Women 's M arch 19. 2 0 0 8 H IS PageA 7 IT ) R Y F ood The American Woman Hillary’s Chocolate Chip Cookies Hillary Diane Rodham ( Hinton (bom O ctober2 6 ,1947) is the junior United States Senator from New York, and a leading candidate for M ichelle La Vaughn Robinson Obam a (born January 17, I964) is an Am erican lawyer and the wife of Illinois senator Barack Obama, who is a candidate for the 2(X)8 D em o­ cratic Party nom ination for U.S. President. She met Baraek O bam a when they were the only two A fri­ can Am ericans at their law firm and she was assigned to m entor him while he was a sum m er associate. In May 2006, Essence magazine listed her am ong "25 o f the World's Most Inspiring Women." In July 2007, Vanity Fairmagazine listed heramong "10 of the W orld's Best Dressed People." In September 2 0 0 7 ,0 2 138 magazine listed her 58th o f "The Harvard 100," a list o f the prioryear's the D em ocratic nom ination in the 2(X)8 presidential election. She is m arried to Bill C linton— the 42nd President o f the United States— and was the First Lady o f the United States from 1993 to 2001. She began her career as a lawyer after graduating from Yale Law School in 1973. She moved to Arkan­ sas in 1974 and married Bill Cl inton in 1975, following a stint as aC ongres- sional legal counsel. She was later named the first female partner at Rose Law Firm in 1979 and was listed as one o f the one hundred most influ­ ential lawyers in America in 1988 and 1991. After moving to New York, Clinton was elected as senator for New York State in 2(XX). A Thousand Years over a Hot Stove...Has taught us how to handle the heat! In g re d ie n ts D ire c tio n s • • • • • • • • • • 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F ( 180 degrees C ). Brush baking sheets lightly with vegetable oil. 2. Com bine Hour, salt and baking soda on w axed paper. 3. Beat together shortening, sugars and \ anilla in large bow I wnh electric mixer until cream y. Add eggs and beat until light and fluffy. 4. Gradually beat in Hour mixture. Stir in rolled oats, then chocolate chips. 5. Drop batter by rounded teaspoonsfuls onto baking sheets. Bake lor 8 - 10 m inutes or till golden. 6. Cool cookies on sheets for 2 minutes. Remove to wire racks to cool com pletely. I 1/2 cups all-purpose Hour I teaspoon salt I teaspoon baking soda I cup shortening I cup packed brown sugar 1/2 cup w hite sugar I teaspoon vanilla extract 2 eggs 2 cups rolled oats 2 cups sem isw eet choc, chips 12-Pack Coca-Cola, Pepsi or 7-UP SAFEWAY 12-oz. cans. Selected varieties. Plus deposit in Oregon. SAVE up to 11.30 on 4 Ingredients for life.. most influential Harvard alumni. Her husband was ranked 4th. In May 2007 she reduced her professional resp o n sib ilities by 80% to support h er h u sb a n d 's presidential campaign. O bam a com ­ m ented in M ilw aukee that "for the first tim e in my adult life I am proud o f my country because it feels like hope is finally m akingacom eback." CLUB PRICE Butcher’s Cut Smoked Whole or Shank Half Ham Minute Maid or Florida's Natural Orange Juice poridas Natural Oi Rump Halt Ham $1.19«, While Supplies Last, limit 2. S*«upto»1.31 lb 6 4 - o i Selected varieties. Club Price: $ 2 .5 0 ea. SAVE up $ 3 7 8 on 2 885® Rancher's Reserve Beef Ribeye Roast Michelle Obama’s Apple Cobbler Bone-w. SAVE up to $4.11 lb For th e fillin g : • 8 Granny Sm ith apples, peeled an d slic ed (o ra b ag o ffro ze n p ee led apples) • I 1/2 to 2 cups o f brown sugar • • • • 1 1/2 teaspoons cinnam on 1 teaspoon ground nutm eg 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 cup w hite flour D1RF2CT1ONS: Mix these ingredients together in a bowl and let it sit in the refrigerator overnight so the spice goes all the way through the apples. LinW« Sm oked Portion Hams, Our B utcheA C ut Super Tnm m ed Smoked Hams are full H alf Hams w ith N o Center Sheet Removed giving you 3 B e tiei Value1 For th e crust: • 3 sheets refrigerated piecrust • I stick o f butter 1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. B utter and Hour the bottom o f a large baking dish. R ollout three pie crusts real th in — as thin as possible. Layer the bottom o f the pan with 1-1/2 o f the pie crusts and prick a few holes in it. Pour the apples with the liquid into the pie pan. Dot 3/4 o f a stick of butter around the apples. Use the final 1 1/2 piecrusts to cover the apple mixture entirely (let the pie crust overlap the pan). 2. Pinch the edges o f the dough around the sides o f the pan so the mixture is com pletely covered. 