< r ii " A p ril 2. 2 0 0 8 Rhubarb: First Fruits of Spring o r t la nò ffib s er n er Sp e c i a l It's a sure sign o f spring when etable, rhubarb is used in recipes ries, rhubarb is alm ost unbearably b rig h tly c o lo re d rhubarb emerges the w ay you w o u ld a fru it. In fact, its tart on itsow n and is rarely eaten raw. fro m its lo n g w in te r's nap. C o o ks in nicknam e is "pie p la n t." R hubarb pairs up w e ll w ith other northern regions, w here rhubarb Rhubarb is considered a veg­ fru its to create a co m p le x sweet-tart g ro w s best, prize this hardy peren­ e ta b le -o n ly the stalks o f the plant fla v o r: straw berries and other ber­ nial fo r its tart, tender stalks. A n d that are edible—but it ’ s most often ries. apples, oranges, and peaches a lth o u g h it's b o ta n ic a lly a veg­ treated as a fru it. L ik e fresh cranber­ are all good choices. Vibrant color and pucker-up fla vo r make this unusual vegetable a springtime sensation. The sharp flavor o f rhubarb inspires strong opinions: most people either love it or hate it. Rhubarb, a relative o f buckwheat, grows wild in China and I ibet, where it's been used to make medicines fo r centuries. It first appeared in North America in the late 1700s, introduced by a Maine gardener who obtained seed or rootstock from Europe. Within a mere 25 years, it was so popular with customers that it had become a regular offering at produce markets. Supermarkets generally sell only the deep-red stems, but gardeners grow hybrids with green or pink stalks as well. CLUB In g re d ie n ts • 4 CUp S cubed bread • • 1-1/2 cups sugar • 1/2 c up butter, m elted rh u b a rb F ood Ingredients for life. Simple Baked Rhubarb 4 cups fresh o r fro ze n diced PageA 5 E d itio n P R IC E Rancher's Reserve Beef T-Bone Steak TCNDC Bone-in. SAVEupto$5.40fc D ire c tio n s 1. In a b o w l, c o m b in e rhubarb, bread cubes and sugar; toss to coat. 2. A d d bu tte r; m ix w e ll, turn in to a 11 ” x 7” x 2 ” b a kin g pan. 3. Bake at 35OF fo r 4 0 -5 0 m inutes o r u n til golden bro w n . Serve w arm . GR^ L M e AT SALE! — These Family Favorites '< is w r •a rm s CLUB PRICE Foster Farms Boneless Pork Loin Lean Ground Beef Fresh Whole Chicken 80% Lean 20% Fat. Center Cut Chops Locally grown. SAVE up to 75c lb. SAVE up to S165 it). SAVE up to S2 50 lb "True, it's a little unusual to combine rhubarb with meat in an entree, but my fam ily loves this recipe! It was created by my mother in an effort to use abundant rhubarb from our farm garden. I'm sure you'll enjoy it, too!” Rhubarb Pork Chop Bake In g re d ie n ts • 2-1 /2 cups chopped fresh o r fro • 4 bo ne -in p o rk lo in chops (1/2- zen rhubarb ( 1/2-inch pieces) in ch th ic k ) • 4 slices d a y -o ld bread, crusts re • 2 Tbs. vegetable o il m ove d and cubed • I -1 /2 tsp. m in ce d fresh rosem ary • 3/4 cup packed b ro w n sugar o r 1/2 tsp. d rie d rosem ary, crushed • 2 Tbs. a ll-pu rpo se flo u r • 1/4 tsp. salt • 1/2 tsp. g ro un d cin na m on • 1/8 tsp. pepper • 1/4 tsp. g ro un d allspice CLUB PRICE Alaskan Sockeye Salmon Fillets Frozsu/tbawetl. SAVEuptoS2.00«> 4 r n r £ | « iitC equal ob lessee value Eating R ig h t’ or Fresh Express Salad Blends or Medleys 4.9 to 12-oz package. Seiectcb varieties ^ VE “P to S3.49 on 2 4-lb. Fresh Strawberries D ire c tio n s l . l n a large sk ille t, coo k the chops in o il ove r m edium heart fo r 2-3 m inutes ___ aa .M E H E A ^ save up to $5.oo ea. on each side o r u n til chops are lig h tly b ro w n ed; dra in . S p rin k le w ith CLUB PR1C rosem ary, salt and pepper. R em ove fro m the heat and keep w arm . 2. In a large b o w l, c o m b in e the rhubarb, bread cubes, b ro w n sugar. Hour, I’m G u aran teed ! cin n a m o n and allspice. 3. Place h a lfo fth e rhu ba rb m ix tu re in a greased 1 l ” x 7 ” x 2” b a kin g dish. Organic Jumbo Artichokes T o p w ith chops and re m a in in g rhubarb m ixtu re . C o v e r and bake at 35OF Romaine Hearts 3-ct aub Price St iOea. SAVE up to $2 5« or 2 fo r 45 -55 m inutes. U n co ve r; bake 10 m inutes longer. Lucerne M ilk Rhubarb Dressing “ T h is d e lic io u s d re s s ­ 2, (O22-OZ. Selected varieties. IM lW PS'ZbU M SAVE up to $6 42 on 2 i n g is a w e s o m e o n a s p in a c h Nabisco Ritz Crackers or Newtons Quaker Cereal Gallon Whole. 2%. 1%, Skim Supreme or Fat Free, At cbeckstantl, first item will Easy Slow Cooker French Dip "This makes a delicious French dip sandwich, perfect fo r the working mom! Nobody, not even teetotal­ ers. have been able to detect the presence o f beer in this recipe, but it adds a wonderful flavor! French fries make a great side dish, and they are good fo r dipping, too." or Brawny Towel 4fito5fi-W. Selected varieties. SAVE up to $6 <9 on 2 Selected varieties SAVE uptbS3.5O P E R G A L L O N O F G A S O L IN E Every time you Spend $50 in a single transaction at Safeway. oatewha ^ u . WIO ÎMUR »«I Mt MW» MON rt» P r- n in this jd good through A p ril 8th SAFEWAY < G A S O L IN E PO IN G R E D IE N T S * 1 ( 1 2 flu id ounce) can o r bo ttle I • I (10 .5 ounce) can b e e f b ro th beer I • 1 (10.5 ounce) can condensed I French o n io n soup • 6 French ro lls • 2 tablespoons butter D IR E C T IO N S I 1. T r im excess fat fro m the ru m p m ast, and place in a slo w cooker. A d d I I the b e e f bro th , o n io n soup and beer. C o o k on L o w setting fo r 7 hours. I 2. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F ( 175 degrees C ). 3. S p lit French ro lls , and spread w ith butter. Bake lO m in u te s, o r u n til heated through. 4. S lice the meat on th e d ia g o n a l. and place on the ro lls. Serve the sauce fo r d ip p in g . Breyers All Natural Ice Cream Northern Bath 12-oz bottles Selected vai Wes. Plus tlcpor.it in Oregon. SAVE up to $4.00 I • 4 pounds ru m p roast I 18-Pack Bud, M iller or Coors C l’r ^ ¡ J o r t l a n b ( O b s e r v e r Established 1970 USPS 959-680 _________________________ __ ____ 4747 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR 97211 The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions Manuscripts and photographs sfxmld he clearly labeled and w ill be returned if accompanied by a self addressed envelope A ll created design display ads become the sole property o f the newspaper and canmH be used in other publications or personal usage without the written consent o f the general manager, unless the client has purchased the composition «»f such ad < ?urtiandi>bser\er.ci>m LAX 503-288-0015 ads tg purtlandvbserver.cvm