's ‘ri’r 'JJnrtlanh COhserucr Women ! IISTC ) R Y March 19. 2008 Page B7 Local Clinic Draws Protest Protesters line both sides o f Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard on Sunday to oppose a proposed Planned Parenthood headquarters and women's health clinic on the corner of Beech Street. Rally organizers said it was wrong to use public urban-renewal property for an organization that provides abortions as part o f its family-planning services. North Portland Bible College 4905 N. V ancouver A ve., Portland, O R 9 7 2 17 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -2 9 19 • w w w .northportlandbiblecollege.org Spring 2008 Schedule • April 7 -Ju n e 12 Classes to enhance ministry, fo r anyone, any morning or night MONDAY MORNING (9 :0 0 - 12 noon) TBA MONDAY OTS 103 ’ Old Testament Survey, III; Jim Sellers, M.Div.; Isaiah through M alachi The Staples in Concert REVIVAL REVIVAL REVIVAL and Friends Sunday, March 30,h at 4:00 PM Presented by Northwest Voice For Christ ( Community Church 1625 NF Killingsworth Street Portland, OR 9 7 2 1 I Bishop H. L. Hodges, Pastor New Testament Church CM 2 0 3 ’ Ministry of Worship; Jim Newby. M.The. Learn to Implement a biblical concept and spirit of worship TUESDAY 1237 NF Failing ST (corner o f 13th) Portland, Oregon 97212 5 0 3 -2 8 4 -7 5 9 4 BF 103 ’ Bible Lands and Customs; Alan Cushway. THM. M.Div Study the physical and cultural environment of Bible events, for accurate interpretation Services will be March 24. 2008 - March 27,2008 PM 106 7:30PM NIGHTLY ’ Spiritual Formation; Rick Calenburg, Th.M., Th.D. Explore and be challenged to confront the essentials of spiritual growth WEDNESDAY NT 103 ’ New Testament Study III; Rob Robinson, D.M.; Hebrews through Revelation THURSDAY M ORNING (9 :0 0 - 12 noon) BF 101 ’ Inductive Bible Study; Deborah Loyd, M.A.E.T. Develop skills for independent Bible study and teaching THURSDAY Singing! Praising! Worshipping! UM 2 0 4 ’ Ministries to Urban Youth; Linda Thompson, MSW Programs, strategies for meeting the needs of children in the urban setting UM 2 0 1 State Farm® Providing Insurance and Financial Services X" Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61710 V ’ Understanding the City; Richard W hite, M.Div.,Ph.D. A closer look a t the dynamics of the contemporary city and the IT A T I T A tM impact of an effective Christian presence CONDIXTEI)BY EVANGELISTÜEBBIE.IONES LIVELYHOPECHURCH,SPANA WAY, WASHINGTON IM IU A A H C I SATURDAY MORNING (9 :0 0 - 12 noon) GRK 103 Greek Grammar; Daniel W illard, BA NT; Building vocabulary and memorizing verbal paradigms G reek/B ible TH. Elder Leon Brewer Jr. - Host Pastor Michael E Harper All evening classes are from 6 :3 0 - 9 :3 0 pm. • Tuition: $ 1 2 0 per course COMEEXPECTING A BLESSING * Requiredforthe ACM degree in Christian Ministry. Evangelist Debbie Renee Jones is a woman who God uses in an extra ordinary way. When you hear her speak you will truly be challenged to have a closer walk with God. One of her greatest concerns is for mothers and their children, so because of that concern she started the “Mothers of the Light Ministry”. She can be heard on KLAY 1180 AM every Sunday morning at 9:05am. We moved to our new location at: 9713 S.W. Capitol, Portland. OR 5 0 3 -2 2 1 -3 0 5 0 F a x 5 0 3 -2 2 7 -8 7 5 7 Licensed Eslhebcion N o il Tech, Skin Analyst Eddie Lincoln [ Broker Training the Teacher/Mentor Courses for Evelyn Collins Christian Academy (3 credits) ClassisSaturdayfrom 9:00am . - 12:00pm. CE1 0 6 LanguageArts:SpelltoWriteandRead;SandraK.Nelson.M.Ed. M U 080 BasicPiano(lndividual/Grouplessons);ZettaBurton,BA Monday - byappointment only, call 503-709-2905 The First Annual Good Friday Services & Make Up Artist The Albina Ministerial Alliance Invites you to The Seven Last Words o f Christ Service CLOTHING JEWElftY_________ 6O0V SHAPE C QNSUL TING Hart Realty COLOR MATCHING 9738 SE Washington St.. Suite Q Portland, Oregon 97216 Business (5031 252-2121 Fax(503)252-2621 Cell (503)789-0861 E-Mail eddie.lineoln(fl’eentury2l .com Each o ffice Is Independently Local community Pastors, Soloists, & Choir will celebrate in this service. Phone: 503.995.4136 aprljns@yahoo. com March 21.2008 M a r a n a th a C h u rc h 4222 NE 12th Ave. Portland, OR Services: 11:30 a.m. - I p.m. Blood Drive: 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Contact: 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -7 2 4 1 C lear C hoice D ebt R elief Oregon Based Company Owned and Operated W anted and N eeded Church Building (size: sm all to medium) with o ffic e For rent or lease Located in N /N E and inner city Portland Please call 5 0 3 -8 6 3 -6 5 4 5 Credit Cards • Collections • Medical Bills Unsecured Loans • Judgments If you would like to learn more about eliminating you're debt within 24-36 months call for a free consultation All types of services for all types of people. Some people prefer traditional funeral services. O thers prefer cremation. Some want an elaborate ceremony. Then there are others w ho d o n ’t want any ceremony at all. W hen it comes to funerals, then? are as many options as there are people. And we take pride in Ixing able to say we offer them all. 503-594-1560 or 1-888-594-1560 wAvw.ClearChoieeDebt.com V bcrtisc with ilivefsilx in ¿ri!r P o r t l a n h (O b s e rv e r Call -03-288-(M lC T erry ads@portlandobserver.com Ran! Maddux I Ron Rasherry I I I ( 2337 N Williams Ave (503) 249-1788 www.fenytamilyfiirM-rallKHTH'.i om