March 26, 2008 pageC3 ffl,r F o r t ia n i* (O baerucr ISIIIIMSWISI Feuding Brothers Leland (Karl Miller) hatches a compli­ cated plot to unseat his brother Hank (P. J. Sosko) in a Portland Center Stage world premiere next weekend of Ken Kesey's wild and wooly portrait of an Oregon coastal logging community. ^ilortlaui' (Obsi'rUl'r ads@portlanlobserver.coni Advertise w ith diversity in C'a 11 5O3-288-OO33 “Creativity shouldn't be following radio; it should be the other way around.” Herbie Hancock emhd WWW.KMHD.FM ...broadcasting with High Definition Digital Radio along with our usual analog FM stereo signal PHOTO BY O wen C arey Play adapted from classic story The novel that Ken Kesey described as the “ best thing I 'll ever write” gets a world premiere at Portland Center Stage, introducing Kesey’ s w ild and wooly portrait o f an Oregon coastal logging community to a new generation. Set in a small coastal town in Oregon in 1961, “ Sometimes a Great Notion” follows the lovek. deaths and rivalries o f the Stampers, a logging family attempt­ ing to carve a foothold in Oregon's fertile, hut flooded native soil. Brawling, boozing, cussed and cussing, the Stampers have survived and thrived for three generations under the unforgiving motto "Never. Give. An. Inch." When a union strike threatens to shut down pro­ duction, they cut their own deal with the lumber company, sending the town o f striking loggers how l­ ing into an uproar. Against this backdrop. Kesey weaves the story o f tw o brothers: Hank, the brawny and fearless heir to the Stamper throne, and his younger brother Leland, (he clan ’ s only intellectual, sent east for schooling and called back to help the Stampers make th eirdclivery deadline. Em otionally stunted from too much tim e spent in his brother's long shadow, Leland hatches a complicated plot to cut through his brother's armor, hoping that by top­ pling the big map he can carve out some room to grow himself. The resulting struggles set o ff a chain o f events that w ill leave the town and the Stampers changed forever. Sometimes a Great Notion” w ill preview April I through A pril 3, with the opening night on Friday A pril 4. The production w ill run Tuesday through Sunday through A pril 27. with 7:30 p.m. evening performances and matinee performances at 2 p.m. on Sundays and noon on Thursday April 10. 17 and 24. Tickets can be purchased through the box office by calling 503-445-3700 or online at March 27-April 22 Ingrid Hendrix & Wendy Harmon clay & paintings Pictured: Ingrid H endrix " Fatal F ru it" • Changing M o n th ly E xhibitions •Contemporary Art & Craft in Gift Shop OPEN six days a week 2939 NE Alberta • Portland, OR 97211 503281-9048 •