(Tlie Page B2 State Farm * Providing Insurance and Financial Services April 2. 2008 S p e c i a I E d it i o n H ealth trat* uia I M t U lt H lI Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61710 |Jn v tla n h QDbseruer Michael E Harper .... We m oved to our new location at: 9 7 13 S.W. Capitol, Portland, ( > R 503-221-3050 Fax 503-227-8757 Licensed Esibendoci Nail lech, Skin Analyst & Make-Up Artist CIOTHINC IEWEIRY tOOY SHAPE CONSULTING C aO ttM A rC N N G Phone: 5 0 3 .99 5.4136 aprljns@yahoo. com A giant squid, like this one on show at Paris Natural history museum, may provide keys for medical discovery. Dentures Worth Smiling About! From Poison to Progress Squids may have medical answers • Professional Services • A ffordable Prices • Paym ent Plans: OAC • O ver 20 years experience • Full & Partial D entures • Natural A ppearance • Full Service Lab • A ccepting Oregon Health Plan (AP) — The razor-sharp beaks bara, report that they have an that giant squids use to attack explanation The beak, made of hard chitin whales — and maybe even C ap­ tain N em o's submarine — might and other materials, changes den­ one day lead to im proved artifi­ sity gradually from the hard tip to a softer, more flexible base where cial limbs for people. That deadly beak may be a sur­ it attaches to the muscle around prise to many people, and has the squid’s mouth, the research­ long posed a puzzle for scien­ ers found. That means the tough beak can tists. They wonder how a crea­ ture without any bones can oper­ chomp away at fish for dinner, but the hard m aterial d o e sn 't ate it without hurting itself. Now, researchers at the U ni­ press or rub directly against the versity of California, Santa Bar­ squid's softer tissues. Herbert W aite, a professor in the university's departm ent of Melanie Block, L.D. £)/ NTURISI 503-230-0207 We 've Moved! 200 N.E. 20"’ Ave., Ste 100 Portland, OR 97232 Free parking FELLOWSHIP MISSIONARY RAPTIST CHURCH SPRING REVIVAL 2008 April 2nd - 4th, 2008, Nightly at 7:00 p.m. • * Oregon Kids’ Mixed Bag Youth smoking down, drinking up “ Confident hi the Lord — Philippians 1:6 J Cigarette and marijuana smok­ ing are down among Oregon middle- school students, but alcohol use has increased 28 percent for eighth graders, according to the Oregon Department of Human Services. One in five young adults age 18- 25,9 percent of youth age 12-17 and 7 percent of adults 26 or older abuse or are dependent on alcohol or other drugs, and many require treatment to kick the habit. More than 40 percent of children taken into pro­ tective custody each year come from families with alcohol or drug abuse problems. “ We cannot allow ourselves to become com placent about sub­ Pastor Johnasen Pack Bridge Builders International Church, Arlington, Texas Founder and ( )rganizer 4009 NORTH MISSIOUR, PORTLAND, OR 97227 REVEREND DR. JOHNNY PACK, IV - PASTOR Chiropractic Auto Injury Clinic, PC (503) 284-7838 Eddie Lincoln | Truly making a difference in the lives of A uto Accident victim s anti Injured W orkers for 16 years. If you or som eone you know has been in an accident, call us so we can help you with your needs. (503)284-7838 Broker Hart Realty 9738 SE Washington St., Suite 0 Portland. Oregon 97216 Business (503) 252-2121 W Pm km« Aren bane Fax(503)252-2621 Cell (503) 789-0861 R ii - ' c II »200 E-Mail eddie.lincoln@ccntury2l.com Russell St s stance abuse and addictions," said Bob Nikkei. DHS assistant director for addictions and m en­ tal health. "These epidem iologi­ cal profiles show some disturb­ ing patterns o f substance abuse in Oregon, and we know that the consequences of continued use mean years o f poor health or early d eath.” Surveys of adults indicate that 22 percent of men and 8 percent of women are hinge drinkers, and ap­ proximately 6 percent of both sexes are heavy drinkers. Each year there are more than 1,000 alcohol-related deaths in Oregon. One-third of all motor vehicle fatalities involve al­ cohol. Alcohol use starts young. In survey results, 32 percent o f O regon's eighth graders and 44 percent of 11 th graders drank alco­ hol within the past month. Young people who drink heavily, even occasionally, risk damaging their still-developing brains. Oregon has a goal of reducing eighth-grade al­ cohol use to less than 17 percent by 2010, but no county has yet to reach this mark. Communities across Oregon are sponsoring town halls throughout the month of April to learn more about the issue and to reverse the trend. Among the some 34 town halls around the state are several in the Portland area, including: Tigard Turns The Tide Coalition Town Hall, 7 p.m. on April 3 at Tigard High School, and Beaverton TogetherTown Hal 1,4 p.m. on April 15 at Sunset High School. Director Named at Life Works NW Zchon R. Jones, DC 333 NE Russell St., #200, Portland, OR. 97212 We are located on the corner o f MLK and Russell Street, on the second floor above the coffee shop. molecular, cellular ¿¿developmen­ believer.” “If we could reproduce the tal biology, said such graduated m a te ria ls c o u ld have bro ad property gradients that we find in applications in biomedical m ate­ squid beak, it would open new possibilities for joining m ateri­ rials. "Lots of useful inform ation als,” Zok said. The researchers are learning could come out of this for implant materials, for example. Interfaces lessons that can be applied to between soft and hard m aterials medical m aterials in the future, said Phillip B. M essersmith of the occur everyw here,” he said. Frank Zok, professor and as­ departm ent of biom edical engi­ sociate chair of the departm ent of neering at N orthw estern U niver­ materials, said he had always been sity. M essersmith, who was not part skeptical o f w hether there is any real advantage to materials that o f the research team, noted that change their properties gradu­ hard medical implants made of ally from one part to another, “but metal or ceramic are often imbed­ the squid beak turned me into a ded in soft tissues. Each office Is Independently Owned and Opera ted L ife W o r k s N W has an­ nounced the appointment o f Mark Lewinsohn. PhD, to the position o f clinical director for the organization. He has over 20 years o f experience in w ork­ ing w ith children and families. Lewinsohn has been w ith LifeW orks NW since 1993 and has held a variety o f roles and responsibilities. Starting o ff as a fam ily therapist in the adoles­ cent day-treatment program, he progressively moved into posi­ tions as a clinical supervisor, program director and service director w ithin child and fam ily services. He has also been in ­ volved in conducting research and published articles on anxi­ ety and depression amongst adolescents and a cross-cultural studyon modernization and C hi­ nese marital relations. Priortocoming to LifeWorks Mark Lewinsohn N W he worked w ith school- based programs, w ithin the ju ­ venile-justice system, as an out­ patient therapist, and conduct­ ing psychological evaluations through a variety o f nonprofit com m unity mental health agen­ cies and children's hospitals. I