ï liv Page B4 ^Iortlanh (Ohserner Sp ecia l A p ril 2. 2008 Ed ition King Boulevard to Get Spiff-up The N orth/N ortheast Business A ssociation is hosting the second- annual S piffin’ Up M artin Luther King. Jr. Boulevard event. S atur­ day. April 19. M ore than 4(X) neighborhood businesses, com m unity m em bers and cityw ide friends will pick up trash, clean graffiti and rem ove street debris along three m iles of the street, from Northeast Broad­ way to Lom bard Street. "Spiffin’ Up MLKexemplifies the essence o f Dr. K ing’s vision for co m m unity respect,” said Joice Taylor, N N EB A board president. "It is a pleasure to be providing a public dem onstration o f the pride felt for this boulevard considered by many to be the soul o f P ort­ land.” At the inaugural S piffin’ event in 2007, volunteers rem oved more than a quarter ton o f trash and debris. T w enty-tw o local busi­ nesses c o n trib u te d m o re than $14,(XX) in donations to rttake the clean-up possible. V olunteers will assem ble at Friends o f Trees, 3117 N.E. MLK, for registration beginning at 8 a.m. with drinks and pastries provided. ■k vyyipe«*' * Catering * Events Meetings 5 0 3 -2 9 0 -4 8 6 0 photo bv R aymond R endleman /T he P orti . and O bserver Les W hitw orth L.I’. A. 5121 NKXJril »senne Porlluiid. OK «>7211 Phone 503-295-1‘>39 Cetl503-875-1630 Albina History Gets Renovation Dawson Park's signature commemorative dome, which once topped the main street of Albina's thriving African-American commu­ nity, is taken down and placed under plastic last month for renovation by InLine construction-company workers. Fnx 5(13.29.-,-1IM,.', icivie. les u h ilirorllicpa. rum email: letUt h su lulu orlhcpa.com Michael Tillery Broker 503.975.8004 Governor Promotes Fair Housing Welcomes state investigations Gov. T ed K ulongoski has d e­ clared April "Fair H ousing M onth" w hile prom oting a new state law that allow s fair housing investiga­ tions to be filed, investigated and resolved right here in Oregon. S in ce 1992, all h o u sin g -d is­ m ichael@ bridgetownrealty.com Please call me, your neighborhood specialist, for any o f your Real Estate needs. My success is built on a com m itm ent to quality service. crim in atio n claim s b ased on fed ­ eral fair hou sin g law s have been routed to the federal H ousing and Urban D evelopm ent regional o f­ fice in S eattle, w ith som e o f these cases taking u pw ards o f tw o to three years to be resolved. But last year, Sen. M argaret Carter, an African-American Demo­ crat representing north and north­ east Portland, successfully spon­ sored a bill to bring the state back in line with the federal fair housing laws. Incom ing L aborC om m issioner B rad A v ak ian , said , “ I am proud to be th e .f ir s t L ab o r C o m m is­ sio n e r in 15 y ears to o v ersee fair h o u sin g in v e stig a tio n s right here in O regon. I look forw ard to w ork­ ing w ith the ad v o cates from both the la n d lo rd -te n an t co alitio n and Grandparents Raising Kids B R ID G ETO W N r REALTY 1 t=i co n tin u ed fr o m M etro , , that fear of the state’s child-welfare system is a barrier for some to seek help. For Smith, the matter rests on over­ com ing the perception of nontradi- tional households being any less equipped to care for children. She looks forward to the day when any- In Loving Memory: Eric Botts 4$ Z Car + Home = BIG SA VIN G S See me tor Car and Home Insurance and save. STATE FARM IN SU R A N C E M ichael David Holton. Aqent 7??3 SW Macadam Avem e Portland. OR 97219 3076 Bus 5(13 517-9090 517-9090 H im 503 445 1366 I IKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR, STATE I ARM IS THERE. Providing insurance am i Financial Services Eric Botts, 44, liked to say he C o rn er and o th er causes. He was active in the Imperial w asn’t right-handed. He was left- Sovereign Rose Court w here he hooked. A one-arm ed bartender, he was com peted as Eric Fox and was ju st kidding when he offered you honored as Com m unity Support a "m ean hook” or added hum or to Award w inner in 2001. He was bom Nov. 29, a frantic request by say­ 1963, and g rad u a ted ing, “ I’m a little short- fro m O n ta r io H ig h handed right now .” School. He entered co l­ Eric was a com m u­ lege in P ennsylvania nity am b assa d o r and before moving to P ort­ host for many charitable land. events. S u rv iv o rs in c lu d e He w as the talen ted M aynard K lenzing, his au ctio n eer fo r c o u n t­ le s s f u n d r a is e r s a n d b in g o life partner o f 10 years: a brother, n ights at the Fox and H ounds Darren; two sisters, A