s Chr ^Jnrtkutb (Ohsertwr Women I IIS I < ) R Y Page B6 March 19. 2008 Celebrating Women ’s History Month Promoting the community continued from Metro H e r re s p o n s ib ility in c lu d e s P D C 's m inority-ow ned, women- owned and emerging small busi­ ness ( M /W /E S B ) and construction w o rklb rce d ive rsity initiatives. She is a member o f P D C ’ s D iversity C ouncil and conducts training fo r PDC staff on topics such as genera­ tional differences and cultural com ­ petency. Burnette previously was a pro­ gram manager at Providence Health Systems, where she assisted the O ffice o f D iversity w ith workforce diversity, com m unity partnering and cross-cultural care giving. She has also served as Director o f Public and employee Relations at the C ity o f Gresham and spent 20 years in a series o f leadership positions at US W est Communications, A T & T Communications, Pacific Bell and Pacific Northwest Bell. Burnette has a B A in Behavioral Psychology from Reed College in Portland. She is a lifetim e member o f the Oregon Association o f M i ­ nority Entrepreneurs and has mem­ berships in the Northwest D ive r­ sity Leadership Forum and A m e ri­ can Society fo r T raining and De­ velopment. She isa member and past D iver­ sity D irector fo r the Society for Human Resources Professionals. She holds a certificate in Equal Em ployment Opportunities Stud­ ies fro m C o m e ll U niversity. Michael Tillery Broker 503.975.8004 Karen Bass makes U.S. history as the first African-American woman to be named speaker of the California Assembly. michael@ bridgetownrealty.com California Lawmaker Makes History Please call me, yo u r neighborhood specialist, fo r any o f your Real Estate needs. M y success is built on a comm itment to quality service. Speaker first to serve BRID G ETO W N r REALTY 1 D3 t=i Change happened this month when the C ali­ fornia Assembly elected Karen Bass as its 67th Speaker, catapulting a I Jcmoeratie woman to the post for the first lime in the state's history, and the first African-Am erican woman to serve in this powerful state-elected role in the country. Bass has been a part o f the leadership since her first term when she was appointed to M a­ jo rity W hip. In her second term, she was e l­ evated to the post o f M a jo rity Floor Leader, making her the first woman to hold the post and the second A frica n American to serve in the position. As vice ehair o f the Legislative B lack Cau­ cus, Bass highlighted the disparities between blacks and other ethnic and m in o rity groups throughout the state. Under her leadership, she was able to im prove the state’ s foster care system. She grew up in the Venice/Fairfax areaof Los Angeles, the only girl o f D eW itt and W ilhelm ina Bass. Her father worked as mail carrier, and her mother, w ho once owned her own beauty sa­ lon, was a stay-at-home mother. “ I'm excited to be a history maker,” said Bass. " I t ’ s an honor that my accomplishments w ill inspire others to get involved in the process to make change a reality.” I 1 MAI Dentures Worth Smiling About! • Professional Services • Affordable Prices • Payment Plans: ()A C • Over 20 years experience • Full & Partial Dentures • Natural Appearance • Full Service Lab • Accepting Oregon Health Plan Melanie Block, L.D. D enturist 503-230-0207 We 've Moved! 200 N.E. 20Ih Ave., Ste 100 Portland, OR 97232 Free parking Your Care Our First Priority Dr. Marcelitte Failla Chiropractic Physician We arc located at 1716 N.E. 42nd Ave. Portland, OR 97213 I Between Broadway and Sandv Blvd. I • Automobile accident injuries • Chronic headache and joint pain • Workers Compensation injuries Church Leader Supports Sister Study Challenges other faith leaders B is h o p V a s h ti M u rp h y M cKenzie, the presiding prelate for the 13th Episcopal D istrict o f the A fr ic a n M e th o d is t E p is c o p a l Church is spreading the word about the Sister Study, a landmark breast cancer study to learn how environ­ ment and genes affect the chances o f getting breast cancer. B ishop M cK enzie also chal­ lenges other faith leaders across the country to help spread the word to women in their congregations and comm unities. "W hen a woman is diagnosed w ith breast cancer, it affects her \d\ citiso with di vet sity m ri,r I.ln rtto j^ lJ b t.e n ie r Call 5 ^ ^ H ) 3 3 ads@portlandobierver.com fam ily, herehureh and the com m u­ nity in w hich she serves. A frica n - American faith leaders can m o ti­ vate women to find ways to help prevent diseases like breast cancer that are plaguing our comm unities. A frican-A m erican women should jo in the Sister Study so our young sisters w o n 't have Io face the dis­ ease." said McKenzie. M uch o f what is known about breast cancer risk comes