Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 26, 2008, Page 12, Image 12

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Wanted and Needed
Church Building (size: small to medium) with office
For rent or lease
Located in N/NE and inner city Portland
Please call
March 26. 2008
S p e c ia l E d itio n ____________________________________
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North Portland Bible College
4905 N. Vancouver Ave., Portland, OR 97217
503-288-2919 • www.northportlaftdhihlecollege.org
Spring 2008 Schedule • A pril 7 -June 12
Congratulations Jefferson Dancers
The Jefferson Dancers o f north Portland have ju st returned from the National High School Dance Festival in Philadelphia, capping
four days of stunning performances by receiving prestigious awards and college acceptances. Pictured (from left) are Austin Tyson,
Katie Cowdery, Lila Simmons, Jon Sadony, Matt Bade, Melissa Araujo, Chelsea Holland and Molly Blodgett.
PSU Falls in NCAA
The best basketball season in
Portland State history cam e to an
abrupt end on Thursday afternoon
in the M idwest. The I6th-seeded
V ikings d id n ’t have an answ er for
the talented num ber-one seed Kan­
sas, losing 85-61 in the first round
o f the NCA A M idwest Regional at
Q w est Center.
A quick start by K ansas cam e as
no suiprise as the Jayhaw ks got
three early dunks and leaped to a
14-3 lead. However, once the V i­
C la s s e s t o e n h a n c e m i n i s t r y , f o r a n y o n e , a n y m o r n i n f ; o r n i g h t
M ONDAY MORNJNG ( 9 : 0 0 - 1 2 noon)
OTS 1 0 3 'O ld T e s tam e n t Survey, III: Jim S e lle rs , M .O Iv.; Is a ia h throu gh M a la c h i
Eddie Lincoln [
'M in is tr y o f Worship: Jim Newby, M .T h e .
Learn to im p le m e n t a b ib lica l c o n c e p t and s p irit o f w orship
BF 1 0 3
'B ib le Lands and C ustom s; A lan Cushway, T H M , M .D iv
Study th e physical an d c u ltu ra l environm ent o f B ible events,
fo r a c c u ra te in te rp re ta tio n
PM 1 0 6
'S p ir itu a l Form ation; Rick C alen burg, T h .M .. Th.D.
Explore and be challenged to confront the essentials of spiritual growth
NT 1 0 3 'N e w Testam ent Study III; Rob Robinson. D.M.; Hebrews through Revelation
TH U R SDAY M O R NING ( 9 : 0 0 - 1 2 noon)
BF 1 0 1
'In d u c tiv e B ible Study; D eborah Loyd, M .A.E.T.
Develop skills for in d e p e n d e n t B ible study and te ac h in g
UM 2 0 4
Hart Realty
9738 SE Washington St., Suite Q
Portland. Oregon 97216
Business (50.3) 252-2121
F ax(503)252-2621
Cell (503) 789-0861
'M in is tr ie s to U rban Youth; Linda Thom pson. M SW
Programs, strategies for meeting the needs of children in the urban setting
UM 201
'U n d e rs ta n d in g th e City; R ichard W h ite . M .D iv .,P h D.
A closer look a t th e dynam ics o f th e contem porary city an d th e
SATURDAY M O R N IN G ( 9 : 0 0 - 1 2 noon)
All evening classes are from 6 :3 0 - 9 : 3 0 pm .
Spring Training Camp Underway
Circle o f Fitness Sports Training
A cadem y is still accepting partici­
pation for its spring-break B asket­
ball and Human Perform ance E n­
hancem ent cam p this week.
/ -----------------------------------------------------------
Tuition: $ 1 2 0 p e r course
* Requiredforthe ACM degree in Christian Ministry.
Training the Teacher/Mentor Courses
for Evelyn Collins Christian Academy (3 credits)
ClassisSaturdayfrom9:OOam. - 12:00pm.
MU 0 8 0
Each office Is Independently
O b s e r v e r ’s Jo y c e W a sh in g to n
C lassic high-school all-star tour­
nam ent last summer.
T he Eastern A rizona G ila M on­
sters have tw o other players who
also g rad u ated from Jefferso n ,
D o n ta e B ry a n t an d M a rk h u ri
Frison-Sanders o f the class o f 2(M)6.
Sew ard County C ollege o f Kan­
sas finished with 3rd place in the
same N JCA A division, and two of
their players were graduates from
Benson High School, class o f 2006.
