March 19. 2008 pageC3 iri’* ^ J o r tla n ò (JDbseruer IM IIH M IM Two Extraordinary Companies Buran Bush Women and Compagnie Janet-Bi The next perform ance o f Port­ land W hite Bird Portland State U niversity dance series features a collaboration between Urban Bush W om en and C om pagnie Jant-Bi on W ednesday, April 2 at the A rlene Schnitzer Concert Hall. That same week. W hite Bird will also present the B renda A ngiel Aerial Dance Com pany, April 3-5 at Portland S tate’s U niversity's Lincoln Hall. (See story and photo on opposite page.) Urban Bush W om en is m ade up o f seven w om en from Brooklyn, N.Y., and C om pagnie Jant-B i, is co m p rised o f seven m en from Senegal. Their Portland perform ance will feature a new work. Les Ecailles de la Me'moi re (The Scales o f M em ory), which focuses on the them es of differing cultural landscapes and artistic exchange. Now in the m idst o f a U.S. tour, the work has already garnered raves from critics. The Houston Chronicle wrote, "T heir work together looks seam less — unabashedly modern but infused with a traditional A fri­ can vocabulary... W atching Jhis expression o f pure physicality, you c a n 't help but feel the jo y ." Urban Bush W omen is a com ­ pany well known to W hite Bird audiences. F ounded by A rtistic D irector Jaw ole W illa Jo Z ollar in 1984, the com pany seeks to bring the untold and under-told stories o f disen fran ch ised people to light through dance. Jant-Bi iso n e o f A frica's leading c o n te m p o r a r y d a n c e g ro u p s . Founded in 1998 by A rtistic D irec­ tor G erm aine A cogny, called “the m other o f African contem porary dance." the com pany has devel­ oped a dance technique that co m ­ bines trad itio n al W est A frican dance with elem ents o f classical ballet and modern dance. G U A R D IN O G ALLER Y Rabbit Romp March 22, 9AM - 3PM Candy "egg" hunts, spring crafts and pettable bunnies! DEX z Zoo's Gone Wild Spring Break Party March 27-AprH 22 Ingrid Hendrix & Wendy Harmon March 24 - April 6 ,10AM - 3PM A tropical "vacation" that's as fun for the animals as it is for the people! clay S< paintings Pictured: Ingrid H endrix " Fatal F ru it* • Changing M o n th ly E xhibitions •Contemporary Art & Craft in Gift Shop OPEN six days a week 2939 NE Alberta • Portland, OR 97211 503 281-9048 • 5 minutes from downtown Portland off Hwy 26 West or take MAX light rail Open at 9 am. daily • www.oregonroo org S