Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 26, 2008, Page 18, Image 18

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(Tin I J n r t l a n ò ( . O b s e r v e r , /
[ S IH
Company Identity
• Ad Design •
• Web Design
Outdoor Events
S c o t la n d R o a d — Integrity
— — — — — — — — ti
(503) 286-1339 I
3(10 N. Killingsworth
Fax (503) 286-7088 k
T he all fem ale “ Urban Bush W om en" dancers from
N ew Y ork c o m b in e fo rc es w ith th e all-m a le
“C om pagnie Jant-B i" dancers from Senegal, to bridge
cultural landscapes in an extraordinary perform ance
on W ednesday. April 2 at the A rlene Schnitzer C o n ­
cert Hall.
Best tasting Fish in town
*4 Hurger and Fries $2.99
Melt in your mouth Philly Steak
Fund Raisers
Family Reunions
Concert Promotions
School Functions
Private Parties
7í enríe t/i ô c o tt
Class Reunions
( Generation ( Gaps - Friday, March 28 at 8 p.m.. the First
United M ethodist C hurch, 1838 S.W . Jefferson St.,
will host the Colum bia Sym phony O rchestra perform ­
ing G eneration G aps. For m ore inform ation call 5Ò3-
243-4 0 7 7 o rv isitco lu m b iasy m p h o n y .o rg .
T r io — Friday, March 28. at 8
T h e s p e c ta c u la r B ren d a
A ngiel Aerial D ance com ­
pany will defy the laws o f
gravity with the use o f ropes
and bungee cords during 8
p.m. perform ances. April 3-
5, at Lincoln Hall at Portland
State University.
p.m., the elegant jazz singer
M iss Toni Lincoln will m ake
her debut at Tony S tarlight's
Supperclub & Lounge, 3728
N.E. Sandy Blvd. For m ore in­
formation, cal I 503-517-8584or
visit tonystarlighl.com .
N an cy
“Tough times don 7 last hut tough people do"
'U - iic ia u s
Specializing in Smehee P '6 '6 Q ¿Meat.* 6
Beef* Pork • Lamb • Poultry • Seafood
km,cl, $595. 'Ohntcr $9 95 iini up
Pork Rib. Brisket, Turkey, Chicken, Ox Tails & More
Beer and Wine Available
Open H :30 AM - 9:00 PM Monday thru Saturday
Ox Tail
w ith tw o sid e s
& corn bread
4057 N. Interstate Ave.
sm ash-hit Broadw ay musical and
cheeky R-rated com edy “The Full
M onty" disrobes for all to see at
the Lakew ood Theatre Com pany
in Lake O sw ego through April 13.
Tickets are $28 for adults and $26
for students and seniors. Call the
503-635-3901 orgoonlineat Lake-
w ood-cen ter.o rg.
A e r ia l D a n c e r s E x c ite —
DJ Service On The Move
F u ll M o n ty , F u lly E x p o se d - The
T o n i L in c o ln a n d R o n S te e n
Business Functions
Productions presents “S cot­
land Road,” a mystery involv­
ing a young w om an in 19th
C e n tu ry clo th in g rescu ed
from an iceberg in the middle
o f the North Atlantic w ho
says only one word: Titanic.
Show s run through April 5 at
Theater! Theatre! 3430 S.E.
Belmont St.
D a n c e C o m p a n ie s U n ite —
s I — off Any Dinner
Birthday Parties
and the aw ard w inning
m usical and movie, the pro­
duction o f “D ream girls,” star-
ng J o a n n C o le m a n , J u lia n n e
Johnson and Lava Alapai, plays through
April 5 at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural C enter,
534ON. Interstate. Tickets are $27 o r$ 15 for groups of
10 o r more. G et tickets online at
stu m p to w n stag es.co m .
Q uality D esign a n d B usiness Support
Graphic Design •
Logos • Signage
IU M ilM
K anye W e s t—Tickets
g o on s sa a le S a tu r d a y ,
M arch29,at 10a.m., for Kanye
West, Rihanna, N.E.R.D. and Lupe
Fiasco com ing to the Rose Q uarter on
T uesday, June 3 at 7 p.m. For more inform ation, visit
R oseQ uarter.com
Paul A. N e u fe ld t
5 0 3 -8 7 5 -1 6 9 5
p a n @ d a o s .o rg
March 26, 2008
K in g a n d
S te v e
C h r i s t o f f e r s o n —T hursday, April 3, at 7:30 p.m., the
Mt. Hood C om m unity C ollege Vocal Jazz Sum m it
kicks o ff with G ram m y nom inee Nancy King and
com poser, m usician Steve Christofferson. For m ore
information, call 503-491 -6969.
T u n e s fo r T o ile ts - Friday, April 11, the Som eday
Lounge, is hosting a fund-raising concert featuring
T ractor O perator, O hioan, and N ative Kin. the event
is to provide 24/7 restroom s at the Portland Rescue
M ission. F orinform ation.call 5 0 3-227-1126.
N o rm an Sylvester Band - Fri­
day, M arch 28. from 9:30 p.m.
to 1:30 a.m., the N orm an Sylvester Band will be sing­
ing the blues at The Candlelight Cafe, 2032 S.W . Fifth
A v e..an d o n slag eatT illicu m 'sin Beaverton, W ednes­
day. April 2, at 8 p.m .; for m ore inform ation visit
norm ansylvester.com .
H ip -h o p D a n c e ( 'la s se s --Vancouver-Clark Parks and
Recreation is hosting family friendly hip-hop dance
classes forages 5 to 18. V arious lessons teach rhythm,
technique, coordination, agility and teamwork through
urban dance moves. For more inform ation, call 360-
R o b e rta W o n g — The Interstate Firehouse Cultural
C enter is celebrating its 25th anniversary with a free
exhibit opening T hursday, M arch 27, from 5 p.m. to
7:30 p.m. with featured artist Roberta W ong who was
the curator o fth elF C C g allery for I8years. H erw orks
will be show n through April 26.
O n e Love; th e S p irit o f A loha -Saturday. March 29.
the U niversity o f P ortland's Hawaii Club host the
annual luau, on cam pus at, 5000 N. W illam ette Blvd.
D oors open at 5 p.m. For m ore inform ation, call 503-
D re a m g irls -- Based on the story o f the Suprêm es'
O p e n M ie N ight - Every W ednesday night at 7 p.m..
Proper Fats M arket and Café. 8638 N. Lom bard St.,
host open-m ic night.
S l l d e r s G r i l l -SlidersG rill.3011 N. Lombard.features
an eclectic assortm ent o f perform ers on the main
stage, accom panied by delicious food. Call 503-459-
4488 for more information.
Jazz enthusiasts can enjoy
listening to the cool sounds o f Mel Brown, in the
Rogue River Room at C hinook W inds C asino Resort
in Lincoln City. No cover charge.
S u n d a y N ig h t J a z z -