ö',?‘'IJ o rtla n b © b sé ru e r Page B2 Take Your Small Business to the Next Level! Learn How to Do Business with Local Public Agencies The next Doing Business with Local Public Igencies will feature workshops to help your small business io be more productive. operate more efficiently, and become more profitable. You will learn about: Upcoming project opportunities from large construction. architecture, and engineering firms Emerging technology that can help you reach your customers and grow your business Registering your business on multiple agency websites M New laws and regulations for prevailing wage rates etro *(<*»>• In s e tti n g in P o rtla n d s b u m r t PORT OF PORTLAND d < * e c ’ ’3 n When: Greg Wolley, 503.823.6860 g w o 11 e y a c i. po r 11 a n d. o r. u s Gale Hussey. 503.823.5057 ghussey(«ci.portland.or.us Registration: T R I PI)C PORTLAND D E V IL O P M E N Î C O M M IS S IO N PCC Cascade Campus, Terrell Hall 705 N. Killingsworth Street, Portland, Oregon Tuesday, March 25. 2008 8:30 a m. to 4 p.m. (Doors open at 8 a.m.) Information: P o rtland C o m m un ity C o lle g e M E T Please notify the City o f Portland no less than five (5) business days prior to our event for ADA accommodations at 503.823 6860. by the City’s TT Y at 503.823.6868. or by the Oregon Relay Service at 1.800 735.2900. diversity ‘"Print Participate in Democracy Zote Return your ballot by mail or drvp i f o ff at any designated voter dropsite. Call 1-866-673-8683 to fin d a location near you. Jiartlattit QDbseruer I 1970 xt.tblisbcd in om m itttd fa ki/tiM l Itn VUunu XX1IV • N a I - 1 l< wwv, p u rtL in d ü b x n t r eam • O U u farrB 2004 W e e k io Election Ballots On Way 1 "'’Review k M iB n o n illttrrtó u o n A . M í»aU» fit -M - .•« «blAM rlnt •> h * ►»»» .<*■ u n >ud Lei» Hart » tatui/ b«4 totoHt pwtd«»'» *« 4»«d P e o p le o f c o lo r ato«» «to f i n d a p o lit ic a l f i t toward Many Amene M M tJiiMrt»«» Wartime Peer PtlMiktOw rtowtihe Ge »v»rvto» U " i©*»» p«v-i to t the. • povety im i ▼»<• to »feeity t» t rtixt» tton«0«tu a> 'AYto Peat Fetub*- Prowrt Th* iwnitcfic. mmvfcA* pr/tof »A« thaï»»« Y ?9 mills ». Am»n IA» >••'» tot cito», u ,«r> » 4» r M * the l>» h*t» «mild «a»»«tav b» Wh to •«A «<•< R»«*/»« ti»41»a T>». t a t o ! * « • • an« t o «a»»>ai<*« »/»»ibrtatf » » » Attend » Me»«» New» (W»i «M • .»ret »O »(*«a«ena< Oraler C*4F'to «•» r tto f»» Ferme OneetOna ßa»»«rta* Ctotw®’ M un0ite> •'« ><•»* F>nv I » no» tro» V« retool Premiere bonds live theater to live basketball lernB»ah -«*««' T**»t rw «to Pi' T1» *-» tO «« u » e> v»»utert»lt««i»! »t).»<« ■ th*r< ■»' »■••»l»V*»».»-rl«» X ."»•ei», r tutte»'. Ttoar» pt»««e > tit»?* • -tr^ h«»x». «»1 eJy » ■— ‘------ --- Ff M l, « 1» h*>*»-l 1>OV m k » k » X “Uta rnnm «T W ► ' r»,| "*!••. n» itw rto. P e kn h U I th» anlm»» '' ..»Ibid» The intimate <4-<- w> »«ri «i n»ar» mt s Ho»k»e Ih m 1 Arti. Oe» T I • « r «ilt«n»»>l oH Ir theater in the manti ue K ilt a ih "ith< nr» 4«y '•h * ptw to Ab . b-me «kr« • i 1 poæ Mtx ta a t* t a here a street basketball l»»np< « o am IA» l»k»» « ■ » •» v i fevmr Alba. « tot n v e w . p t»'A i” art«» court nomi untes |tFA 't<.»hr r ^ r ^ e v d»o«»«< m t « a » tm» th» «yo« h» lo»« Fm» »tu.lH « Pcniert Trai RleM tj»i nee»u»ti*s^e< ».pt«y »k«« Bu n»p«A h» et».« f<«t March 19. 2008 Zoo Lures Kids In Resources to finance, insure and certify your business. legal advice, and training educational opportunities Where: W o m e n 's I l l s IT )R Y £-e »rtxhtv« p-l«i< tl p«u»< «to» io e«)o mdpemub sunutto vnt» e d Xikh p«tv » th» b*<1 * to ' r«ty u « tokan» « > «i. Cam, re» Pety • fa». l,<«V-b»r< »I «anmtha.toAha «lie»»» ! w t thto .»,th»'rt»'b r «.<»««! art td» bv»l.!hwe»x«»«. '0«*>»*< •> krlac hhcb ptxpb. ’ • tri Mto», »rtto u Sb»«»»th«nün»eatn p t F»"pb •» - -k» mvn.d t p<,Kx< t'r -.'i.ktoietoç ed nil i*t>m> th » k - y »M v >S»U r«i-»< •nrv toKh tm Atve A»u»n, e 'r, *«*« auisitav -tv. P.«ph C» h«v*-tlk“rtk ■<» Artt*'t» ' M Man.* pr-nrt • » r « e hrnme -atto kx«l paty «ed tiaaorsat a mtoave« k’i » f Mt bnaa» «m <•» toRlfmFb »rtxhe ■’« ■ktocey r— pb e «M» p»l» V.Y»te» tota»4 e»»!»"» A» e» «A»»»a»»» «»» To contact UJ’1 ^.lortlaub ODbscruer Call 503-288-0033 or email ads@portiandob server.com Parks Board Recruits Members T h e P o rtla n d P a rk s an d Recreation's Parks Board is cur­ rently recruiting four new members. The volunteer panel advises the PP&R director, the City C om m is­ sio n er o f P arks and the entire Portland's City Council, advocat­ Kicker Checks Returned to Sender » ing for parks and recreation in city infrastructure and providing a fo­ rum for public involvem ent and decision making about m ajor park policy issues. M em bers o f the public- w ho are interested in applying are encour­ aged to find out more about the role, duties, and expectations o f P a rk s B o a rd m e m b e rs at w w w .portlandparks.org. A pplications will be accepted through April 23. Interview s will occur in May and June. (A P) — N early 13.000 O r­ eg o n ian s are m issin g th eir kicker cheeks, each one aver­ aging more than $200. T he U .S. Postal S ervice couldn’t find about 25,(XM) out o f the 1.6 million taxpayers to w hom the tax rebates were mailed just before Christm as. Since then, about 12,(XX) of them have gotten their rebates, most often by calling the state Revenue D epartment to inquire about them. But checks totaling $2.8 m il­ lion are sitting in Salem awaiting c laims from their rightful rec ipi­ ents. T he R evenue D epartm ent says taxpayers can visit its W eb siteorcall l-8(X)-356-4222or503- 378-4988. The W eb address is http://w w w .oregon.gov/D O R / PERTAX/start.shtml. O re g o n 's c o n stitu tio n r e ­ quires the state to rebate taxes if revenues exceed forecasts by more than 2 percent.