir and fill the air. Step­ ping is a unique dance tradition created by African-American col­ lege students. In stepping, the body is used as an instrument to create intricate rhythms and sounds through a combination o f footsteps, claps and spoken word. The tradition grew out o f the song and dance rituals practiced by historically African- American fraternities and sorori­ group. ties in the early 1900s. Stepping WSU Vancouver is located at comes from a long and rich tradition 14204 N.E. Salmon Creek Ave., in African-based communities that east o f the 134th Street exit from use movement, words and sounds either 1-5 or 1-205, or via C-Tran to communicate allegiance to a bus service. “The blues and jazz will live forever... So will the Delta and the Big Easy” Jack Nicholson www.kmhd.fm shining for 25 years i TK: k k is n ? ( m > k * u r k ft in f o pi taxi c a i j . w h w sau (. URBAN ARTS. INC • P O BOX IH 41 * P O R U A N I) OR • 9/Z11