S '" J o r d a n i t ^ page C2 » ^ March 19. 2008 ’^ . / V l Î l U l f b H I M The Norman Sylvester Band Returns to the Stage Friday, March 28th ~ 9:30 PM - 1:30 PM At The Candlelight Café 2032 SW 5th For more information visitwww.normansylvester.com A URBAN ARTS DANCE COMPANY PRESENTS . The spectacular Brenda Angiel Aerial Dance Company defies the laws of gravity with the use of ropes and bungee cords. Aerial Dancers Excite, Fascinate Founded in 1994. Brenda Angiel Aerial D ance Com pany is recog­ nized as one o f A rgentina’s most innovative com panies. A rtistic D i­ rector B renda Angiel has devel­ oped a dance language that defies the laws o f gravity, suspending her six dancers from harnesses, ropes and bungee cords. The result is aerial dance that transcends the stationary viewpoint o f the audience, subverting the tra­ d itio n a l r e la tio n s h ip s a m o n g weight, m ovem ent and space. B renda A ngiel’s com pany will perform its stunning “A ir-C ondi­ tion,” encom passing riveting solos and duets against a wall, and co m ­ plex ensem bles o f dancers sus­ pended, bouncing and (lying in mid­ air, with 8 p.m. perform ances April 3-5 at Lincoln Hall at Portland State University. A n g ie l's e x q u isite ly train ed dancers excite, fascinate and m es­ merize, and have prom pted John Rockwell o f The New Y ork Times to declare, "A ngiel is the m ost inven­ tive aerial choreographer I have en co u n tered .” Tips from a Legend Legendary singer Sonny T urncr, a hit m aker with The Platters from 1959 to 1971 w ho was in concert last week at the Chinook W inds in Lincoln C ity, shared his advice for young people in an interview with the Portland O bserver: T urner reached out to young m usicians advising them to hone in on their skills and understand their craft by taking m usic very seriously and learning all that you can. He said young people should alw ays m ake education a priority and do their best. “Stay aw ay from the negative pitfalls and obstacles we all face in life such as sm oking cigarettes, drugs and crim e; be positive, work out, eat healthy and take care o f your body at all tim es," he ARTS THEATER H IG H SO K X M . I2OO1 NE SI IAVER • PO R TLAND . OR • 9 7220 PARK RO SE TICKETS «Z O O EOR I If KET INFO PIFASE C A U . HO.» W MSI/ URBAN ARTS, INC • P.O BOX I H t t • PORTLAND. OR • 9/2H said. T urner said it’s im portant for aspiring artists to learn and understand about the contractual agreem ents y o u ’ll need to know when you ge, hired for perform ances. He said know ledge is “one thing they c a n 't take aw ay from you. but the m ost im portant thing o f all is be true to yourself." Sonny Turner