www.portlandobserver.com Committed to Cultural Diversity A p r il 2. 2008 Powerful Performances M etro Matsiko Children \ Choir to visit Portland See A & E section, inside ODbseruer ommunity a le n d a r C Health Inequities The public is invited to jo in in the dia­ logues w ith com m unity members, orga­ nizations, business leaders and local elected o fficia ls to discuss the root causes o f health inequities as w ell as long-term solutions in a this seven-part series. For neighborhood locations, dates, and times visit m chealth.org/healthequity. Carollynn Smith, 61, takes care of five grandchildren in her four- bedroom house in the Woodlawn neighborhood of northeast Portland. No Justice, No Peace Saturday, A p ril 5, at 2 p.m., the National A ctio n N e tw o rk’ s open in vita tio n to all people concerned w ith justice and equal­ ity for all members o f society to attend at the M idland L ib ra ry, 805 S.E. 122nd; for more inform ation, call 503-988-5392 or 503-775-36.35. Rain Garden Workshop Saturday, A p ril 5 from 9 a.m. to noon, the Leach Botanical Gardens, 6704 S.E. 122nd Ave., w ill host a workshop teaching how to build a beautiful rain garden tocapture rainwater runoff, fo llo w e d by a com m u­ nity open house o f the Botanical G ar­ dens, from I to 4 p.m. To register, visit Welcometherain.org orcall 503-652-7477, Beach School Auction Saturday, A p ril 12, Beach Elementary in north Portland w ill host the annual auc­ tion and dinner fundraiser to benefit the homeless ch ild re n 's after-school pro­ gram; items to be auctioned include: horseback rid in g lessons, use o f vaca­ tion homes, g ift certificates and more to be held at Magdalene Parish H all. 3123 N.E. 24th, w ith the doors opening at 5:30 p.m.; $25 ticket includes appetizers, d in ­ ner dessert and beverages, ch ild care is available. Where People Matter M onday, A p ril 7 thru Wednesday, A p ril 9, from 3 to 7:30 p.m., Lew is & C lark C ollege host the student-run Interna­ tional A ffa irs Sym posium w ith focus on human tra ffickin g , global health, and more; the event is free: fo r more inform a­ tion, visit Lclark.edu/org/ias. Lents Home Buying Fair Saturday, A p ril 12, from 10a.m. to2p.m ., at Kelly Elementary School,9O3OS.E.Cooper St., the public is invited to learn about opportunities to buy their own home. The free event features various workshops and more, highlighted by a drawing fo r a $4000 down-payment assistance grant; for more information.call 503-788-8052x105. PHOTO BY R aymond R endi . eman / T he P orti AND O bserver Grandparents Raising Kids Workshop to focus on the special challenges by R aymond R endeeman T he P ortland O bserver Northeast Portland resident C arollynn Smith has to ju g g le d a ily sports practices, parent-teacher confer­ ences and meals fo r liv e children whom she also hassles to keep up on hom ework in the evenings. She frets about dishes in the sink, basketballs strewn across the yard and no tim e fo r anything hut what she sees as necessary. This seems like the hectic life o f an average parent, except Smith is 6 1 and herchi Idren have a few different last names. Called the "neighborhood granny” by others livin g near W oodlawn Park, Smith w ould look after more children in her four-bedroom house i f the state's human services allowed. She asserts that grow ing up in rural Oklahom a prepared her for hard w ork over an entire life. "A s long as I have them w ith me, I could take care o f them because I love all my grandbabies," she says, pointing out the craft table where she w orks w ith her kids fillin g found-glass bottles w ith liq u id soap to help Such caregivers provide a safety net inside and outside o f the foster-care system as biological parents struggle w ith issues like substance abuse, mental illness, incarceration, economic hardship, divorce or domestic violence. Whenever Smith heard about one o fh e r 20 grandchildren in trouble, she had been in the habit o f adopting them, but the state decided to lim it this practice, instead paying fo r foster guardians. The policies inspired her to start an organization called Grandparents Raising Grandchildren. She took her concern that her parental rights had been violated to the Oregon capitol in Salem last week to fo llo w up on a series o f weekly vig ils in front o f north Portland's human-services building. As long cis I have them with me, I could take care of them because I love all my grandbabies. -Carollynn Smith pay the bills. Not everyone in Sm ith's caregiver position can be so active, and experts see special challenges fo r the esti­ mated 2.4 m illio n grandparents nationally taking on primary responsibility for children's needs. In Oregon, more than h a lfo f the 37,536children living in grandpar­ ent-headed households have neither parent present. " It can be