Jonathan ‘Sm oove” Scott, class
o f 2007 graduate o f Jefferson High
School, helped Eastern A rizona Jr
C ollege to take 5th place in the
country after a 70-63 victory S atur­
day a’ the 2008 N JCA A D ivision 1
M en’s Basketball Tournam ent in
K ansas.
Scott scored 15 points and m ade
f4 rebounds in a total 44 m inutes
playing time o ff the bench during
the four-day tournam ent. He had
been nam ed M V P o f the Portland Jonathan Scott
H igh-school-age boys and girls
can addend the sessions that start
every day at 10 a.m . at the Parkrose
High Schix)l gymnasium, 12003 N.E.
Shaver. S tu d en ts in the fourth
S ta te Fertn'
Providing Insmanea and Financial Services
c o n tin u e d
fr o m M e tro
Home Office, Bloomington. Illinois 61/10
school students miss is som eone
who can be with them on a personal
W illiam s expressed interest in
sim ply getting to know som eone
w ho would bring another perspec­
tive to light. " I'd I ike to be com fort­
able in getting to know new people
Ernest J. Hill, Jr.
4946 N Vancouver Avenue Portland, OR 9/217
LanguageArts:SpelltoWriteandRead;SandraK. Nelson. M.Ed.
503 786 H03 fax 503 286 1146
eime lull h5mb®slatelartii com
Basic Piano (Individual/Grouplessons);Zetta Burton, B A
24 Hour Good Neighbor Service®
Monday - byappointment only,call 503-709-2905
The Staples in Concert
All types of services
for all types of people.
Some people prefer traditional funeral
services. Others prefer cremation. Some
want an elaborate ceremony. Then there
are others who don’t want any ceremony
at all. When it comes to funerals, there
are as many options as there are people.
And we take pnde in being able to say
we offer them all.
T erry
2337 N Williams Ave
(503) 249-1788
w w w . ferryfam i lytii nor a I hr x n c .f (xn
and learn new things because I
want one o f my goal s to com e true,”
she says.
“A lot o f the students here are
lo o k in g fo r th a t c o n n e c tio n ,”
Egbert responded. “As adults w e’re
looking to help, and the students
are looking for som eone to ask the
random questions that com e up in
PSU President
c o n tin u e d
y Q
and Friends
Sunday, March 30th
at 4:00 PM
Presented by
Northwest Voice For Christ
Community Church
1625 NF Killingsworth Street
Portland, OR 97211
Bishop H. L. Hodges, Pastor
Singing! Praising! Worshipping!
th ro u g h e ig h th g r a d e s - b e g in
trainings at 1:30 p.m.
For m ore inform ation, call Paul
K elly at 503-866-6598 o r Neal
Blassingame at 503-810-0858.
City Following up at Jefferson
G reek G ram m ar; D an ie l W illa rd , BA NT; B uildin g vocabulary and
m em orizing verbal paradigm s G r e e k /B ib ie TH.
C E 106
cddie.lincoln@ century21 .com
Owned and Operated
im p a c t o f an e ffec tiv e C hristian presen ce
GRK 1 0 3
Portland State guard Andre Murray makes a play last week.
Top Teams Have Local Ties
CM 2 0 3
kings settled dow n and were able to
run their offense, they got several
easy baskets and some w ide open
three-point field goals. PSU got the
advantage to 22-15 on a three-
pointer by Tyrell M ara, then 24-18
on a three-point play by Deonte
H u ff a tth e 9 :17 mark.
K ansas’ lead grew to 25 on a
three-pointer by Russell Robinson
three-and-a-half m inutes into the
second half.
Portland State com pleted its sea­
son at 23-10, w hile the Jayhaw ks,
32-3, advanced.
fr o m M e tro
W hitm ore has served as presi­
dent since 2003 o f Texas Tech U ni­
versity, acam pus of more than 28,(MX)
students and an annual budget of
$580m illion.H ehasbuilt nationally
ranked academ ic program s, raised
research profiles, participated in
statew ide econom ic developm ent,
cham pioned the concept o f shared
governance, and the appointm ent
o f w omen and m inorities to faculty
and adm inistrative positions..
All three finalists will visit the
PSU cam pus between April 2 and
10. Forum s with students, faculty,
administration and community lead­
ers will be included in the schedule
foreaeh candidate, with the public­
m eeting schedule posted on the
PSU website.
T he State Board o f H igher E du­
cation will interview candidates
after the cam pus visits are co m ­
pleted. and expects to make a deci­
sion by early May.