il?c 'JjJartlanò ©hseruer April 9. 2 0 0 8 Page B5 C lassifieds / B ids Sales Management Opportunity PRIMERICA A Citl Com pany M ultnom ah County The D epartm ent of Com m unity Ju s tic e is c u rre n tly a c c e p tin g a p p lic a tio n s fo r th e fo llo w in g positions: Community Works Leader On-Call, #6267-11 C o m m u n ity W o rk s L e a d e rs support both ju venile and adult c o m m u n ity ju s tic e p ro g ra m s w ith in M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty by supervising offenders in a variety of m anual labor projects. Apply by April 11, 2008. Juvenile Counselor, #6272-06 The Juvenile Counselors provide counseling, casework, social and legal services to children, juveniles a n d th e ir fa m ilie s : a d d re s s c o m m u n ity p ro te c tio n , yo u th a c c o u n ta b ilit y and s k ill developm ent. Apply by April 11, 2008. Juvenile Custody Services Specialist On-Call, #8274-06 J u v e n ile C u s to d y S e rv ic e s Specialists are responsible for the guidance, security, training, and general care of delinquent and d istu rb e d youth in a cu ltu ra lly diverse juvenile detention facility. Apply by April 18, 2008. Applicants bilingual in English and Spanish are encouraged to apply for these positions. For more information a bout these positions, including application materials, please visit our website at w w w .m u ltc o io b s .o rg or call 503-988-5035. M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty is a c tiv e ly recruiting persons from diverse backgrounds to enhance service delivery to our diverse community. Our com m itm ent to exceptional custom er service relies upon a team -oriented w orkplace and a continuous quality im provem ent e n v iro n m e n t. An Equal Opportunity Employer. WE'LL PAY YOU go to trade school. W e want perso ns to age 34 to train as e le c t r o n ic s a n d e le c t r ic ia n s technicians. M ust pass written and physical exams. H.S. diploma a m u s t. W e w ill re lo c a te successful applicants. Don't pass up this opportunity. Call 1-800- 914-8536. M ETRO Park Ranger Blue Lake Park $17.52 - $22.14/hr, FT Deadline: 4/10/08 Food and Banquet Captain Oregon Zoo Entry: $14.45/hr,PT Deadline: 4/14/08 To a c c e s s th e c o m p le te jo b a n n o u n c e m e n t a nd re q u ire d a p p lica tion m aterials, visit our website at job s or pick up a com plete packet at M etro Human Resources, 600 NE Grand Ave., Portland. AA/EEO Employer Great Opportunity!!! NEEDED C.N.A. with Hire on Bonus! Dietary Aide/Cook Great for Students! Please contacted Donna Coburn, RN.DNs 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -5 9 6 7 Or stop by for an application at 5737 NE 37th Avenue To view current jo b openings and to access the application form , visit the Port's website at or call (503) 944-7400. The Port of Portland is an AA/ EEO em ployer com m itted to w o rk fo rc e d iv e r s it y and affirm ative action. 1120 SW Fifth Ave. Room 750, Portland OR 97204 503-82 3 -6 8 55 S T A R ^ PARK toll free at 877-475-2088. NOTICE The City of Portland is accepting applications for a contract for vehicle towing and storage services. This contract will start October 1, 2008 and expire Septem ber 30, 2011. Tow com panies with at least two ye a rs’ experience providing tw enty-four hour, 365 days/year vehicle tow ing and storage services are invited to apply for the contract. Applicants must pass an inspection of tow ing equipm ent, office and storage facilities as part of the application. Candidates with the experience, personnel, financial resources, and equipm ent to m eet the needs of the contract are invited to subm it an application to the Revenue Bureau, 111 SW Columbia Street, Room 600, Portland, OR 97201, not later than 4:30 P.M., April 21, 2008. For additional inform ation, contact the Towing Coordinator at m gavlord@ or phone (503)823- 5146. A p p lic a tio n s a re a ls o a va ila b le on line at: h ttp :// www /shared/cfm /im age.cfm ?id=191518 Star Park is looking for individuals with excellent custom er service skills and a positive attitude to join our team of parking facility operators. Positions include: Attendant, Traffic Director, Cashier, and Valet, with O pp ortunity for advancem ent. No experience necessary, must be dependable. 8.50+/hr, medical, dental, 401k w/match, sick & vacation pay. 610 SW Alder Street Suite 1221 Portland, OR 97205 PORTLA N D STATE il"' ^.