4, M elt final 1/4 stick o f butter and brush all over top o f crust. 5. Reduce the oven tem perature to 300 degrees. Bake at 300 for up to 3 hours. Start looking at the cobbler after tw o and a half hours. Cindy M cCain isC hairofherfam ily'sbusiness, Hensley and C om pany, and wife o f Senator John McCain. An advocate for children's health care needs, she founded the A m erican Voluntary M edical Team in 1988, and led many medical m issions to developing and w ar-torn h care needs, she founded the A m erican V oluntary M edical Team in 1988, and led many m edical m issions to developing and w ar-torn countries. In 2(XX), she w as chosen to represent the State o f A rizona at the Republican N ational Convention as the C hairw om an o f the Arizona Delegation. Lay’s Potato Chips 12.5 to 13.75-02. Selected varieties. SAVE up to $1.61 C L U B P R IC E Rancher's Reserve Boneless Beef Round Tip Roast Butcher’s Cut Spiral Sliced Whole or Half Ham White Supplies last Satoway SELECT Spiral Sliced Half Ham $2.49 ID. SAVE up to »1.70 • Cap off. SAVE up to $4.49 per lb. on 2nd pack c u ti rater OvenJoy Sandwich Breads EATING i Q 22.5-02. White or Wheat. S A V E u p to 20e southwestern MEDLEY CLUB PRICE 79« Lenten Fresh Express or Eating Right “ Salads C L U B P R IC E Medium Cooked Shrimp McCain’s Passion Fruit Mousse 4.9 to 12-oz. package Selected varieties. SAXE up to $349 on 2 51 to 60-ct. Tad-on. Or Raw 31 to 40-ct. Shrimp. Frazen/tftawed. SAVE up to $200 to In g re d ie n ts • I 1/4 cups passion fruit puree • 3 cups heavy cream , whipped • I 1/4 cups orange ju ice • 2 finger (baby) bananas • 3/4 cup sugar • C oarse sugar • Scant 1 tablespoon gelatin, dis- • I kiw i, peeled, cut in half, and solved in 2 tablespoons w ater sliced Cut Tulips 10-stemsof Spring elegance SAVE upSl.OOea Fresh Strawberries 16-oz. container i SAVE up to $4.99 on 2 // CLUB PRICE 6" D ire c tio n s 1. In a saucepan, heat the passion fruit puree, orange juice, and sugar until dissolved. 2. Add the dissolved gelatin to the hot juice and stir to melt and com bine. Strain the liquid into a bowl and place it over an ice bath. Stir it constantly with a rubber spatula and when it just starts to set, fold in the w hipped cream . Pour this into soup plates or dessert bow ls and chill. If storing them overnight, cover them with plastic wrap. 3. T o serve the m ousse, rem ove the bow ls from the refrigerator. Peel and slice the bananas in half lengthw ise and dip the Hat side in coarse sugar and caram elize them under a broiler or with a blow torch. Place them on the m ousse, fanning them, and then tuck in a few half slices ol kiwi. . sW tR COUP 5 DAYS O NLY! O ffe r valid Wednesday, M arch 19 th ru Sunday, M arch 23 M in im u m $10 Purchase SAFEWAY % COUPON Ì ^99 »•» C L U B P R IC E WITH CARD AND COUPON Jacqueline I ,ee Bou vier Kennedy ( )nassis (July 2 8 , 1929-M ay 19,1994), was the wife o f President John F. Kennedy and w as the First Lady o f the United States from 1961 until President Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. Whole Gold Pineapples • • • • 2 lb. boneless beef sirloin 3 T. all-purpose flour 4 T. butter, divided 2 C. beef broth • • • • • COUTONS- M o û û 10896 r ” 6 SAFEWAY 1/2 C. sour cream 3 T. tom ato juice or paste 1/4 C. grated onion Fresh sliced mushroom s Salt & ground black pepper to taste La Crema or Mumm Cuvee Napa Kendall-Jackson or Chateau Ste Michelle 750-ml Selected varietals 750 ml Selected varietals t COUPON Mendun or Foxhom 750-ml Meridian or 1.5-liter Foxfwrn Selected varietals Estancia or Gallo Sonoma Reserve 750-ml Selected varietals W ’ W CAVO ANO COUVON Nabisco Snack Crackers ^C O U PO N S' D ire c tio n s 1. Ask butcher to cut beef into strips. Season beef generously with salt and pepper. C over and let stand 2 hours in c < m >I place. 2. - In large skillet, whisk (lour and 3 tablespoons butter over low heal until mixture bubbles and forms a smooth paste. Slow ly add beef broth, stirring constantly until m ixture thickens. Let boil 2 minutes. 3. Reduce heat and add sour cream alternately with tom ato juice, still w hisking. Sim m er slightly I m inute: do not let boil. 4. In separate skillet, quickly brown beef and onion in rem aining I tablespoon butter over m edium heat. Add contents o f meat pan to sauce; season with salt and pepper. 5. Sim m er very gently orcook over hot w ater in double boiler 20 minutes. Limi 1 with Minimiini $10 PlMttMSP SAVEupto$2.00 Jackie’s Beef Stroganoff In g re d ie n ts Lucerne Butter ’ a SAVI 10% ON S