relene T ho­ R estaurant and B ar. d o w n to w n , m as an d E lla W ilv e rd in g ; a w here he w as em p lo y ed and nephew , N athan; other fam ily helped raise th o u sa n d s o f d o l­ m em bers and many friends. R em em brances in his honor lars for the O reg o n H um ane S o ­ ciety , F rien d s o f P eo p le w ith may be m ade to Cam p Starlight in A ID S, E sth e r’s P antry, T o d d ’s care o f the Cascade AIDS Project. u 1,1 1.1m t latti» (06® e f o r i­ Some people prefer traditional funeral services. O thers prefer cremation. Some want an elaborate ceremony. Then there are others w ho d o n ’t want any cerem ony at all. W hen it comes to funerals, there are as many options as there are people. And we take pride in being able to say we offer them all. T erry Williams Ave (5 0 3 ) 2 4 9 -1 7 8 8 www.tenyfamilyfuneralbome.com 2337 N G randchildren Retreat will host a variety o f speakers and w orkshops focusing on related issues, as well as fun and relaxing activities. It takes place T hursday, April 3, at the New Colum bia Learning C en ­ ter, 4605 N. T renton, from 9 a.m. to 2:30p.m. History Made 100 Years Ago crim e. Baldwin was a charter O ne hundred years m em ber o f the O regon S o­ ago, on April 1, 1908, cial Hygiene Society which Portland M ayor Harry dissem inated sex ed u c a­ Lane put the city in the tion and venereal disease history books when he prevention inform ation. sw o re in L ola G reen e A fter she retired from Baldwin as the first woman the P o rtlan d P olice p o lic e o f f ic e r in D epartm ent in 1922, America. she serv ed several T he 48-year-old term s on the O regon B a ld w in jo in e d Lola Greene Baldwin P a ro le B o a rd an d w om en in the fields o f social work, public health and the N ational B oard o f P risons and juvenile justice to fulfill the P ro­ Prison Labor. B aldw in rem ained a gressive Era definition o f a “ M u­ tire less lo b b y ist for p o lice and nicipal M other." Baldwin went on w o m e n ’s issues, both locally and to organize the Portland Juvenile n atio n ally , until h er d eath at 92 in Court in 1905, and was nam ed its 1957. , T uesday, the Friends o f History first probation officer for girls. at Portland State U niversity pre­ Baldwin advocated for the right sented a tribute to Baldwin and the to vote, pay equity and a living policew om en who follow ed in her w age to keep young w om en w ork­ fo o tstep s. ers from lives o f prostitution or THE c a li 503-288-0033 All types of services for all types of people. one who sees the five basketballs in her yard can understand that neigh­ borhood grannies have a familiar set o f challenges and abilities. T h e G ra n d p a r e n ts R a is in g the F air H ousing C o u n cil as w e m ove fo rw ard .” A pril 16 m arks the 4 0 th A n n i­ versary o f the F ederal F air H o u s­ ing A ct as part o f the 1968 C ivil R ights A ct sig n ed into law by P resid en t Jo hnson. F or in fo rm atio n on fa ir h o u s­ ing c o m p lain ts, co n tac t the B u ­ reau o f L ab o r and In d u stries at 971-6730761. SPINA COLUMN An ongoing series of questions and answers about Am ericas natural healing profession Dr. Billy R. Flowers Part 12. Regular Checkups: As important to your back as they are to your eyes or teeth. : I d o n ’t have any serious back problems. Why should I see a Chiropractor? : That is a gtxtd question. Som et i mes we d o n ' t real izc that a small crick in the neck or som e slight back discom fort is b eg in n in g o f larger p roblem s w hich are often much more diffi­ cult to treat at a later stage in life. U nfortunately, eight out o ften A m ericans will be struck dow n by severe low back pain at one time or another. The m echanical or structural defects of the hack usu­ ally develop slowly and with very little pain, but if left untreated. Q A may disable you for days, months or sometimes perfnanently. The like­ lihood o f disability increase dra­ m atically in over 30. Fortunately, we are able to avoid many spinal problem s with regular, precaution­ ary checkups. Just as an eye exam or dental checkup prevents poten­ tial problem s or corrects the prob­ lem s or in its early stages, so do C hiropractic checkups. D etected early, spinal defects are not only easier to treat, but may save a lot o f pain and money, as well as reducing the chance o f adisabling spinal disorder. To arrange for your checkup, or for answ ers to any questions you might have about your health, call our office at the num ber below. Flowers' Chiropractic Office 2124 NE Hancock, Portland Oregon 97212 Phone: (503) 2S7-5504 »