from re­ search studies in v o lv in g m ostly white women. However, breast can- eer occurrence and survival are d if­ ferent fo r black women, who often develop the disease at a younger age and have more aggressive tu­ mors, than w hite women. Even though white women are more likely to get the disease, black women are more lik e ly to die from breast can- continued from Metro 1-800-THE-LOST Endangered Runaways Call for an appointment! (503) 228-614(1 L A 11 R l A A N G L IN Current Age: 17 Date M issing: Eeb 16.2008 M issing From: Jacksonville, EL C astillo has also conducted in ­ ternational training seminars fo r groups from Latin Am erica regard­ ing strategic planning, leadership development, training o f trainers and other topics. Her public-service record in ­ cludes w orking as an assistant to from Metro served as a vice president at PaeiftCorp. Herexperiencc includes w ork ineleetrieity transmission and distribution, construction and main­ tenance. sales anil m arketing, hu­ man resources, procurement and communications. ..... FARM IN S U R A N C E RY A N B A R R A G A N CurrenlAge: 14 Dale M issing: Jan 25.2008 M issing From: Chicago. IL L1KI. A (i(M )l) NEIGHBOR, SI A ll FARM IS I I I I R I . business consulting firm : C astillo and Associates. C onsulting con­ tracts included projects funded by the Oregon Department o f Trans­ portation. Oregon Economic De­ velopment Department, and T ri- Met to provide technical assistance to m inority and women-owned busi­ nesses throughout Oregon in the areas o f management, marketing, finance, construction and contract opportunities. continued See me for Car and Home Insurance and save. Michael David Holton Aqent 7?23 SW Macadam Avenue Pot: and OH 97219 3076 Bus 503 517 O’ 90 Bus 503-51/ 9000 la> 503 445- and governmental leaders. To learn more about the Sister S tu d y , v is it the w e b s ite sisterstudy.org. A to ll free number is also available at I -877-7837. fo rm e rG o v. Neil G oldschm idt and serving as a state manager o f the Oregon Econom ic Development Depart m ent’ sJohTraining A d m in ­ istration. In the private sector, she has worked fo r A T & T . Pacific N orth­ west Bell, and RESTOR C om m uni­ cations. Castillo is o f Mexican-American decent and was raised in Oakland. C a lif., in an ethnically di verse com ­ m unity. She received a Bachelor o f Arts degree from L in fie ld College and a Masters degree from Port­ land State U niversity. She is married to Gerald "Jerry” Brown and has tw o sons Anthony C astillo Brown and Robert C astillo Mejia. Executive achieves top post BIG S A V IN G S STATE eer. Conducted by the National In ­ stitute o f Health, the Sister Study researchers hope to enroll women whose sisters had breast cancer. When Bishop M cK enzie was elected to her church position in 2000, it represented the first tim e in Chamber leader promotes advancement Have you seen me? Car + Home = Bishop Vashti Murphy the over 200-year history o f the A .M .E . Church in w hich a woman had obtained that level o f Episco­ pal office. In 2004. she again made history becoming the first woman to be­ come the T itu la r Head o f the de­ nom ination. as the president o f the C ouncil o f Bishops, m aking her the highest-ranking woman in the pre­ dom inately Black M ethodist de­ nominations. She has been honored fo r her com m unity service, outstanding achievement and fo r being a re li­ gious role model by a number o f di verse ci vie, educational, business Rolli photos are o f Ryan: lie has a birthmark under his right eye. If you have any information please contact: The National Center lor Missing and Exploited Children 1-80(1-I TIE-LOST (1-800-843-5678) Providing Insurance und I inancial Services this public service announcement provided by the Portland Observer Newspaper. BPA power is produced at 31 fed­ eral dams and one nuclear plant in the Northwest and is sold to more than 140 Northwest utilities. The agency also operates a high-voltage transmission grid comprising more than 15,000 miles o f lines and asso­ ciated substations in Washington. Oregon. Idaho and Montana. Building careers in public service continued from Metro o f Portland Police Bureau donated a police cruiser to the PCC Emer­ gency Services Department fo r stu­ dent training purposes. Robertson also participated in "Project Clean Slate." providing an opportunity for persons w ith out­ standing warrants. D M V issues, and other legal problems to clear up their records w ith public service, educa­ tion and other forms o f restitution. Her career and volunteer a c tiv i­ ties in ( Jregon spans 35 years. This includes being the First A frica n American Oregon Junior League member and recognized as an Out- s ta n d in g Y o u n g W o m a n o f America.