Page B2 fililithtlth COhsvrUvr Finding the right loan b not hard «ht-n you have a great Lender Relationship. W e a n t-L iM J A U March 26. 2008 S p e c ia l E d itio n L aw & J ustice Reduce your monthly debts starting today! Get rid of that 1st and 2nd mortgage payment for a One Loan Fixed Kate Mortgage. I Call today for your - Personalized Rate Quote! Scams Increasing at Alarming Rate 503-972-2719 (»nice - 503-975-2769 ceil Calvin Kyles Broker A warning against companies offering bogus grants Commercial and Residential State Farm* Providing Insurance and Financial Services Michael E Harper Scammers often try to lure in victims by offering methods to get free money, and during a recession or economic downturn, the number of these types of seams increase dramatically. A new twist on "free money" scams comes disguised as government grants. CDI Re­ sources and 1C Services are "grant" companies that have unsatisfactory records with the Bel­ IN tU IIM d Home Office. Bloomington, Illinois 61710 Af¡enl We moved to our new location at: 9713 S.W. Capitol, Portland, OR 503-221-3050 Fax 503-227-8757 ter Business Bureau due to failure to respond to two or more complaints. CDI Resources, also doing business as CDI Solutions, is based in Tukwila, Wash. BBB has fielded 15 complaints against the company since November, 2007. 1C Services, based in Beaverton, Oregon, has 145 complaints since February, 2006eover- ing a variety of issues. Government-grant seams appeal to consum­ ers with a tempting offer: free government grants worth thousands of dollars that are offered to the consumer simply because the consumer is a good taxpayer. All the consumer needs to do to receive the grant is send an application fee in the form of a cashier's cheek and the grant money will be sent in return. Cashier’s checks are untraceable and nonre- fundable, which is why the scammers request them. The scammer will then take the money and not send the victim anything. Often, scammers operate under companies using sev­ eral different names, move from city to city. Remember that the government doesn’ t con­ tact people out of the blue to offer grants and never requires fees of any kind. Government grants require an application process and aren’t given to people just for being good taxpayers. Charges in Pawn Shop Case Dentures Worth Smiling About! • Professional Services • Affordable Prices Payment Plans: OAC • Over 20 years experience • Full & Partial Dentures • Natural Appearance Full Service Lab • Accepting Oregon Health Plan Portland police detectives this month charged 31-year-old Will­ iam Sutton on six counts of theft and attempted theft in the first and second degrees in connection with a pawn-shop investigation. Sutton was already in custody on a proba­ tion violation when he wascharged with these crimes. This investigation began last month when an alert pawnshop owner, Peter Lim of Money Market Pawn Shop, located in the 169(H) Eastside Precinct Created Melanie Block, L.D. D enturist 503-230-0207 We 've M oved ! 200 N.E. 20lh Ave., Ste 100 Portland, OR 97232 Free parking THE SPINACOLUMN An ongoing senes of questions and answers about America’s natural healing profession Dr. Billy R. Rowers PART 11. EXERCISE: Does it help low back problems, or only make them worse? : A friend of mine showed me fects. When we exercise and stretch problem in the first place. Then a series of exercises de­ m uscles w ithout rem oving the and only then can the spine be cause of the spasms, it actually correctly stretched and strength­ signed to help her low back prob­ lems. Is it all right for me to use forces the body to degenerate ened without traumatizing muscles faster. You are better off to have and nerves. For a safe, gentle ac­ them, too? : It would be enlightening to done noexercising at all. In Chiro­ curate assessment of your spinal know the number of people practic, we know the exercise is an situation or for answers to any important part of health, hut only questions you might have about with qualified back problems (fixa­ tion on the spinal joints) who are afterChiropractic care has removed your health please call our office told they only need to exercise. the spinal fixations that caused the at the number below: They are given a brief exam and a sheet of stretching exercises to follow. They are led to believe 2124 NE Hancock, nothing else need to be done. This is only incomplete therapy, it Portland Oregon 97212 is also therapy that could easily Phone: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 -5 5 0 4 lead to very