March 12. 2008 Page A4 O pinion Opinion articles do not necessarily reflect or represent the views o f The Portland Observer VfÎHG- T o l W oURKl'DS ÏUU? ÇMHoU F o N> er , OHTHt HiOHlY REÇOWÆHPED: War Leaves America Behind Time for a shift of priorities Ji dge G reg M athis Iraq needs to be re ­ built. T h a t's the m essage the su p p o rters o f the w ar rep eated ly use to su p ­ port our c o u n try 's c o n ­ tinuing presen ce in the m iddle eastern nation. T o be fair, it is u n eth i­ cal for one co u n try to invade an ­ o th e r and then ex it, leaving a n a­ tion, and its peo p le, rav ag ed by w ar, forced to pick up the pieces on th eir ow n. H ow ever, the U.S. has no real plan for ex itin g Iraq. T he w ar, and the reb u ild in g p ro ­ cess, will likely continue for som e time. M eanw hile, A m erican cities are cru m b lin g . A nd o u r g overnm ent by Talk Radio Needs to Clean Up Act We cannot stand aside H. M orial A lm ost one year after radio shock jo ck Don Imus sent shockw aves th ro u g h the A fric an - A m erican com m unity with his of­ fensive and inflam m atory remarks regarding the Rutgers University ladies basketball team, it’s as if a repeat o f history is upon us, in an election year in which an African- A m erican candidate has a serious c h a n c e o f w in n in g the W hite House. Back in January, G olf C hannel’s Kelly Tilghm an seriously botched an attem pt at hum or when she sug­ gested that younger go lf players m ight want to lynch T iger W oods in a back alley in hopes o f spicing up the tour. The comment drew I i ttle i 11 wi 11, at least publicly, from W oods, who reportedly considers the broad­ caster a friend, but it prom pted her em ployer to go into full dam age control m ode and suspend her for a few weeks. The controversy precipitated yet another numbskull decision in the m edia, the display o f a noose on the cover o f G olfw eek. There again, quick action rightly resulted - the sacking of the editor responsible. But, believe it or not, it seems that the world o f sports journalism seem s to be aspiring to a higher standard in its response to em bar­ by M arc rassin g and o ffe n siv e gaffes on air than the world of talk radio. Earlier in February, ra­ dio com m entator Laura Ingraham put her foot fully in her mouth and down her throat in her criticism o f P resident G eorge W. Bush’s invitation o f the Rev. Al Sharpton to the W hite H o u se's rec en t B lack H isto ry M onth event. On her national syn­ dicated radio program on Talk Ra­ dio N etw ork, she said she had Michelle Obama," he said. "It's - I'm speechless." As President Bush pointed out soeloquently during the Black His­ tory Month event, the noose repre­ sents "more than a tool o f m urder but a tool o f intim idation" to gen­ eratio n s o f A frican-A m ericans. Nooses no, only robbed some of their lives but many o f their peace o f mind. "As a civil society, we must un­ derstand that noose displays and lynching jokes are deeply offen­ sive. They are wrong. And they Our nation's media outlets should not provide a platform for racial hostility and hateful speech now or in the future. hoped that "they nailed down all the valuables." Then, Fox News personality and radio talk show host Bill O' Reilly ju s t had to inv o k e the p h rase "lynching mob" in reference to M ichelle O bam a's com m ents re­ garding the United States on his syndicated radio show. On M SN B C 's "C ountdow n," W ashington Post colum nist E u­ gene Robinson expressed disgust over O 'R eilly's com m ent. "There's certainly nothing at all funny or rem otely appropriate about the use o f a lynching referen c e about have no place in A m erica today." he said. N either O'Reilly nor Ingraham has been reprim anded by their re­ spective em ployers even though the Fox News personality did offer a half-hearted apology. At least Ingraham didn't drop the l-word but her suggestion that Sharpton, a former presidential can­ didate and respected m em ber o f the A frican-A m erican com m unity and beyond, is a petty thief reeks of race-baiting and negative stereo­ typing o f A frican-A m ericans and black men in particular. But it's hardly the first tim e eith er has v entured into q u e s­ tio n ab le and o ffen siv e territory. How can w e forget O 'R eilly 's le ss-th a n -in fo rm e d c o m m en ts reg ard ing a d in n er he shared last y ear w ith S harp to n at S y lv ia's in H arlem ? O 'R eilly expressed su r­ prise o v er how sim ilar S ylvia's w as to o th e r restau ran ts in New Y ork restau ran ts. "T here w asn't one person in S y lv ia's w ho was scream in g , M -Fer, I w ant m ore iced tea," he said. A s th e W a sh in g to n P o st's R o b in so n sa d ly o b se rv e d on M S N B C ," All you can goby is his w ords and his actions. And he keeps saying these things that sound pretty darn racist to m e.” Has talk radio learned anything from Imus' decline and fall? O f course not, because it didn't take Imus too terribly long to get a new gig- O u r n atio n 's m ed ia o u tle ts should not p rovide a platform fo r racial h o stility and hateful speech now or in the future. W hat kind o f m essage are we se n d in g to o u r c h ild re n , o u r nation and o u r w orld? In such an historic election year, we cannot stand aside and allow individuals use the airw aves as an outlet for insensitive and m is­ guided com m entary. If you hear som ething that offends you, speak up. Marc H. Morial is president and chief executive officer of the National Urban League. It is incomprehensible for the U.S. to spend an estimated $275 million per day in Iraq when America is literally falling apart. d o e s n 't have the funds, o r a stra t­ egy, for rep airin g them . It is tim e fo r the U .S. to pull o ut o f Iraq, re s p o n s ib ly b u t q u ic k ly . T h e m oney we are sp en d in g on this p o in tle ss, u n -w in n a b le w ar is w asting m oney th at can be used to reb u ild o u r ow n co u n try . O ur n a tio n ’s roads, b ridges, sew ers and w ater sy stem s are in need o f a m ajo r ov erh au l. A n u n ­ d erg ro u n d steam pipe bu rsts in N ew Y ork, a brid g e co llap ses in M in n e a p o lis...a c ro ss the c o u n ­ try, w e are seeing ex am p les o f an in frastru ctu re that is aging faster than we can atten d to it. A federal co m m issio n recently calcu lated w hat it w ill cost to re­ pair and u p d g rad e the n a tio n 's roads and highw ays: $225 billion a y ear for the next 50 years. Add sew ers and w ater sy stem s to the mix and that n u m b er increases trem en d o u sly . M A R K E T ’V'W bI°rners ;re®cnption