an isolating experience, because their peers have retired in the traditional sense,” says Loriann M cN e ill, a coordinator w ith M ultnom ah C ounty A ging and D isa b ility Services. M c N e ill points out that the summer months present extra challenges fo r parents' free tim e and pocket­ books. M ore grandparents also must struggle w ith liv in g o ff o f Social Security. Out o f the county's 4,069 grandparent caregivers counted by the U.S. Census Bureau in 2006, 26 percent were liv in g in poverty. In 2004, eight percent the 4,539 grandparent caregivers were liv in g in poverty. But there are many agencies that want to help, and last spring the county started a yearly retreat fo r relatives who run households w ith kids. C iting some o f last year's 85 attendees who hadn't known another grandparentcaring fo r children, M cN eill argues that caregiver solidarity and access to resources represent the keys to success. She also acknowledges continued on page H4 Math and Science Info Night Thursday, A p ril 10 at 6 p.m.. The Black Parent InitiativeandConcordia U niversity invite parents w ith outstanding students ‘Dreamgirls’ Extended to attend a free inform ation session prepar­ ing students to achieve more in high- schtxil math and science: to RSVP.call 503- 284-8000. For two nights at Jefferson auditorium Feminism Discussion at PCC Thursday, A p ril 10, from 6:30 to8 p.m.. the public is invited to attend the free panel d iscu ssio n at P o rtla n d C o m m u n ity College'sCascadeCampus, M oriarty A u ­ ditorium , 705 N. K illin g sw o rth , featuring women leaders o f the com m unity; for Stumptown Stages, after several weekends o f sold-out performances o f Dream girls at the Inter­ state Firehouse C ultural Center, is pleased to announce tw o a d d itio n a l perform ances at Jefferson H igh School. F o llo w in g the career o f the Dreams Irom backup singers to headliners in the ‘ 60s, Dreamgirls stars Jefferson alum and Portland singing sensation Julianne Johnson as Effie. A portion o f the ticket sales w ill help benefit Jefferson High School's Showcase 2008. The performances nm Friday. A p ril I I and Saturday, A p ril 12 at 8 p.m. at Jefferson High School's auditorium , 5210 N. Kerby Ave. Tickets are $27, $25 fo r student o r sen iors, and $15 forgroupsof I Oor more. Call 503-381 -8686 or visit Stumptownstages.com for more in fo rm a ­ tion. more inform ation.call 503-317 -2 6 11. Buckman Art Show & Sell Friday, A p ril I I and Saturday, A p ril 12. the Buckman Elementary School hosts its fundraiser featuring arts, crafts, ce­ ramics, je w e lry, gourmet foods, music and dance. For more inform ation, visit Buckmanelementary.org/artsale. The politics behind the immigration debate is explored in the documentary ‘The Other Europe.' Immigration Tragedies Documented in Film Earth Day Celebration Saturday, A p ril 19, from noon t o 4 p.m., the People’ s Food Co-op, 3029 S.E. 2 1 st Ave., invites Portlanders to celebrate Earth Day w ith workshops, live music and free organic cotton tote bags (w hile Multicultural showcase continues supplies last); this is a free, fam ily-friendly event. "The Other Europe" is a penetrating study o f the economics and politics behind the im m igration debate, w ith revealing paral­ lels to our own country. The documentary is coming to the M ulticultural Film Festival at Jefferson High School. The film provides a cross-section o f the imm igrant experience, arguing that the economic system says we have plenty o f jobs and w ill pay you more than you could ever earn at home. But the political systems warn: We don', want you. U nlike most American coverage o f the im m igration issue. The Other Europe explains why undocumented workers are an integral part o f Western economies. The film is an unambiguous call to stop the hypocrisy and political posturing and develop humane consistent policies for the foreigners who come to do the Gresham Earth Day Celebration Saturday. A p ril 19,from 1 0 a .m .to 2 p .m „ al theC ity Hall, 1333 N .W . Eastman Park­ way, the public is invited to attend this free fam ily event featuring live music, free workshops, activities and more: for more inform ation.call 503-618-2526. Spiffin' Up MLK Saturday, A p ril 19, S O L V and neighbor­ hood businesses and com m unity mem­ bers w ill w ork together to pick up trash, clean g ra ffiti and remove street debris along three miles o f the Boulevard, from Broadway to Northeast Lombard Street: visit Handsonportland.org o r call 503- 413-7787 to get involved. » p ilo ro by I’ m e S. F ardi «; Dreamgirls features, from left to right. Lava Alapai as Lorrell, Julianne Johnson as Effie and Joann Coleman as Deena. I jobs we won',. The 58-minutc film shows free to the public at Jefferson High School, 5210 N. Kerby Ave., starting 6 p.m. on A p ril 7.