disastrous side ef­ Q A Flowers' Chiropractic Office block of Southeast Division Street, denee uncovered another stolen recognized Sutton when he came bicycle, which turned out to be a into the business trying to sell a victim’s only transportation to and bicycle. Lim suspected that the bike from work. Sutton was also arrested last might be stolen, so he turned Sutton year when he tried to pawn a away, hut not until he obtained the widow’s stolen wedding ring at a information about the bicycle. Detectives were able to match Portland pawnshop. D etectives rem ind everyone the information provided by Lim with a recent bicycle theft, and that property sold to pawn shops working with yet another pawn­ is kept in a police hold area for 90 shop, recovered the bicycle. A sub­ days if it was pawned and not sequent search of Sutton's resi- redeemed. Ten officers to patrol Max and buses Tri Met and the City of Gresham have agreed to expand police pres­ ence on Max trains and buses in East County. Effective April I, an Eastside Precinct will begin opera­ tion with six officers patrolling the transit system between Gateway Transit Center and Cleveland Av­ enue Max stations. The precinct is part of a year-long pilot project that will grow to 10officers by July I. “This dedicated precinct puts more officers on the system and allows deployment focused on problem areas,” said Fred Hansen, Mayor Shane T. Bemis. “It’s great Tri Met General Manager. “This is a to see TriMet answer our request new way to patrol our system, and for ten additional officers and the we believe it will be an effective Eastside Precinct. We know this partnership will deliver the needed tool.” Since N ovem ber, G resham results for this community.” In addition to these security im­ Mayor Shane Bemis directed two Gresham police officers to patrol provements, TriM et has added the Max line in his city to respond more contract security, closed cir­ to safety and security concerns of cuit TV security cameras, improved lighting and improved sight lines at riders. “Our two Gresham pol ice offic­ MAX platforms. TriMet is also fix­ ers demonstrated that results are ing faulty ticket vending machines possible on light rail,” said Gresham and increasing fare inspection. Cold Case Homicide Investigation The Portland Police Cold Case Unit, in cooperation with Crime Stoppers, is asking for your help in solving a homicide. Eighteen years ago on Sep­ tem ber 27, 1988, 30-year-old Loretha W illiams was found mur­ dered in her home at 1305 N orth­ east Junior Street. The medical examiner determined that Williams suffered m ultiple stab wounds and died from her injuries. Evidence indicates that W ill­ iam s s tru g g le d w ith the suspeet(s) prior to her death. She was found in the bedroom of her 9-year-old daughter, who was with relatives at the time of the homi- Loretha Williams cide. Detectives did not find any signs o f forced entry into the home. At the time, she was em ­ ployed as a supervisor at the Chase Bag Com pany, located at 2550 N.W. Nicolai Street. Although new technology in forensic science may assist in ad­ vancing this investigation, de­ tectives are still asking witnesses or anyone with know ledgeof this crime to come forward. Crime Stop­ pers has approved an enhanced reward of up to $ 10,000 for infor­ mation leading to an arrest in this case. Call Crime Stoppers at 503- 823-HELP(4357). Advertise with diversity in 1,1 P n rtlan b (ßbsrrucr NEW SEASONS M AR KET AT A R B O R L O D G E William Sutton « Smoke around your children and they could inhale ; equal to 102 packs of cigarettes by age 5. » •i Me are a recftLarpttarmauj! We fill p re s c rip tio n s — in clu d in g antibiotics, high blo o d p re ssu re m e d ica tio n s, a n ti-de pre ssants, birth control, and m o re Everyone has the right to breathe clean air, especially our children. | r We have know ledgeable, frie ndly p h a rm a c is ts w h o have the tim e to share in fo rm a tio n . K O ur p rice s are com petitive. We a c c e p t m o s t in s u ra n c e plans and are a d d in g o th e rs as requested. | r We spe cialize in c u s to m c o m p o u n d in g M eet your P h a rm a c is t M elinda B utler ’to n s Y O U R L O C A L L Y O W N E D , N E IG H B O R H O O D P H A R M A C Y A T A R B O R L O D G E N IN T E R S T A T E A V E N U E & P O R T L A N D B L V D • 5 0 3 .4 6 7 .4 8 4 8 w w w .n e w s e a s o n s m a rk e t.c o m • M O N -FR I 9 a m -7 p m • SAT 9 a m -6 p m • SU N 1 0 a m -4 p m I TOBACCO r a r a s * TION Paid for by the Oregon Department of Human