Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 26, 2008, Page 11, Image 11

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    ^Sartlaitb (Observer
March 26. 2008
Page B3
el O bservador
Takeover of Traditional Spirits
Milagro Theatre to host
spectacular forces
A group bringing us the vibrancy o f Latino theatre to
Portland since 1985 will again strike the A merican pulse
with a bilingual m ultim edia production that tackles folk
Told through heartfelt rhythm s o f Y oruba influence,
the original story o f O ya and Ikii unfolds through Afro-
C uban dance and song that form a colorful language of
m ovem ent to reach across geographic and linguistic
O ya is a fem inine w arrior O risha, a spirit that repre­
sents God in the Afro-Cuban Y oruba traditions o f C en­
tral, America. Like the wind that she com m ands, O ya is
always changing, always moving, with the pow er to
conjure storms, hurricanes and tornadoes.
This spirit is also guardian of the cemeteries, where the
underworld O risha, Iku, discouraged by pervasive hu­
man corruption, has challenged O ya to destroy the
world. But just as O ya calls upon her destructive forces
o f nature, she w itnesses hum anity in its fullness.
The show runs April 4 through 26 on Thursdays at
7:30 p.m., Fridays and Saturday s at 8 p.nt., and Sundays
at 2 p.m. Tickets, $ 15-$2O, can be purchased online at
M ilagro.org, by calling 503-236-7253 or at the M ilagro
Theatre box office, 525 S.E. Stark St.
Through wind and storm, Oya (Freila Merencio
Blanco) affects the fate o f two humans
(CarlosAlexis Cruz, left, and Mayra Acevedo) in
“Oya: Call the Storm ," playing April 4-26 at the
Milagro Theatre, 525 S.E. Stark St.
Arrested Regardless of Status
Professor confronts misconceptions
D eportable im m igrants released
from the Los A ngeles County jail
system were no more likely to be
rearrested than sim ilar non-deport­
able immigrants released during the
sam e period, according to a study
conducted by Laura Hickman, Port­
land State University assistant pro­
T he study focused on nearly
1,300 male immigrants released from
jail over a 30-day period and fol­
lowed thenTfora year to'see whether
there were differences in recidivism
betw een the deportable and non­
deportable im m igrants. Findings
from the study suggest that illegal
and other im m igrants subject to
deportation w ho arc released into
the com m unity from a local jail do
not pose a greater threat to public
safety than non-deportable im m i­
grants released at the same time.
Immigrants who were deportable,
deem ed so because they entered
the United States illegally, over­
stayed their visas or com m itted
other violations, were no more I ikely
to be rearrested during the study
period when com pared to sim ilar
legal or naturalized immigrants.
“O ur findings run counter to the
notion that illegal im m igrants are
more likely than other imm igrants
to cycle in and out o f the local
criminal justice system ," said Laura
H ickm an, assistant professor with
the Criminal Justice Policy Research
Institute at Portland State U niver­
sity and a researcher at RAND, a
nonprofit research organization.
H ickm an and co-author Marika
Suttorp o f RA N D found that a
higher percentage o f deportable
im m igrants were rearrested at least
once during the follow ing year, 43
percent com pared to 35 percent.
H o w ev er, w hen rese a rc h e rs
com pared deportable immigrants to
s im ila r n o n -d e p o rta b le im m i­
grants— considering factors such
as age, ethnicity, country o f birth,
and type o f crim inal arrest— the
differences disappeared.
The study found a sm aller per­
centage o f all imm igrants were rear­
rested after one year (38 percent)
than the percent o f re-arrests iden­
tified in an unrelated study o f the
Los A ngeles County jail popula­
tion a few years earlier. The earlier
study looked at the re-arrest pat­
terns o f I .(XX) men (including both
im m igrants and native born).
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Lorenzo Okaruru,
a.k.a., Loni Kai
Case #:2001-17615
O karuru, who also w ent by (he name
Loni Kai, was a cross dresser and w as
wearing female clothing at the time of
his murder. He was last seen alive in the
area o f SW M urray Road and SW
Tualatin Valley Highway, in Beaverton
about 3:30 a.m. on Sunday A ugust 26,
2(X)I. He may have been hitchhiking in
the A loha-Reedville area.
O karuru died o f severe blunt force traum a to the head. His body was
found near S.W. Farmington Road and Rood Bridge Road.
If you have any inform ation in this ease please contact the W ash­
ington County S h e riff s O ffice Records Section at (5 0 3 1846-2524.
There is a $4,(XX).(X) reward for inform ation leading to the arrest and
conviction o f the suspects involved.
Jean Dunkin
Friday, January 1, 1993, at 10:30
a.m ., 3 0 -y e a r-o ld K im berly Jean
Dunkin, was found shot to death in­
side the d riv er's seat of her blue 1973
Chevrolet C am aro parked in front of
4927 N ortheast Skidm ore Street. An
autopsy determ ined the victim died
from a gunshot wound to her head.
Kimberly Dunkin reportedly at­
tended a New Y ear's Eve parly alone at a residence near the intersection
o f Northeast Sandy Boulev ard and Northeast 77th.Avenue. Investiga­
tors believe she left the party som etim e in the early m orning hours of
January I. 1993. Dunkin may have stopped at a neighborhood conve­
nience store after leaving the party.
A witness saw D unkin's car parked in front o f 4927 Northeast
Skidm ore Street at 6:00 a.m. At the time the witness saw the car, he
noticed a person slum ped over in the driver's seat, but thought the
person was asleep. Al 10:30 a.m.. the same w itness walked by the car
to check on the person and found Dunkin deceased. Homicide Detec­
tives believe Dunkin had been dead since at least 6:(X) a.m. During the
subsequent autopsy, it was determ ined that Dunkin had consum ed
cocaine and marijuana. Investigators believe D unkin's connection to
individuals involved in the distribution o f controlled substances may
have played had a role in her death.
There is a cash reward offered for inform ation reported to the Cold
Case Homicide Unit that leads to an arrest in this case. Portland Police
B ureau-C old Case Homicide U n it-5 0 3 -8 6 5 -8 4 7 7
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Endangered Runaways
Andrew Allen
Current Age: I I
Date Missing: Feb. 2 7 .2(X)8
M issing From: Decatur, IL
Andrew may go by ilie name Andy
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Jamaal Davies
C urrent Age: 13
Date Missing; March 3. 2(X)8
Missing From: Rockville,
I f yr nt have any informat inn please contact:
The National Center lor M is s in g and Exploited Children
1-800- I IIE-I.OST 11-800-843-5678)
This public sets ice announcement provided
by die Portland Observer Newspaper.