înrtlnnh (Olvemrv Call 5O3-288-OO33 ads @ port landobsetî McKinstry Portland Campus Bid Package #3 Landscaping, Retaining Walls, Concrete, Steel, Waterproofing, Roofing, Sheet M etal, Overhead Doors, Metal Framed Skylights and Elevator Bids Due! April 1 4 ,2 0 0 8 at 2:00pmBid Documents - Ford Graphics (5 0 3 /2 2 7 -3 4 2 4 ) Hoffman Construction Portland Development Commission The Urban Renewal Agency for the City of Portland, Oregon Portland is in te rn a tio n a lly recognized fo r its qua lity of life, distinctive neighborhoods, and robust transit system. Playing a key role in keeping Portland. Oregon, one of America's most livable cities is the Portland D evelopm ent Com m ission's mission. PDC is the City’s urban renewal agency, charged with bringing together resources to achieve Portland's vision. W e ’re currently looking for qualified individuals to com plem ent our workforce for the follow ing positions: Business Systems Analyst II Senior Housing Manager - Housing Planning & Development Project: Block 46 - ‘The Matisse' - (Addendum No. 1) You can view the addendum at the following locations: 1. R&H Office 1530 SW Taylor St. Portland, OR 97205 503-228-7177 3. DJC 2840 NW 35th Ave. Portland. OR 97210 503-274-0624 2. OR Contractor Plan Center 14625 SE 82nd Dr. Clackam as, OR 97201 503 -65 0 -0 1 48 4. OAME 4134 N. Vancouver Ave. Portland, OR 97217 503-249-7744 View Online: R&H W ebsite - Has co m p lete listing of plans, specifications, instructions to bidders booklet, and addenda: Su bcont ractors-> Pla n room Document Purchase: Documents are available for purchase at Precision Images, 503-274-2030. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR HEALTH EDUCATION Jl" ^ìnrtlhnì» (Oh-.ertier See full job description and Call 503-288-0033 in “ Faculty & ads @ port PSU is an AA/EO institution and, in keeping with the President's d iv e rs ity in itia tiv e , w e lc o m e s a p p lic a tio n s fro m d iv e rs e candidates and candidates who support diversity. Apply online at Portland Developm ent Com m ission, 222 NW 5th Ave., Portland, OR 97209 Jobline: 503.823.3463 Portland State U N IV E R S IT Y .50 FTE Academic Director Masterof International Management Portland State University T h e M a s te r o f In te rn a tio n a l M anagem ent Program seeks a qualified candidate as Academ ic D ire c to r, a .5 0 FTE p o s itio n responsible for oversight of the program 's curriculum, faculty and s tu d e n ts In fu lfillm e n t o f th e p ro g ra m 's m ission to e d u ca te a s p irin g p ro fe s s io n a ls in International business theory and p ra ctice fo r s tra te g ic d ecision m aking in a com petitive global economy. PSU is an AA/EO institution and, in keeping with the President's d iv e rs ity in itia tiv e , w e lc o m e s a p p lic a tio n s fro m d iv e rs e candidates and candidates who support diversity. Studios, One, and Two Bedrooms Located righ t in the heart of downtown Portland Studios $600-$650; One bed: $700-$800; Two Bed: $ 1200. Cat friendly Tours offered by appointm ent only and can be scheduled by calling Colin or Katie @ (503) 241-8404 Childcare & Education State Registered Day Care Home Cambridge Real Estate Services, * Infant to School Age Vernon Neighborhood Location *Openings Available* Nursing More than you (5 0 3 ) 2 8 8 -8 3 6 7 ever expected... in a place you never expected. If your career wish list includes things like real autonom y, true ca m a ra d e rie , m ore fle x ib ility , greater clinical environment, less p h y s ic a l dem ands, lo w e r d ia g n o s tic a c u ity , a nd th e opportunity to work side-by-side with doctors and PAs, you've come to the right place. And that place is at W exford Health Sources - a nationally recognized leader in contracted medical services for correctional facilities. Please join our team as: Uptown Tower 712 SW St. Clair Avenue Portland, Oregon 97205 Phone: 503-248-9645 TTY: 1-800-735-2900 © S u m m e r R un • R N -F T , PT, PRN Clark County Jail Vancouver, WA Com e to think of it, yo u ’ll also enjoy a very attractive salary, great benefits, and lots of promotional opportunities. For full consider­ ation, contact: Nina Dow, Staffing Consultant Phone: 800-903-3616; Fax: 412-937-8874; An Equal Opportunity Employer M /F/D/V Wexford Health 7810 SE Foster Road Portland, Oregon 97206 5 0 3 *7 7 4 *8 8 8 5 Retirement Apartments ■ Studio & One-Bedroom Apartments ■ Affordable Rent with No Costly Buy-Ins or Application Fees 1 Federal Rent Subsidies Available 1 Ideal Urban location near shopping, bus lines, restaurants, and more' ■ Enjoy our small community atmosphere that's relaxed and friendly! Retirement Living W estmoreland’s Union Manor 6404 SE 23rd Avenue ♦ Portland 97202 5 0 3 *2 3 3 *5 6 7 1 Marshall Union Manor 2020 NW Northrup Street ♦ Portland 97209 5 0 3 *2 2 5 *0 6 7 7 Advertise with diversity in fjurtkutb ODbeerurr Kirkland Union Manors 3530 SE 84th Avenue ♦ Portland 97266 5 0 3 *7 7 7 *8 1 0 1 & Kirkland Union Plaza Call 503-288-0033 Call M F 1-877 6G 0 NAVY. 1414 Kauffman Avenue ♦ Vancouver 98660 3 6 0 *6 9 4 *4 3 1 4 & • Studio & One-Bedroom Apartments with Kitchens Wanted and Needed Church Building (size: small to medium) with office For rent or lease Located in N/NE and inner city Portland Please call 503-863-6545 (S A ffo rd a b le h ou sin g m ay be a va ila b le at th is tim e. Incom e restrictions apply. If affordable units are not available at this time, qualified applicants will be placed on a w aiting list. Guardian M anagem ent LLC is an equal opportunity provider. • PSYCH NP FT, PT, PRN GET MONEY FOR SCHOOL Earn the college degree you 've always wanted. M oney to help pay for it -a n d a piece of the action - all in the Navy. Must be 17-34 with a H.S. diplom a. Fifth Avenue Court Apartments First Step Academy W e offer a generous host of benefits as part of our efforts to keep PDC a positive, healthy and productive place to work. PDC values diversity in its w ork force and is com m itted to Equal Em ploym ent Opportunity and Affirm ative Action. The qualified candidate will hold an M BA d egree or higher, with Phone: (5 0 3 ) 2 2 1-8811 - Bid Fax: (5 0 3 ) 221-8888 In te rn a tio n a l e d u c a tio n and 805 SW Broadway, Suite 2100 - Portland, OR 97205 - CCB LIC# 28417 experien ce preferred. business Questions concerning Subcontract/Purchase Agreement Terms and Conditions. Insurance. Five or more years' experience in Bonding, and/or M/W/ESB requirements should be directed to: Jon Grasle. Tel 503/221 higher education, with excellent 8811. Fax 503/2218888, or E-mail: c o m m u n ic a tio n s k ills and an We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises. entrepreneurial flair is desired. Other Subcontracting Opportunities Internet Start date is July 1, 2008. Salary is co m p e titive . For a p p lica tion p roce du re s and a full position R&H Construction d escrip tio n visit w w w 1530 SW Taylor Street, human resources. Portland, Oregon, 97205 Block 46 - Addendum No. 1 Notification Advertise with diversity in Administrative Openings”. Company of Oregon Phone: 503-228-7177 Fax: 503-224-3638 UNIVERSITY application instructions at: h t t p : // Advertise with diversity in SUB BIDS REQUESTED H à B ureau o f Purchases For more information, contact me: Lamont Tellis at Primerica Financial Services, a subsidiary of Citigroup: PORT OF PORTLAND T h e P o rt o f P o rtla n d is a regional government operating airports, marine term inals and industrial parks in the greater Portland metropolitan area, to fulfill its mission of providing c o m p e titiv e c a rg o and p a s se n g e r a cce ss to w orld m arkets w hile enhancing the region’s quality of life. City of Portland Candidates should: Desire an excellent income, be commit­ ted to working hard, and possess a strong desire to succeed. They can also be picked up at the Revenue Bureau or requested by e-m ailing the Towing Coordinator. CAREER OPPORTUNITIES We are: one of the largest marketers of financial products in North America, looking for people who want to succeed. We offer: An excellent educational system to teach you our business, a comprehensive support network, and competi­ tive products that are highly desirable to most consumers. Portland, OR 97211 Ö For contracting opportunities with the City of Portland and for valuable inform ation on how to do business with the City, please log on to the Bureau of Purchases W eb Page: • Affordable Kents with No Buy-In or Application Fees • Garden Areas & Planned Activities • Easy Access to Bus Lines & Shopping • Federal Kent Subsidies Available for those that qualify T D D 5 0 3 *7 7 1 *0 9 1 2